Over the monitor this morning I could hear Declan making money noises.
When I went in to get him he said "ooo ooo ooo" monkey wants Ba-nah-nahs.
Then we come downstairs into the kitchen to find his finished Robot costume. Declan practically inhailed all of the air in the kitchen before yelling "wooooooow!" At the sight of it.
Then he said "I go in my Bobot costume and get candy and chocolate and chips!"
He gets it.
All day he kept trying on his costume. So excited.
Finally Grandma and Poppa arrived for dinner. Declan couldn't wait he kept going to the door wanting to get ready.
My sweet little robot. He was such a good boy. Listened so well. We visited about 15 houses before heading back. I think Grandma and Poppa had a good time handing out candy.
Declan loved greeting trick-or-treaters at the door just as much as going out himself. He was on a sugar high and running all over the place.
Such a nut.