Monday, 4 May 2015

He Says It All

On drive to Kellys this morning Declan told me he was going to have banana and toast with Jam for dinner because it's his favourite, but he has to take more bites, it's not going in the garbage, we have no money.

So naturally I laughed my but off. I'm guessing Daddy told his he was wasting food and to stop. I love it!

After work today I took Declan outside with me to look and see what new things are growing in the gardens. Then we hung out in the backyard for a little while. Declan watched an Ant crawling along. He said he was "cute" and then as the Ant crawled up the wall he said "Bye Ant!" Followed by "he goes really high Mommy!"
Then Declan noticed the storm drain "wow so tall. It goes all the way up. Wow." He is looking at our house and says "I need to look from back here." He stands by the gate looking back at the house in awe. He sees the bedroom windows and points his out. Then says "I love our house." I told him I loved it too.

Then he asked me to throw him over the gate like Walter (in the Muppet Movie - proceless).

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