Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Bad Idea

So a Lego Advent calendar is not a great idea for a not quite 3 year old. He doesn't yet understand time and waiting. A very happy Declan opened up day 3 and got a Lego snowman. A snowman without a face. He really would have preferred one with a face. Then he wanted to open another. I try again to explain how it's one a day. He cries. I tell him he has to wait. He gets a tissue to wipes his tears and goes about playing some more. He disappears back into the kitchen for 30 seconds and comes out yelling that he got a policeman. I look at the advent calendar. There are no additional squats open. How in the world? Little bum reached in through day two and managed to reach behind the door of day 11 and drag the bag out. Unreal. Now he's not getting anything on the 11th.
He's also lost the head to his day 1 Lego guy and the spare knob from atop the mailbox from day 2.
Chocolate would have been easier.

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