Saturday, 30 November 2013

1st Santa Claus Parade

We took Declan to see his first ever Santa Claus Parade. Bundled up in his snowsuit, hat, mittens and boots we found a spot up front where Declan could easily see all the parade activity. 
He loved it.
When the first entry came into view he made his classic "oh" face. He was surprised at what he was seeing.
He was smiling and clapping, some entries he even gave a  "thumbs up" (which is weird because I didn't know he knew how to do that). He really liked the dancers all lit up and all the cars and trucks.
One of the trucks startled Declan when it blew its horn unexpectedly. He pulled monkey up over his face for a moment until he was over that little fright.
It was freezing cold but watching the enjoyment Declan got out of the parade warmed my heart and brought me to tears. He's awesome.
Unfortunately because it was really cold we had to cut it short. After an hour we left and that meant that Declan didn't get to see Santa this time. Next year we will be better prepared.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Baby Monkey Too

I'd swear Declan was sleeping sitting up. When I walked into his room this morning and turned up the lights he was already sitting up but his eyes were barely open. He had in his hands his monkey (of course) AND his monkey rattle. So basically the mini monkey version of the original monkey. Seems Daddy let him bring the 2nd monkey to bed with him. Declan was so happy to show me the pair and he sweetly made them kiss and then he giggled. So we decided maybe the little monkey should come along to daycare with monkey blanky and Declan for the day. 
And Declan also decided he needed to bring his iPhone to daycare as well. It's like he was off to his baby job. I'll have to look at it tomorrow and see if he took any photos while he was there today.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Busy Evening

Our little man usually wears footy pajamas to bed but last night Daddy put Declan to bed in a pair of fleece bottoms, some socks and a long sleeve top. 
I go in this morning and find that he's been busy in the night.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

He Needs a Helmut and Face Sheild

There was snow on the ground this morning so I thought Declan might enjoy a nice walk outside. All dressed for the cold air he had his boots, his puffy coat, hat and mitties on. No surprise, monkey came along for the adventure. Declan wasn't interested in playing with the snow but he loved waking in it. When we got to a part of the sidewalk that was bare he'd try to walk on the grass in the snow. 
"Go go go!" Declan would shout and we'd both run. 
He was so independent and didn't want my hand...until
One of the times where he ran on the bare sidewalk he tripped and fell straight down, face first. I don't think he put his hands down to protect himself. His face hit the ground. Poor little man got up with a bloody lip and boy had it swollen up good by the afternoon. 

So many tears.
Oh and he cried so much he got the snottiness nose.
No tissue.
Had to open my winter coat and use my shirt.
Boogers all over my shirt.
So today I grabbed a few packages of tissue for my pockets cuz that was kindof gross.
Love him.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Hard to Leave Him

Tonight Tyler and I had tickets to a concert. A night out for us without our little guy. He could tell we were gettig ready to leave, he didn't want me out of his sight. He had a hand on me holding on while I tried to put my boots on. I just love him. Broke my heart. He was tears and sobbing for a little while after we left but eventually he remembered that auntie T is fun and he perked up. 
Can't wait to see him in the morning so he knows we came home to him.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Stealth Moves

I laugh so hard sometimes at the odd things Declan does.
Monkey was on the floor. Declan was standing over him. He turns his head and looks at Daddy then very, very slowly he starts crouching down, knees bent. His upper body barely moves as he very slyly reaches down for monkey. He does this with a straight face. Never taking his eyes off daddy.
What the?
He's such a character, literally. It was such a mature form of humour. This kid is simply way beyond his almost two years in expression and comedic timing.

Sunday, 24 November 2013


The Muffin Man was pretty excited this morning when Daddy got him his very own chocolate dip donut.

All he wants really is the chocolate off the top.

Which means Declan was full of sugar this morning. 

And we had a wired child for the rest of the day. Nap time almost didn't happen.

Making the day a little more interesting Declan fell...again...into yet another table...this time zero blood but he's swollen under the other eye...and he picked his scar off the original wound.
Uggg...what a day.

Feeding Friends

Hayley and I met at the Hawthorne Cafe this afternoon so that we could catch up while the little men played together. There is a nice big play area and lots of toys for the boys to play. They were so sweet playing together. They got along very well. The best part was when Declan was feeding pieces of cookie and banana bread to Owen. Owen was a willing recipient and Declan was so pleased with himself.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Worse Today

Why does a healing eye need to look worse two days after. Poor Declan literally has a black eye now as the swelling has gone down but now he has a nice purple eye. He doesn't care though, he's running all over and walking backwards. 

Thursday, 21 November 2013

The Morning After

Swollen and a nice slice. Declan's eye does look a bit rough but he's happy as always. His little bandaide had come off and was stuck to his pjs. A scary night for Daddy but Declan will be fine. Whew!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


I had such a great morning with my little man. He was so well behaved and he cuddled with me so much. I can't believe he sat with me for 20 minutes while I talked on the phone with Gramma. Declan was telling her stories that involved a lot of "no" and there were sweet "hi's" and "bye's". We had a great time hanging out before I had to head off to work.
Daddy too was having a fun time with Declan this evening...
That was....
Our mobile child was giggling and running around, lost his balance, fell into the chair, slipped off the edge of the chair and bounced the corner of his eye off the corner of a table.
So much blood.
Lucky he didn't hit his actual eye. Once he was cleaned up and bandaged he was happy and playing again.
Poor Daddy was shaking. Quite a scare he got.
I can't wait until the morning so I can get a look at his battle wound.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


Declan has become such a big helper. All day he has been taking his garbage to the garbage, his diaper, snack wrappers, Kleenex. He put his bottle back in the fridge himself and he put all his groceries away in the pantry. 
He's a big boy now.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Makes Me Proud and He Makes Me Smile

I'm so happy to see him in the morning. I love getting him out of his crib, I love giving him his morning bottle, I love getting his diaper changed and getting him dressed. When I put his shirt on I stand him up and he cuddles into me and smiles. When we're getting dressed to head to daycare Declan helps me with his shoes and mitts. 
At daycare in the morning Kelly goes on and on about what a good boy he is before offering to adopt him yet again.
I think we'll keep him.
When I got home from work I could hear a discussion with daddy regarding whether or not I had just gotten home that ended with Declan running to the door to see me. He helps me with my boots and gives the best hugs.
I feel pretty lucky.
And I'm off tomorrow so Declan and I will spend the while day together running errands...and he's the best company.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Sick Got Us

After a lovely day in the leaves and a nice dinner a sore throat got the best of me. After Declan went to bed last night I went right to sleep. Got up this morning and felt awful. So bad that I had to miss breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa May. Declan and Daddy still made it though.
It is weird for me to think about Declan's outings that do not include me. I can see from the photos that he had a great time.
When he got home he was so very good while Daddy ran errands. Declan played nicely with his toys then snuggled in with me and watched some TV before lunch.
I had to go into work for a little bit this evening so I also missed Declan's bath and bedtime.
Now I'm laying in bed listening to a horrible cough coming through the monitor. Seems the sickness got Declan too. Poor wee guy. Hope it doesn't last long. For all of us.

Saturday, 16 November 2013


Got such a laugh this morning. Tyler and I both went into Declan's room to get him out of bed. When we opened the door he was standing up and he says "Hi Bitches".

Ok, ok he didn't clearly say that. "Hi" was for certain and then that's what the second part 'sounded' like. We'll never know for certain.

Grandma and Grandpa May came over and had breakfast with us before Grandma May, Declan, Daddy and I headed out to Rattlesnake Point for a nice long walk in the leaves. Worked our way through the leaves with Declan in his stroller just dying to get out and walk. Finally we obliged and he was so happy. He walked along holding mine and Grandmas hands, then mine and Daddy and then for a short bit Daddy and Grandmas. He was doing so good he got to walk for a bit all on his own. Then finally, we officially tired him out as he for the first time ever wanted back in his stroller. Amazing. He polished lunch off in the car on the way home and went straight to bed for a two he our nap when we got in.

After Declan's nap he played with Grandma. Go Baby Go Dinasaur was a good time he didn't want to end but alas we were off to meet up with Grandpa at East Side Mario's for dinner.

Declan was a very good boy at dinner. He played with a straw, drank some apple juice from a cup, ate some bread and his peas, broccoli, pear dinner. My tired boy was off to bed less than 20 minutes after getting home. Such a fun day!!!

Friday, 15 November 2013


This morning was day number four in a row at daycare. Declan didn't mind a bit. He was happy to be heading there and was happy to see his friends. As the other Moms would drop their kids off and leave Declan would wave and quietly say "bye". This mornings "bye" to Caleb's Mom was extra special because it was Caleb's last day. Too bad, as Declan seemed to play very well with Caleb. Another little guy will take his place but at only 1 year old, Logan will see so much younger than Declan. He will have to be the helpful bigger kid now. Kelly magically got five little ones to sit perfectly on the steps for one last photo with Caleb. Declan looks so big, with his little hands clasped.

This evening after dinner Declan waited patiently for his visit from grandma and Grandpa May. He was happy to see them but still a little shy at first. He then warmed up quickly, giving kisses to Grandma and walking around. 
A short visit though because bedtime came quickly. In the morning we'll see Grandma May early and then they have the whole day together to catch up. 
(Be careful what you say about us mister).

Thursday, 14 November 2013

So Tired, Off to Bed

What a difference Declan is when he is tired. Whine and cry for nothing. Wants to be held, no wait, don't touch him or he cries. It was non-stop. All through his bath he was whiney. Lots of tears and then, yay, lots of snot. 
But he is clean,
And he is ready.
Tomorrow Grandma and Grandpa May will be here.

First Entire Sentence. The Question?

A lot of laughter this evening. Dancing. Running. Cuddles. Some of my favorite things.
There were squeals and a high pitch screech followed by immense pride - he loves it.
Then the best question:
"Where 'da kitty go?"
So very clear and to the point.
Declan must love that cat.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Maple Baby

We put Declan to bed in fresh, clean pjs. When he gets up in the morning he smells like he had a pancake buffet in the night.
Why does my little man smell of Maple Syrup?
It isn't an unusual thing.
It's his norm.
Maple Baby.
I'm not making this up. My kid smells of maple syrup after a good nights sleep.
No idea.

This evening after Declan's dinner was long ago finished Daddy and I finally sat down to some chicken and potatoes. Declan was running around so I called him over and gave him a piece of chicken. He walked away. Then he walked back with his mouth open, made a gagging sound, reached in and pulled the chicken out of his mouth and then threw it on top of my food on my dinner plate.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Monday Muffin Man

I don't usually have Mondays off, what a nice change. Was at home, just me and my little man for a couple hours this morning. He was is a great mood but he doesn't sit still for too long.
Gramma came for a visit about 10am. Declan was big smiles when he saw her. There were a few kisses, some hugs, high fives and fist bumps but even a Gramma visit doesn't slow him down. Declan just keeps walking and walking. It's no wonder he doesn't want to get up in the morning and he takes such long naps. I wish running around tuckered me out like that too.

Sunday, 10 November 2013


My Muffin Man is such a sweetheart. Watching him play with his toys tonight, he takes two of his monster figurines and makes them kiss. Then he takes his Teddy Bear and his Elmo and makes them kiss. He is so happy when he does this. Then he kisses his Teddy Bear. 
He likes love.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Snottasaurus Rex

That was his name today. There has been a LOT of fingers in nose as of late and the running pretty frequent. Sure was a good helper though as he walked his used tissues over to the garbage himself. Thanks bud.

Friday, 8 November 2013


Day three in a row and number four for the week, brought Declan again to daycare this morning. He sat quietly at the front step with me, non-too eager for me to leave. Then I picked him up to say goodbye and gave him lots of kisses before setting him down. He walked away and straight to Kelly and wanted up. She was so happy she said to me "did you see that? Put that in your blog" and proceeded to pick him up. He got the comfort cuddle he needed while looking back at me heading out the door. Then tears.
Sure wish I could have stayed home bud.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


I don't think I've written yet about how happy I am Declan started saying "yes" and not simply "no" to every question I'd ask him.
It is feeling more like genuine responses. I ask if he had a good day at Kelly's and he says "yes" before a long line of babbling.
I asked him if he loves Mommy and he says "yes".

Turns out he also speaks dog.
Daddy says that when he brought Declan home from daycare today they saw Auntie T's puppy and Declan said "hah uh hah uh hah uh" with a little tongue out. I hope it was something nice he said.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


He kills me. This evening he's walking back and forth in the TV room. He's putting so much effort into the loudest "uhhhaaahh" he can make. He just keeps repeating with a serious look. So...much...effort.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Movie Day

Declan and I made a trip to Walmart this morning. Had to grab some cleaning products and we also picked up a copy of "Monsters University". I was so excited for Declan, Daddy and I to watch the movie all together after Declan's afternoon nap.
Cuddled up in my lap with his bottle Declan really seemed drawn into the movie. 
That was...for about 10 minutes. He spent the rest of the movie walking around, playing, waking some more.
Turns out he just has no interest in the movie. When it ended Daddy out on Phineus and Ferb again which elicited cheers and claps from the little man.
Guess I will have to wait a little longer for my Declan movie dates.

Monday, 4 November 2013

It's Different Now

Got Declan out of the car and set him down. He's standing beside the car when I reach back in the car for his daycare bag...look back...he took off.
Kid can move.
Thankfully he hadn't gotten far, just fell on the frosty grass of the lawn at Kelly's neighbors house.
Geeeez Declan. Wait for me.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

First Revisit

We've been so lucky with Declan's nighttimes. He's off to bed about 8pm (and that's at home or when we visit elsewhere) and he's either right off to sleep until morning or he plays in bed a little before falling asleep until morning.
This evening he was off to bed at 7:40pm and because we'd just set our clocks back on Sunday he was very tired and fell asleep immediately. Then at 9:35pm he woke up and was crying. Poor guy, we suspect he's still dealing with some teething pain. I'll admit I was kind of excited to go back in and see him. Brought some Tylenol and some milk. Picked him up out of his crib and snuggled him for about 5 minutes while he drank some bottle. Hen monkey was back on his face and after a little kiss on his cheek he was right back down to sleep again. Loved it.

What else did I love tonight?
Declan spent about 15 minutes walking across the room then back to me and gave me a big kiss, then he'd walk across the room and turn back, walk over to me and give me another big kiss. Just kept this up the entire time.
Unsolicited Declan kisses are the best kisses.

Saturday, 2 November 2013


I only had an hour with my Muffin Man today due to an early start/late end workday. So of course I took in every moment of that hour. We walked together, ran together, I built towers with his shapes, he destroyed them and then took the shapes away, he helped rearrange everything in my wallet (wait maybe "help" wasn't the right word choice) and he emptied out my lunch bag, put stuff back...and emptied it again.
Seriously. I loved it.
Then the best part was his walking, losing his balance, stumbling, correcting himself, then saying loudly "whoa"!
I think he's hilarious.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Holding Hands

It really was just last week that the Muffin Man would constantly demand that I take his hands so he could walk at will with help. His "Dee dah" order while reaching for my thumb was non stop. 
Tonight he is walking all over, back and forth and even in circles. 
Tonight, he doesn't want my hand at all.
Daddy too. It either of us reached for Declan's hand he pushed us away. He can do it on his own now.
Then just before bed as I'm saying to Daddy "he doesn't need me now", on cue Declan reaches for my right hand and we walked together.
Love him.