Sunday, 31 August 2014

Name Callin'

I forgot to include this one yesterday. Declan burped right in my face. I said "you just burped in my face" to which he replied "I burp". I said "yes Declan you burped in my face."
He replied "Burp Face." And proceded to laugh historically. 

This evening was pizza night. Homemade pizz night. Declan was my little helper. Turns out he loves pizza sauce. When the pizzas were in the oven I have him a taste. He said "it's good". Then he'd leave the room only to run back in and ask for more sauce, about 10 times.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Such Development

I'm amazed. Just when I think he's grown so much he shocks me again with such changes. 
Just a couple days ago I'd come home and ask about his day. He'd usually just ramble in mostly repeating what I'd just said. Today I asked if he had a good day with Daddy and he said "yes" before proceeding to tell me about the day.
WHAT!?!? How did that happen?
He's so big. Just so big.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Our Morning

Nothing special really. Just me and the kid hanging out. He tackled me a few times and he chose to sit on my lap so that was awesome. But really, we just hung out. Just a normal awesome day.

Thursday, 28 August 2014


Just a normal day. I had the day off so I got the entire morning with Declan. We hopped in the car and visited another park near our neighbourhood. One we hadn't seen yet. He's such a happy kid at the park. He sat down with a couple of older girls making bead bracelets and then he was all over the play structure. He's gone down the big twist slide and it was fast enough to intimidate him. Every time I asked if he was going on the slide he'd say "no".
Then a five year old named Aiden showed up. He took to Declan right away and was trying to get him to play super hero games. Declan seems older thAn he is because of his height. I kept tryig to explain to Aiden that Declan is only 2 1/2.  They still played great together and Aiden was able to encourage Declan to try the slide again. This time he loved it. The two of them kept going on the slide over and over. Felt bad for my little man when Aiden had to go. He stood at the slide saying "bye" as Aiden walked away. On the positive Daddy surprised us and showed up. He got to see his brave boy on the big slide in person.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Swimmin' and Runnin'

A spontaneous visit to see Auntie T, Madison and Josh ended up being, me driving back home to pick up our swimsuits, come back to find Declan cuddled up with Auntie T (what the!?! He's really not much of a cuddler), then quick change into bathing suits and it was pool time. Right away it was "1 - 2 - 3!" and Declan tossed in the air. He loves to be thrown up in the air in the pool. He likes a splash but not going too far under water. He was fine jumping into the pool too but always holding my hand. Lots of sun and fun, tired himself out so it was home for nap time.

After nap time Mommy, Daddy and Declan went to Hutch's for dinner on the beach. Afterwards we walked along the lakeside path for about an hour. Declan is so happy to just run ahead. There were some tears when it was time to go but overall it was a great little outting.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Me Too

  This last week of August we have no daycare as Kelly is on vacation. Luckily Monday and Tuesday mornings Gramma was available to come hang out with the little man. Declan certainly doesn't mind at all. Unfortunately both mornings it was hot and humid outside so they were stuck indoors (even indoors he can tire Gramma out with the constant activity...and cuddles, there were cuddles).

I managed to steal a few cuddles myself on Monday morning before heading off to work and then...over the phone Monday evening Daddy got Declan on the phone and said "Tell Mommy 'I love you Mommy'" to which Declan responded with "Love you Mommy". Awwwwe, perfect. My heart nearly burst.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

The Magic Words

So the hugs still make me feel special however today, this takes the cake.
Daddy was heading out to the grocery store while Declan and I hung out in the TV room. Daddy said "see you soon". I said to Declan "say 'bye Daddy'" to which Declan promptly and "bye Daddy!"
Then I said "say 'love you Daddy'" and Declan responded with "Love you Daddy!"
We both froze. I yelled "did you hear that?"
Tyler said "I did."
I asked Declan to say it again "love you Daddy."
And he did "love you Daddy!"

Wish it was Mommy but I'm sure in time he'll finally do it.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

That Means I'm Special

This morning we happened to run into a little festival downtown Milton. It was completely geared for small kids. Declan got a red animal balloon doggy, practiced kicking a soccer ball, almost entered a bouncy castle (bounced on the entry step instead) and was frightened by a giant frog mascot. Busy morning.
Overall he's feeling a bit better today and ate a huge dinner. Then I watched as Daddy tried to get Declan to wrap both arms around him for a hug. He wouldn't. Then Declan went right to me and gave me a big, two arms around my legs hug. Daddy was jealous. Turns out Declan only gives me the big wrapped, two arm hugs. So for now. I feel special.

Friday, 22 August 2014

The Bandaid

Declan has a scrapped up elbow. A big area where he's now got a fair size scab. Tyler and I have no idea how this happened. It's been there a couple days yet neither of us were present for his hurting his elbow.
I showed him the boo-boo in the mirror. Then we cleaned it up with some alcohol (he cried), then put on some polysporin (he cried) then applied his Phineus and Ferb Bandaid. The bandaid was well received, thankfully. 
I heard that a new bandaid was needed after his nap. Hopefully his elbow looks a lot better in the morning. Poor guy. 

Thursday, 21 August 2014

The Photos

When I'm at work all day I will ask Tyler to text me a picture or two of Declan cause I miss him. Here are today's:

1) this was supposedly taken after a full emotional breakdown.

2)  what would seem to be an 80 yr old woman in my 2 1/2 yr olds body. This picture is just weird.

I love my little dork.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

High Tolerance

Today we came to uncover that Declan's toddler molars are finally making their entrance. Declan has one new molar through and another just peaking out through inflamed gums. (Two more buried still).
We are so lucky. Had no idea that he was teething right now, and the molars!!! Declan has quite a good tolerance for pain.
Makes sense.
He ran, tripped and felt into the table with the middle of his forearms, even scratched up his skin. He froze, cried out for maybe 10 seconds, pushed me away and went right back to tearing around the house. (I feel like such a whimp)

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

My Nerd

I love that I come home to a dancing fiend. There are Bubble Guppie songs playing on the TV and my little man is dancing around in circles. Daddy has him swinging out his elbows as he moved and then I get in the mix by clapping my hands so Declan then spins around in circles clapping his hands over his head. What a nut.

Loving routine my guy ends each bath the same way. Stands up, pulls the plug, jumps when you go to pick him up out of the water, waits for his towel, asks for monkey, you pick him up and cuddle him for a moment on your lap before laying him down to dry and diaper the kid. Tonight he doesn't want the cuddle. He says "lay down" and I reluctantly obliged while saying "I knew one day he'd be done with the cuddle". As I'm laying him down Declan says in response "Come on already." 
Then he laughs. 
He thinks he's hilarious. 
He is.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Arrival With Love

When I pulled into the driveway today I saw Declan standing at the front door. When I got out of the car and started walking towards the door I could hear "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" And he was jumping up and down. I stepped inside and my little guy wrapped both arms around my legs and squeezed.

I'm his forever.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Full Day

After getting Declan up and having breakfast all together I stole Declan away and took him to play at Chudleigh's Farm. We hit the farm animal area first. Declan really isn't too interested in animals. Just doesn't seem to care. There was a small amount of interest over chickens until the rooster crowed really loud and Declan wanted to leave. 

So on that we headed over to the giant play structure. Declan was keen so we climbed a big ladder together, strolled over the swinging bridge to the top of the big slide. We sat down together at the too and "whoosh!" Holy S&$T! That was fast. We flew off the end. 
"Want to go again Declan?"
And that was that.
We'd been there a whole 20 minutes max.
Then jackpot.
A mini barn and huge pit of sand. The kid LOVES sand. 

Declan spent over an hour playing in the sand. Sometimes with other kids and other times happily on his own. He just loves it.

There were tears when after being there for an hour and a half we needed to head out. We picked up some sidewalk chalk for later and were on our way home.

Just minutes after getting home Grandma arrived. She graciously hung out with Declan through his lunch and some time before his nap so Mommy and Daddy could head to a movie. Sounded like he was a good boy and even put himself to bed for nap time. What a nut.

After his nap Declan and I played out back with the new sidewalk chalk making lots of pictures on our back patio and followed that up with water balloons to help clean everything up. Then even I was getting tired. After dinner and a bath Declan was off to bed and it certainly didn't take him long to fall asleep. What a fun, filling day. 

Love him.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Green Percy #6

Declan and Daddy had a great day. While Mommy was at work the boys took a trip to Daddy's work for some train table play time. First time Daddy has ever left the diaper bag in the car and Declan has a huge, wet, smelly poop. Not 10 minutes after getting there. So they have to go back to the car. This does not go over well with Declan who was so excited for playtime and doesn't want it cut short. He doesn't believe Daddy when he says they'll go right back inside so Daddy had a crying Declan the entire way back to the car, throughout the entire diaper change and he only started to calm down as they walked back inside. 
Totally worth it though because they both had a great time. Daddy got to show off his boy to his coworkers and Declan played with trains and some other kids for nearly an hour. 
Daddy also picked up TWO new trains for Declan. 
He got Percy: kept calling him "Green Percy number 6".
And a Freight car that plays music when you push the top button: Declan kept pushing it over and over the entire car ride home. So cute (and I'm certain a bit annoying for Daddy, but cute).
I came home to a very happy boy.

Friday, 15 August 2014

A Couple of Firsts

1) Declan and I baking together for the first time.

2) Declan running full speed along the blacktop behind what will be his school in two years. Ran about 50 meters full out. He was so proud of himself (but no more than Mommy and Daddy were of him).

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Hugs and Discoveries

Declan was at Kelly's today. As per normal routine Daddy picked him up. While Daddy was talking to Kelly Declan walked past, opened the door and walked outside to wait for Daddy on the front porch. Kelly responded to Daddy's look of surprise with "oh ya, he can open the door himself." Good Daddy that he is he made Declan walk back inside and say "bye" to the other kids and say "thank you" to Kelly.

When I got home from work and was standing at the front door fumbling for my key I could hear Declan inside yelling "MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY!" I love my welcome home.
Once inside I asked Declan for a hug. He ran at me with his arms open and when he hugged me he squeezed as tight as he could. It was awesome.

And finally watching Declan in the bath tonight he had me in stiches. First he excitedly dumped a cup of water over his head. He didn't realize what he was doing and wore a brief look of panick. Next he leaned over and was sticking his tongue out to touch the water. And lastly he had discovered his nipple. Specifically the right one and was repeatedly pouring a cup of water over it. 
Kids. Ha ha ha.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Love Hurts

When I left for my late shift yesterday at 5pm Declan took it hard. There were a lot of tears. My heart broke. Looking back at him standing with his Daddy the whole time mouth wide open and tears down both cheeks. 
Man that was rough. Daddy says he didn't cry too long though he still talked about me for a while.
So it was great to be with my kid all day today. 

With only 3 hours sleep it was still easy to be up for Declan. He was super cheery and we got in some park time in the morning. I gave him freedom and he ran around on his own. He played with some other kids sand toys, used another's sidewalk chalk and repeatedly tried to get the basketball from two older kids who kept denying him. After all the kids left he was all over the play structure and wanted to go down the slide. Still holding one of my hands until, third time down, he didn't wait, he just went. 
And just like that. He doesn't need my help on the slide anymore. He's a big kid.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Back to Normal

Monday. Just a normal Monday. Daddy back to work and Mommy too so Declan was off to Kelly's. He was thrilled. Ran all the way from our parked car the Kelly's front door. Immediately found her ceiling fan remote control, didn't miss a beat. He had a great day with the girls.

This evening he was full of beans and running all around. Showed us he's got jumping finally down as both feet now leave the floor when he jumps. Growing up.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

We Were Both Sad For My Return to Work

Five day vacation over as I had to head to work for 1-10pm. Had a nice morning with Declan but then I had to go. He cried. I cried on the inside. I've sure loved being with my little man from sun up to sun down this past week. So need to win the lottery.

Nicely Daddy sent me a video of Declan saying "Hi Mommy" for me to watch on my dinner break. 

Looks like Declan could be participating in his first formal athletic venture. He's pre-registered for a Toddler gymnastics program this fall. A simple program designed to build agility, balance, coordination and speed. I hope he loves it.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Over the Shoulder

We have a little green stool. It sits just outside the bathroom and it is for Declan so he can reach the bathroom sink.
He picks it up, puts it down in front of the counter and steps up to either brush his teeth or wash his hands. He can reach the taps and knows which is the cold. When washing his hands I help him with the soap pimp and then watch as he runs his little hands together and then proceeds to rinse them off. All the while Monkey is laying on the counter beside the sink. When he is done and his hands are dried he picks monkey up, throws him over his right shoulder then bends down to pick up his stool. If Monkey slips at all he sets the stool down and adjusts monkey before continuing to pick up the stool and move it back outside the door. He looks like such a little man I can't help but giggle.
This afternoon he was taking some garbage to the kitchen waste basket and needed two hands so Monkey was once again over his right shoulder. He seemed to struggle a bit with the garbage container and it was then that he looked into the garbage and yelled "Monkey. You in the garbage Monkey!" He pulled Monkey out of the trash and said "You ok Monkey?" We were laughing so hard it was minutes before we thought to check Monkey to make sure he wasn't dirty. 
Monkey is fine. 

Friday, 8 August 2014

Cottage Living

On Monday Declan helped Daddy pack for the cottage. Though he had never been to a cottage before we'd really talked it up so the boy was excited. He even let Daddy put a hat on him because you "have to wear one at the cottage".

We left Milton about 2:30pm which means he'd gone without a nap since waking at 7am. He fell asleep about 3pm and only slept 30 minutes in the car. It was a four hour drive which had us arrive about 6:45pm. Declan spent the last 50 minutes of the car ride throwing his monkey rattle at my head. We were both laughing the entire time. How a kid who can barely throw properly could manage to hit me square on the forehead or nose, when I wasn't even looking directly at him is shocking. So much fun and we arrived with a happy little man.

Declan ran right to "Grandma!!" soon as he saw her. He was also pleased to see a "baby" which is actually his cousin Holden who is four months older than Declan. They got along quite well.

Up past his bedtime on the first night we got him down for bed pretty easily in anticipation of a fun first full cottage day on Tuesday.

The cottage was perfect. A nice big sand area for Declan to spend time scooping sand into the wheels and getting all over himself.

Then there was the shallow sandy beach so perfect for Toddler wading.

Tuesday was a full day and trying to sit Declan down for a dinner too close to his bedtime just didn't work out. We ended up putting him to bed with a full bottle but no real dinner. This resulted in a hungry boy Wednesday morning. When we got him out of bed he said "go upstairs. Put food in da mouth." I always knew he'd tell me if he ever got real hungry.

On Thursday Declan had the longest, busiest cottage day. In and out of the water, running around, jumping with the frogs, went for his very first boat ride with daddy, yelling at a squirrel to leave our BBQ hot dog buns alone, sat on a big swing with Grandma and his cousin Alex and demolished sandcastles Mommy built. Whew! No surprise, he slept really well.

On his final morning he woke me up by staring at my face at 7am. He then got in some more sand and water time along with some fort time with Alex. He also put away nearly three while pancakes Grandpa made from scratch. It's no wonder he cried for the cottage when we got home. I bet he though the cottage was heaven.