Saturday, 11 January 2014

Hospital Visit

After a couple days of coughing and a LOT of snot Declan got a fever.
Our little guy was shivering all through lunch. Then after his afternoon nap he laid on our bed and let Daddy rub his belly for a half hour.
That's not our Declan.
Daddy called me at work. I left right away and came home to check the Muffin man's temperature.
First his ear: 102.4
Then his forehead: 101.8
And we were off to the hospital.
Not after some Tylenol to see if we could get it down.
Little monkey was pretty good the entire time we were there.
Just a virus. He has a raw nose and lots of mucus, a nasty cough and yes, that fever but that's all. The Tylenol helped and his temperature was normal while we were there.
A regimine of fever medication to keep his temperature down and they sent us on our way. Otherwise he is a healthy kid.

And he had a super cool hospital bracelet for a couple hours.

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