Sunday, 3 November 2013

First Revisit

We've been so lucky with Declan's nighttimes. He's off to bed about 8pm (and that's at home or when we visit elsewhere) and he's either right off to sleep until morning or he plays in bed a little before falling asleep until morning.
This evening he was off to bed at 7:40pm and because we'd just set our clocks back on Sunday he was very tired and fell asleep immediately. Then at 9:35pm he woke up and was crying. Poor guy, we suspect he's still dealing with some teething pain. I'll admit I was kind of excited to go back in and see him. Brought some Tylenol and some milk. Picked him up out of his crib and snuggled him for about 5 minutes while he drank some bottle. Hen monkey was back on his face and after a little kiss on his cheek he was right back down to sleep again. Loved it.

What else did I love tonight?
Declan spent about 15 minutes walking across the room then back to me and gave me a big kiss, then he'd walk across the room and turn back, walk over to me and give me another big kiss. Just kept this up the entire time.
Unsolicited Declan kisses are the best kisses.

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