Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Bring on Summer

Declan is making plans already. He wants to get his tent outside, he wants bubble time, he wants water balloons, he gets excited talking about the parks, the flowers, the birds, he wants a bike and to drive his remote control car outside, he is even looking forward to sitting in the back yard to eat dinner.

Going to be one busy summer!! ❤️

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Did the Easter Bunny Miss Our House?

Just outside Declan's bedroom door was a brand new Star Wars Easter basket. At 5am the little man left his room and crept into ours. He woke me up standing in the dark and said "The Easter Bunny didn't come Mommy."

"Oh I'm sure he did hunny."

"No he didn't. Come 'wook'".

I got up and followed him into the dark hallway wear he showed me his Easter basket. He put his hand inside moved it side to side and said "See it's empty."

Of course my heart broke for him but I turned on the lights and a delighted little man saw all the chocolate lining the sides of the hallway and stairs. 

Still made me sad to think of the few minutes that he thought he'd been missed.

We had a nice Easter, brunch with the family, lots of chocolate and Declan and I both squeezed in a nap.

Late afternoon and Declan and I were chatting. I asked him how it was that I was "so lucky to have him and Daddy. How did I get lucky enough to have you?"

"Because I picked you."

"You picked me? What? Was there some big place full of babies and you got to pick who you wanted for a Mommy and you picked me?"

"Yup. I picked you Mommy."

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Fun Times

"Mommy what colour is your hair?"

"What does it look like Declan?"


"That's right, it's brown."

Daddy asks: "what colour is my hair?"

"Irish black."

Where does this kid gets this from?

Next after eating his breakfast I took a wipe to his face. Joking around as I clean his mouth I said "oh no, I think I accidentally wiped the cute off." 

Declan asked "what did you wipe off? The cute?"

"Oh I was just kidding Declan."

He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself. He pointed to the corner of his mouth and asked "Is this the cute?"

"I was just kidding around Declan. You can't wipe the cute off you."

And then late this morning we brought Declan to see a 3D movie at the theater: Zootopia. Really cute movie. Declan snuggled into me for the last 15 minutes. This of course was after he ate nearly an entire bag of M&Ms.
After we walked out of the theater and along the hallway Declan announces without prompting "I enjoyed it."

He's such an old man.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

The Sun and Moon

"The sun has a plushie and the moon has a plushie too."

"Are their plushies like your Monkey?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen them because I haven't been up there all the way to the moon or the sun. Maybe I need a really big ladder to go up and see."


"How come it's raining?"

"Well it's actually snow that is turning to rain because it's cold up by the clouds and warmer down here."

"Hmmm. So they're snow clouds?"


"Maybe I have to go up on the clouds and lay there all 'comf' and then if I bounce on it the cloud will 'split' rain."

And then I laughed. "Comf"? Where does that come from? He sounds like he's 16.

"I like your car Mommy. It has windows and it has mirrors."

"Oh you like your mirror do you? So you can see yourself?"


Tuesday, 22 March 2016


Declan told me this evening while he was in the bath that he wished Grandma, Aunt Marissa and Alex lived next door.

Looks like some people need to move down here to Milton.

Monday, 21 March 2016


When I got home from work today I was greeted by a very enthusiastic little man. Declan was so happy to see me. I love these warm welcomes.
I knew it was close to bedtime so I wanted every second I could get. Got down to his level right away for a hug and to hear about his day. I was wearing my new necklace - crystal with a little metal circle with the letter D on it - and Declan was examining it.

"I like your necklace Mommy."

"Did you notice the letter D on it? For Declan?"


"Look closely. It's there. Look on the little circle. Can you see it?"

"Oh ya, there it is...and you wear it because I'm yours?"


And heart melts fully.

Sunday, 20 March 2016


Declan had a great weekend. I feel like I barely saw the kid but he had a blast. Pretty much didn't leave his cousin Alex's side the entire time. 

On Saturday we went 10 pin bowling. Declan beat us all. He used a metal frame contraption to roll the ball down the alley but he won none-the-less.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Family Visit

Declan was excited to have Grandma, Auntie Marissa and Alex come down for a short visit. 

When Grandma arrived Declan gave her a big hug. He also told her that his "other Gramma, who's comes with my Poppa, she hugs me too!"

He was full of beans and couldn't settle down. iPad with Alex, gifts from Grandma and Auntie Marissa and Alex, playing his new game with the family (and kicking butt). Then finally all topped off with a bedtime story read by Alex.

Once again I feel like I'm not getting any Declan time myself. 

But I sure am happy for him.

Thursday, 17 March 2016


It sure makes it easier. Dropped Declan off at Kelly's Wednesday morning and flew out to New Jersey late that afternoon. After I arrived Declan had made it home with Daddy so I gave them a call. Got to tell Declan I loved him and would be home soon.
Today I was sitting in the Newark Airport waiting to board my flight home at bath time. Since Declan would be fast asleep by the time I got home we had a short FaceTime call.

He was pretty excited on the call and apparently he was hyper and running about after. He told Daddy "I got to talk to Mommy TWO times. One time yesterday and then one time today."

So technology really is making it easier.

And when I got home I snuck in and gave him a hug and kiss.
He slept through it.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

New Artist

After an hour long discussion around his trying to poop (in a pull-up because he still fears sitting on the toilet) he finally went.
Got him to lay down on the floor so I could clean him up. Declan looks over and sees his toy under the furniture.
"There's my Bacciahcon!"
And then he sings me a brand new song.......
"Declan pooped. I finally did it. Then I found my Bacciahcon under the chair."
The tune was in recognizable but the confidence with with he sang it...fantastic."
All night he found himself to be quite hilarious.
Which is therefor hilarious.
He's got me there.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Got His Way

Daddy and Declan were comparing arm hair. I guess it's a "boy" thing. They were discussing how they are the same but also different. Declan commented on all of Daddy's freckles. So Daddy said "You have freckles too."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. Not as many as me but you do, look."

Declan looked at his own freckles and back at Daddy's. Then he calls Daddy "Freckles" and walks away.

Mid-day we went to a movie so Declan's cousin Maddy came to watch him. He was pretty excited to hang out with her. On our way home from the movie I remembered the numerous times Declan has asked this week and even this morning to go outside and play with bubbles. Each time I've told him "not until it's warm enough for shorts." So I remember this and look at Tyler and say "I bet they're in the backyard playing bubbles. He's clever like that."
We get home, walk inside and see this happy little four year old through the glass of the back door. They played with chalk and bubbles.

Friday, 11 March 2016

My Little Old Man

Out today visiting a couple stores because somebody is so tall, all his pants were too short. While we were at one of the stores I'd given Declan his phone so he could play Angry Birds while I looked for some jeans for him. Another Mom was there looking at the same pants and her four year old started chatting with Declan. They were discussing Angry Birds among other things. After a few minutes of their interactions the other Mom said it was time to go. Declan looked at the other four year old boy and said "It was really nice to meet you."
The other Mom was in shock.
Honestly so was I. Who IS my kid?? He most definitely is a little old man in a kids body. Where did he even learn that from!?!
The other Mom was so surprised. Then she excitedly asks her son "did you hear what he said?" Which he hadn't so she looked at Declan and asked him to say it again.
So I chimed in "Go ahead Declan. Tell the boy again what you said about meeting him."
"It was nice to meet you."
The other Mom tells her son "Say thank you!"

It's been hours. I'm still surprised. This kids social game is on point!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The Bum is Hungry

After Declan's bath I wrap him up in his towel and he likes to bounce in my knees while getting dry. This evening while sitting on my lap he says "It's going to be a surprise."
Before I could get out the words "What's that Declan" he lets out some loud gas...and laughs and laughs.
"Did you just toot?"

"Yup!" Followed by giggles and then another toot.

"Geez Declan, says excuse me."

In the most sassy way "Scuuz me!" And more laughter. Then I pick him up off my lap to stand him on the floor and of course his towel is stuck in his butt cheeks. More laughter ensues as well as a discussion around his bum being hungry. 

And more laughter.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Two Sticks

Auntie T stopped by and brought Declan two little Lacrosse sticks and a ball. Gives the little man a chance to practice and get used to the stick before he starts his Lacrosse class in April. He was so excited!! Was passed the ball back and forth between us and Declan was celebrating. He'd set the stick down and jump up and down. He even tried a little wiggle as Auntie T's suggestion...and demonstration.  Sure will be fun to see him on the floor with the other little kids in April.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Happy Mood

As I was trying to back out of our driveway this morning with Declan there was a cab right where I needed to go. I paused for a moment trying to figure what I'd do. Decided I'll just back up into the driveway behind rather than turn back into the road where the can was. As I start to do this the cab pulls forward and is now right behind me. I was visibly frustrated so Declan asked what was wrong. I explained that I was annoyed with the cab behind me and had tonack up another way to get around. Once we were finally clear of the cab and on our way Declan says "Now we can be in our Happy Mood again." 

He can make it all better.

And then some.....

As we continue our drive he says Spider-Man is his favourite superhero. 

"I thought Batman was your favourite?"

"Oh ya. Batman.

And Iron Man.

And Hulk.

And Wolverine.

And Black Widow."

"Black Widow? Oh you like Black Widow do you?"

"Ya she's pretty, like you Mommy. And she has lips. Like you, and me and Daddy."

I'm going to pretend he stopped at "like you."

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Pink Toys

"Two more Kelly days. Today and then tomorrow. Then it's Saturday. Know what we're doing Saturday?"

"No. What?"

"We're going to Chelsey's house for a visit."

"Chelsey's house!?! Yay! I get to play Barbies with Chelsey!!"

I'm constantly entertained by this kid.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Mr. Sassypants

Yesterday morning when Declan was getting dressed he put on his "Karate" pants. They are fuzzy jogging pants with a stripe down the side of each leg. He calls them his Karate pants followed by two little leg kicks. So yesterday as this occurred I asked him "where did you learn about Karate?"
He lost his smile, got this serious look on his face and said "we're not talking about that Mommy."
"I just want to know how you know what Karate it."
Sternly "I said we're not talking about it."
"Declan, you're not in trouble or anything. I just want to know. Was it from a book, from cartoons, from where."
"Well then I guess we're not talking then."
So in silence he finished getting dressed, cleaned up a few things, then I moved him stool over to the sick and said "ok let's get your teeth brushed." 
To which he replied "So we're talking now?"

I fear for the teenage years because this is four.