Monday, 23 December 2013

Spying on Santa

Declan and I were at the Milton mall today. He walked and walked and walked. He had his two best friend: monkey in one hand and Pooh Bear in the other. 

We stopped beside the Santa visit area and I showed Declan that Santa was there.
"Look Buddy, who's that? It's Santa. Can you see him?"
Just then Santa looked over and said in a booming voice "Hello there!"
His voice made Declan jump.
"You coming for a visit today. Do you want to tell me what you want for Christmas?"
Declan smiled at him and babbled a little before Santa had to turn away to see his next visitor.
I think that was a perfect visit. No fear and he got to see the Big Guy. Just no pictures. 

Good thing he's not too serious about the whole 'naughty or nice' thing.
After a wonderful walk around the mall with a little bottle time sprinkled in we then hit catastrophe levels.
Declan saw a cell phone display in front of a store.
He wanted them.
All of them.
He sat his butt down and had a tantrum right there in the mall.

What used to be lots of "oh how cutes" as we walked the mall was now lots of people checking out the screaming child. Thankfully I find it humorous and I don't get embarrassed by it. I had to pick him up screaming and walk to the other end where we'd parked. He screamed the entire way. I think even Santa pretended he didn't know Declan as we passed.

I really had such a fun time with him though.

In the evening I managed to get a height read on him. He is currently 2ft 10.5 inches tall. That means Declan is officially half my height. He will be a tall monkey.

A tall monkey who pees in the tub.
Just saying.

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