Declan was pretty excited to be going to the Drs. I think that because of his toy Dr. kit and watching Doc McStuffins TV show he was anticipating everything the Dr. would do.
First thing, the nurse checked Declan's height and weight. At just over 40 lbs Declan is in the 85th percentile for weight. So for a kid who tells me he never eats at Kelly's and who tells Kelly he doesn't eat at home he weighs more than average. For height he stands 111 cm tall or just over 3 1/2 feet tall. That's puts Declan at the 97th percentile for height. He's tall but as the Dr. said, not concerning tall just tall. He just has to be eating.
After the nurse was done the Dr. came in and checked him over. She checked his ears, and monkeys ears too. She checked his mouth, nose and eyes, his reflexes, his belly, his heart, blood pressure and spine. Happy to report...he's lookin' great.
After she was done the nurse came back in. First question "do you like Lollipops?"
"Yes." It was needle time.
We had already told Declan early in the room that part of his visit would be a needle. We tried to explain that it would hurt, kind of a sharp pinch but that it wouldn't last. We reminded him again as the nurse prepped him arm.
When he got his first needle he was a little surprised as the pain set in but all he did was lower his head and his face turned a little red as tears than ran down his face. He let out some little sobs as he leaned into Daddy for comfort. Daddy wiped his tears and told him it wouldn't hurt long. Rather quickly Declan was recovered and the nurse gave him two she said "Two, one for each needle."
So then came needle number two. This time Declan knew it would hurt and he was trying to watch the needle as it approached his arm. I held his arm still and told him to look at me. Needle number two - zero tears. He still wasn't pleased but he sure was tough. Declan did tell us that he didn't like the needles.
Successful visit. Yellow sucker on the ride home. Great job!