Friday, 31 January 2014

Bedtime Batman!

Declan wore his Batman PJs to bed tonight.
Then Daddy and I hear him singing his theme song over the monitor "da-da-da-da-da-BAH-BAH-BAH-BAH. Due-wah, due-wah. Da-da-da-da".
He just kept singing for about ten minutes. That was followed by about an hour of chatter with Monkey and Pooh Bear. 
Best sounds ever.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

My Helper

Declan wanted to help me fold and put away the clean laundry.

He helps by pulling all the clean laundry out of the laundry bag and onto my bed and the floor.
Then he left me.

This evening hanging with daddy they text me a cute selfie while I'm at work. Love them.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

"Bye Mommy"

A much better start to the daycare day. I got Declan out of his crib and let him do what he wanted. Turns out he just wants to hang with me. That was easier. He helped me get his bag ready, helped pick out his clothes and said "teeth" when it was time to brush his teeth. Still some tears when I actually started to he him changed but not too many. 
He was a happy chatty little guy on the drive over and he we happy to get to Kelly's. He cuddled with me a few minutes and finished that morning bottle.
Then it was a hug, the as he walked away he said "Bye Mommy" and that was all. Declan started running around with his friends and was happy.
This was a good morning.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

3 Tantrum Fun Day

A day off for me and freezing temperatures outside meant Declan and I needed something to do but indoors.
I decided we'd go to Skedaddle Kids.
Nice morning, finished up a good breakfast. Then time to get dressed and there it is...tantrum number 1.
Another wrestle my child to change his diaper and get him dressed morning. If he'd only understood I wanted him dressed so we could go play...geeeez.
And then we were off.
Declan LOVED Skedaddle Kids. Two full hours of playing that included running, climbing, slides and a ball pit. My little guy couldn't contain his excitement. There were squeals and even shaking with energy.

When it was finally time to go everything was going very good right up to the moment when I picked him up to put him in his car seat. 
Tantrum number 2!
Declan went full "straight as a board" and there was no folding him into his car seat. Had to leave him like that, start the car so it would warm up and turn the radio up until he finally lost the energy needed to keep it up. I then went around and sat him up properly so I could buckle him in.
Then my Declan was great the rest of the day...until Tantrum number 3. Turns out that even if he's already undressed because we'd just bathed him he loses his mind when we try to put on a new diaper. What could possibly be the reason for this one?
Thank god he sleeps so well during the night and for his afternoon nap or I wouldn't have the energy.
9 days.
9 more days until 2.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Full Out Scream

What a morning.
Wake Declan for daycare. He doesn't want to get up. He's sitting in his crib and when I try to pick him up he cries.
But we have to get going.
So he cries and then he wants out of his bedroom to go play. I tell home no because we have to go to Kelly's. 
Then he holds the door handle and sobs softly for 3 minutes.
I let him be sad for a bit but I had to get to work, Dclan would have to cooperate.
And cooperate he did NOT.
He didn't drink any bottle until we were at daycare. Instead I picked him up from sitting at the door and started to get him out of his pjs.
Holding his legs straight when I needed them straight and curling him up when I needed him bent. My legs and arms were wrapped all around him.
He is fuly red faced, tears streaming down his cheeks and the volume....unreal.
20 minutes to get one little boy dressed...full tantrum the entire time.
When we left the house he didn't want his hat on so I pulled it right down over half his face so he couldn't see me and it helped calm Declan down.
I'm looking forward to getting out to do stuff with him tomorrow so I really hope tomorrow starts off better.

Sore tired.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Ball Ball

I find Declan so amusing. This morning he took off running to which I yelled "look at you go, run, run, run!"
He was running along, then made a wide left turn, I thought for sure he was going to hit the wall or bathroom door it was so wide. Then just as he turned in towards our bed he lost his balance and clocked himself off the bedside table.
With his head.
This poor kid.
He cried for maybe 30 seconds on my knee then he wanted down and he was back playing.

After I left for work Declan and Daddy drove to Wal-mart. Rather than a car Declan too interest in the big cage of balls. When they walked past he was trying to get Daddy's attention. They walked back and then Daddy pointed to different ones until Declan decided on a purple one. He held it the rest of the time in the store. Daddy took it from him briefly so he could pay for it an the cashier then handed the ball back to Declan to hang onto as they left.

Daddy and Declan spent the rest of the day playing with "ball ball". Even the cat got in on the action.

Big Boy Milk

Declan was coughing all through the night. It sounded like it was hurting his throat. Thought for certain he'd wake up cranky but quite the contrary. Daddy said Declan was great all day. Sure enough this evening he was laughing and playing, eating his dinner. I sure hope the cough passes soon though.

When I got home I noticed some new groceries in the house.
*tear* we have 2% milk instead of homogenized milk. My little guy is growing up.

And chocolate pudding.
Daddy spoils his boy.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Smart Little Monkey

When we've been out walking in the snow and we're headed inside Declan stomps his boots toget the snow off. He is very observant. Watched Daddy do it, saw me do it, now he can too. Such a copy cat.

This morning I introduced Declan to a new show on treehouse: "Bubble Guppies". I'd never watched it before. It's is a very colourful, very educational show. Declan was watching it quite intently. I think he will be a good little student. He seems to really enjoy learning. 

And spelling.
He pretends he can spell.
This morning it was:
"K - I - E - E"
"K - E - A - X -Y"
Who know what he thinks he is spelling. It's just cute that he's trying to mimic the act of spelling which he's observed of us and on Sesame Street.
Just like how he counts:
"8 - 10 - 6 - 18 - 8"
He's a bit off but he's trying.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Two Weeks 'til 2

That is all we have left before we officially have a 2 year old.
I'm excited.
It's awesome watching him grow and learn each day. Yes there are the tantrums and I know they are going to get worse.

This one was because I wanted to get him into a dry diaper.
They don't go on forever. The moments in between tantrums are great. 
Today he said "apple" perfectly clear.
Last night according to Daddy and today with my own eyes I watched him climb on to the couch without assistance.

He is very good with brushing his teeth now. A big helper and he takes direction well. "Open wide", "now the back teeth", "now your tongue (he giggles here)".
And he was pretty cute today walking around with his new potty seat from Gramma and Poppa.
And he cuddles more now. 
That's probably how he's winning me over.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Daddy's Eye?

Took Declan to daycare this morning and then I worked late into the evening. I have no idea how his day was.
Only text from Daddy said: "Declan is fine but I'm not. He scratched my eye and it's watering so bad I can't see."
That was it.
I get home to two boys fast asleep.
I guess they're both ok.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Declan's vocabulary is growing so quickly right now. It seems we're hearing at least two new words every day. 
He's been able to say "kitty" for a long time but today we also got "kitten" and "cat". In fact today when he saw a commercial for the children's show "The Cat in the Hat knows a Lot About That" he said "Cat in the Hat". 
It really makes you appreciate that this is a little 'person'. 
A little person I can tackle as he walks by and then tickle like crazy while he belly laughs. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Daddy's Birthday

Declan was so much fun today.
Since Daddy was at work it was just me and my monkey this morning. I'm finding him to be more affectionate lately. This morning he'd come over for a little cuddle or lean his cheek toward me for a kiss. Guess that's part of his getting older. I love all the little changes. He was paying extra attention to the cat this morning too; "Hi Kitty" over and over. He listens to and follows directions and he's a big helper. 
Told him I needed a picture to send Daddy at work because it's his birthday, told him to "smile".

After breakfast we got dressed and headed to the mall to get Daddy's Birthday card. Happy kid walked everywhere, he took the escalator for the first time like a big boy (then for a 2nd time....and a 20th time), we rode the glass elevator a lot and then Daddy showed up to surprise us.

Next we drove home for a quick lunch before a solid 2 1/2 hr nap.

For dinner Declan had to feed himself the entire meal including his puréed zucchini - good thing he's eating well again. That earned him some chocolate Birthday cake shared with uncle Scott. 
Lots of giggles getting his pjs on and then he cuddled in for his bedtime bottle. Declan drank only half, then he cuddled for about 10 minutes before getting up and heading off to bed with monkey and Pooh at 7:45pm. Totally his decision. 
He rocks!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Not a Fun Car Ride

After a nice breakfast and some playtime with Grandma and Grandpa we were on our way back to Milton.
Of course there had to be crazy snow and wind most of the drive and loads of car accidents. The on top of that Declan did NOT want to be in the car. We had to try and calm tantrums while dealing with the craziness on the roads.
5 hour drive felt like a 10 hour drive.
But we made it home.
Declan was excited to get another look at his new toys.
And he finally got a bath.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Round and Round

Certainly Declan and Holden should sleep well tonight. The two cousins ran around and around the island this evening. Declan stopped in to get a taste of whip cream every couple of rounds but otherwise it was pretty non-stop toddler action. So nice to see the boys having fun together.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Declan's Busy Day

Our monkey is a busy monkey in Ottawa. After breakfast this morning we drove over to see his cousins and aunts. He played nice and surely enjoyed all their toys. His cousin Holden hooked him up with some trains when they heeded to the basement. There was only one small battle of wills over a bucket with toys in it. Otherwise they were really cute together.
We left a bit later than we should have so our poor Declan tried to sleep in the car, enemy pulled his hat down to shut us out.

He got that nap in back at grandma and Grandpa. After that trains were the choose activity. No matter what we try he just wants the train set. So much to do and see he's barely eaten. 

So tomorrow's goal is to get him to eat.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Little Squeal

What a long busy day for the Muffin Man. Got up at 8am and we got to hang out together all morning. Lots of play time, good breakfast, cartoons and a bath. Then after Daddy got home we had to pack for Grandma and Grandpa's in Ottawa. Declan packed his own robot backpack with all his cars and his leappad. So cute watching him try and carry it with two hands because it's so heavy. 
What a great traveller he was this afternoon. Once we hit the road he passed out for a good half hour nap. Then he opened his eyes but just stared off in a daze for another 45 minutes. He just needs his down time. One short bathroom break at the halfway mark and we were back on the drive. All in all we had about 5 minutes of tantrum. The five hour trip must be measure a success!!
When we arrived Declan had a brief period of 'shy' time. Great news though as it was pretty brief. After a few minutes he was playing with toys in the kitchen with Grandma. Declan surely likes it here. The best part was when we brought him downstairs. He walked into the room, noticed the giant Thomas train table and let out a squeal of excitement before running over to play. He was so happy. I almost felt bad taking him away to get some dinner in him. Don't worry Declan, you will get lots of train time in this weekend.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Super Toddler

Declan falls into a door frame yesterday and gets a nice goose egg. A sweet line down his forehead and it turned bluish purple right away.
This morning I wake him up and get a good look at his head.
He heals so crazy fast!!
He's my Super Toddler :)

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Hey..."Why Not?"

Woke Declan this morning for daycare. He was a sweet little man with a normal temperature.  Poor guy sure was exhausted though. This weekend really took it out of him. 
Off to Kelly's we went. He just wanted to cuddle but he loves Kelly too so he cuddled into her when I had to go. He made it through the day with one extra nap cuz he was so tired. Daddy sure was happy to have him running around playing this evening. Declan was in the bathroom, he helped by flushing the toilet for Daddy. Then he clapped his hands, tripped and fell head first into the door frame. Why not!?! We just can't keep this little man healthy. He has a nice goose egg and it turned a nice shade of purple.
Poor kid.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Fever Dropped

Today was a better day. 
I was home with Declan all day and from the moment he got up this morning right until he went to bed his temperature was in the normal range. Still has to keep alternating his medicine and he still isn't interested in eating...even French fries. He was playing today. Climbed up on the furniture, he ran around a bit and he babbled on for almost an hour in bed. So he's acting more like his usual self. Very good news.
I will feel best if he wakes up tomorrow without a fever. Then I'll know we're on the other side of this.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Rough Day, Rougher Night

Declan wasn't getting any better today. He was home with Daddy with a fever again and not eating anything. Daddy gave him his medicine but he still went to bed at 8pm in a rough state.

I got in from work at 12:30am.  I snuck in to see Declan to check his fever and give him more medicine if needed. He was so restless in bed. Daddy hadn't gotten any sleep either.
When I picked him up and sat him in my lap he vomited all over. All over himself, all over me, the floor, just everywhere. He was so upset. Daddy rushed in to help and we both got undressed, cleaned up and fresh pjs on. Declan's fever is again at 102 so it looks like I will be staying up tonight with a sick little boy snuggled in my lap. 
Poor Declan.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Hospital Visit

After a couple days of coughing and a LOT of snot Declan got a fever.
Our little guy was shivering all through lunch. Then after his afternoon nap he laid on our bed and let Daddy rub his belly for a half hour.
That's not our Declan.
Daddy called me at work. I left right away and came home to check the Muffin man's temperature.
First his ear: 102.4
Then his forehead: 101.8
And we were off to the hospital.
Not after some Tylenol to see if we could get it down.
Little monkey was pretty good the entire time we were there.
Just a virus. He has a raw nose and lots of mucus, a nasty cough and yes, that fever but that's all. The Tylenol helped and his temperature was normal while we were there.
A regimine of fever medication to keep his temperature down and they sent us on our way. Otherwise he is a healthy kid.

And he had a super cool hospital bracelet for a couple hours.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Death of an iPhone

So Declan, we kept telling you to be careful with your iPhone. Don't throw it on the ground.
And then you threw it on the floor at the grocery store.
Now it works no more.

Lucky for you Daddy had another old phone you can play with. It's no iPhone but it lights up and has lots of buttons.

Fun day with Declan even if there were times he didn't care for.

We will see Grandma May in 6 days. Cheer up monkey!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Sleepy Head

Getting Declan up early for daycare, going all day with only one hour long nap and then trying to keep Declan to an 8pm bedtime...not a good idea. Declan was in bed just before 7pm. He's just so tired from his long day. He goes from a sweet, running around, giving cuddles and laughing to full tantrum. Soon as I'm holding him over his crib he smile and is quiet. We put him to bed and he hasn't made a single noise. 
Poor guy.
So tuckered out.
Daycare must have been fun!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Getting Taller

This morning Declan was more interested in playing then getting dressed for daycare. He likes opening and closing his dresser drawers. The bottom one he's done for a while but he just discovered that he can look into the middle drawer now because he's taller. 
The middle drawer is the backup clean monkey drawer. Declan opened the drawer, looked inside, then with a huge smile on his face he pulled out the monkey he discovered. He couldn't stop smiling while he rubbed it on his face. He showed it to the monkey he'd already had in his other hand.
He sure amuses me.
Of course he also makes us late.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

His World Ended Over Clean Teeth

Declan has the worst breath.
We've been bad and simply put off trying to brush his teeth. It's such a struggle getting him to cooperate sometimes so we hadn't yet tried.
Last night I picked up some toddler toothpaste and this morning got his toothbrush and gave it a first go.
Oh my god.
He hated it oh so very much.

His world ended.

Even though he hated it I knew I'd have to try again before he went off to bed. Daddy watched while I asked declan to help hold the toothpaste, open the drawer and then after putting a little fruity paste on the toothbrush I went in and...

He was fine.
He smiled.
After we finished he clapped and smiled. I rinsed his toothbrush and then Declan put everything away.
We all clapped and I told Declan how proud I was of him.

That was unexpected.

Let's see what tomorrow morning brings when I go in for attempt #3.

Monday, 6 January 2014

Holiday Over

Today was Declan's first day back to daycare sine December 24th. Had to wake him up early, he just had to bring Pooh Bear along with Monkey and he was not happy to be woken up. 
Then he was cranky right from 3:50pm when Daddy got him home until I put him to bed early at 7pm. Our Muffin Man has been sleeping in to 8am and taking long 2hr naps for almost 2 weeks. Today was simply too much day for him to handle. Good thing he's home with me tomorrow before having to do the daycare routine for two days straight. 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

When Moms Away...

My boys do play.
Nothing crazy.
They visited the mall. Daddy rented a mall fire truck for Declan to "drive". 
I get pictures.

Daddy tells me Declan liked being up high in the fire truck while they walked around and he was working the steering wheel like a pro.
Nothing crazy but it sure is nice that Daddy makes sure to get Declan out of the house for a change of scenery.

I came home from work to a freshly bathed and happy little guy in his jammies. I had an hour to squeeze in as many cuddles and tickle attacks as possible before bedtime. 

I miss the Muffin Man when I'm at work but I know he loves his Daddy-Declan time.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Song to my Ears

Daddy was taking Declan out to walmart this morning. Declan gets his neckwarmer, hat, coat, mitts and boots on. Daddy picks him up and Declan looks over Daddy's shoulder to me and says "Bye bye Mommy". 

I just love it.

Then about an hour later they get home and I get the sweetest "Huh-eye Mommy". 

Music to my ears. 

Friday, 3 January 2014

The Snowman

Gramma came over today so that Mommy could go run two errands. Lucky little Declan didn't have to endure the cold outside because Gramma came to him.

And she didn't come empty handed.
Poppa and Gramma made a trip to go get snowmen heads!! At Christmas Declan AND Poppa were fascinated by the electronic singing Snowman head. Poppa simply had to find one for himself and he picked one up for his Declan.

Every time the Snowman lights up and sings Declan lights up and sometimes he even dances a little. I wish I could completely understand how amazing it must be to the little guy. How magical it must seem.
Thanks Poppa! Thanks Gramma!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Dancing Machine

My little Muffin man is quite a dancer. Depending on the song we get different moves. Sometimes his arms are up, bent at the elbows and he sways then back and forth. Other time he spins around and around until he is almost dizzy. When a good beat comes on sometimes there's a little bounce in the back end I don't even think he's aware he is doing.

Maybe my Declan doesn't make music but he certainly has an appreciation already.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Spent New Year's Eve at our friends place. Declan got to hang out with Molly (3) and MacGregor (5). That means he got to play with other kids toys for the evening so we had a happy kid. He wasn't interested in eating any dinner however. That simply takes time away from playing. Makes me so happy seeing him just being a little boy, a sweet, happy little boy.

He went to sleep instantly and slept straight through the night. When he got up this morning he was right back to their toys.

The rest of the day today was a very simple start to 2014. Declan played, danced and watched cartoons. A relaxing way to enter the new year.