Friday, 19 July 2013

Fabulous Summer Day

I was off work today and I had the most wonderful day with my Muffin Man.
Declan was up at 8am and we hung out all morning. Cuddled, watched Phineus and Ferb, had some breakfast, pooped, well Declan did, and then it was time for his morning nap. Whew.
While he was napping I got everything he'd need for lunch and swimming for the afternoon packed in his diaper bag then brought it out back with his excersaucer for our visitors.
Gramma, Poppa, Nick and Jayme came over while Madison and Josh, even Auntie T joined us for pool time. Still so great in the water. Declan played in his shaded floaty for a long time, then he was free and playing with me. I tossed him high in the air to elicit giggles. Declan is funny, one moment he's holding tight to me and the next he's trying to swim away...which he can't. What is he thinking? I even set him on the side of the pool, he had a big smile and held onto my hands with his (keep that in mind...not me holding his hands, Declan holding mine. It has to be on his terms). He was 'scootching' forward anticipating the fall into the water. He was so excited. When he leaned and fell into the water he even went under a little. He's tough though, all good. Then he floated around in a little boat. His cousin Nick pushed him around so he was kind of a bumper boat, squishing into everyone. Then he played with his Auntie T. She'd put all if his 5 animal toys in his boat and he'd toss them back out feverishly in her direction. Declan was having such a good time. Then he had some more excersaucer time before his afternoon nap.
Such a good little guy. I had a blast hanging with him. He had a bath and wet down to bed at 8pm without issue. Of course he stayed awake for an hour and even had a gigglefest around 8:40.

Sweet dreams little man.

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