On Monday Declan helped Daddy pack for the cottage. Though he had never been to a cottage before we'd really talked it up so the boy was excited. He even let Daddy put a hat on him because you "have to wear one at the cottage".
We left Milton about 2:30pm which means he'd gone without a nap since waking at 7am. He fell asleep about 3pm and only slept 30 minutes in the car. It was a four hour drive which had us arrive about 6:45pm. Declan spent the last 50 minutes of the car ride throwing his monkey rattle at my head. We were both laughing the entire time. How a kid who can barely throw properly could manage to hit me square on the forehead or nose, when I wasn't even looking directly at him is shocking. So much fun and we arrived with a happy little man.
Declan ran right to "Grandma!!" soon as he saw her. He was also pleased to see a "baby" which is actually his cousin Holden who is four months older than Declan. They got along quite well.
Up past his bedtime on the first night we got him down for bed pretty easily in anticipation of a fun first full cottage day on Tuesday.
The cottage was perfect. A nice big sand area for Declan to spend time scooping sand into the wheels and getting all over himself.
Then there was the shallow sandy beach so perfect for Toddler wading.
Tuesday was a full day and trying to sit Declan down for a dinner too close to his bedtime just didn't work out. We ended up putting him to bed with a full bottle but no real dinner. This resulted in a hungry boy Wednesday morning. When we got him out of bed he said "go upstairs. Put food in da mouth." I always knew he'd tell me if he ever got real hungry.
On Thursday Declan had the longest, busiest cottage day. In and out of the water, running around, jumping with the frogs, went for his very first boat ride with daddy, yelling at a squirrel to leave our BBQ hot dog buns alone, sat on a big swing with Grandma and his cousin Alex and demolished sandcastles Mommy built. Whew! No surprise, he slept really well.
On his final morning he woke me up by staring at my face at 7am. He then got in some more sand and water time along with some fort time with Alex. He also put away nearly three while pancakes Grandpa made from scratch. It's no wonder he cried for the cottage when we got home. I bet he though the cottage was heaven.