Sure do miss him though. Can't wait for Friday.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Take in Every Moment
It's the day before I open my new store and I knew I wouldn't get home before my little man was off to bed. It was a reminder. Sometimes you don't get everything you want but don't focus so much in the loss, take in and live in every moment. I had a great morning with Declan even if it was only an hour. It makes everything so much easier too when I see how happy Declan is when he gets to Kelly's for the day.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Super Charged
I got home late from work to a tired Daddy and a little mister that wouldn't sit still. My oh my, our Declan was hyper. I could hear him right away talking away and when I saw him he just kept zipping around moving toys from one spot to another, backwards skating crawl and then lots of "Mom-eeeee, mom-eeee's".
Oh not to get my attention or anything. That was just the noise he chose to make.
Now he still went down for bed right at 8pm and not a peep.
8:40pm, then he was right awake and he played with his musical light up plane toy for 15 minutes before he finally fell back asleep.
Where did he get the energy?
Monday, 29 July 2013
Monster Buddies
Declan was digging through his toy box this evening. He was looking for his little monsters. Daddy helped him find them all, then Declan put them all on the ottoman together one by one.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Sunday With My Boys
Nothing special really. Just a nice day with my boys. A fun family day.
During Declan's morning bottle Hunter was laying by my side and within reach of Declan's feet. Declan stretched out and touched Hunter with his toes. He giggled, then broke out into a real hearty laugh. Declan loves the kitty.
Declan, Daddy and I went to Yogurty's on Main Street. Declan had his very own bowl with some mini M&Ms but he had a few tastes of Daddy's yogurt.
When we got home our Declan needed his afternoon nap. When I took him off to bed he was singing, actual singing. "Da da da da da" was the simple lyrics, the melody I couldn't place but it was most certainly sung. Now he's an entertainer.
Before bedtime today Declan got in some practicing walking. Walking holding only one hand. He was very smiley. I was so proud and all three of us clapped with pride.
He's sleeping now. He's the best (or as Daddy says, he's adorable).
Saturday, 27 July 2013
A day with Daddy my little Muffin Man really moves it. He gets around so fast and sometimes he ends up crawling sideways. "Skating backward", "crawling on the stop" and he stands, he crawls, he sits, he stands...quite a busy boy.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Drinking Bath
Declan is now playing with a 2 handled Canucks drinking cup while in the bath. He fills it with water then holds it to his mouth and sticks his tongue in. He's sucking up the water.
Too funny...he likes to stick his mouth into the cup when it's not full and then say "ahhhhh". Then Declan laughs at himself over the echo sound it makes.
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Better With Inflection Than Actual Words
When Declan is looking through his toy box and pulling different toys out Daddy always says "Hi Elmo" each time Declan lifts Elmo out of the box.
Today Declan takes Elmo out and immediately says "ahhh eh eh". That's right. He mimics inflection rather then actual words.
By careful attention we 'get' what he's trying to say or as it would appear to others; yes, we understand 'baby talk'.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
His Own Self
Today Declan was hanging with his cousins Madison and Josh while Mommy & Daddy were both at work. He really enjoys them and reports are that Josh was dancing for Declan and Declan was clapping in amusement. Doesn't sound like he was missing us at all.
This evening after work, watching Declan sit and play with his toys I'm so amazed as his independence. He does little shoulder checks now and again to make certain we've not left him but otherwise he is just content to play with his toys on his own. Tonight he was excitedly playing with his drum. He got really excited about how he was doing, did a quick little check to see if I was watching then he continued with it alone. The cutest was watching him play with his little people's pirate ship. Turning the wheel, running out the plank, opening to door and moving the little pirates around the deck. He amuses himself, he must have a good imagination.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Daddy's Wrapped
Our little Declan has Daddy's heart but good. When Tyler gets home with Declan after daycare they have certain routines. These start with Declan having a bottle while being cuddled by Daddy. Next Daddy turns Declan around on his knee and leans down so that they can look each other in the eye. Today when this happened Declan reached out for Tyler, pulled him close for a kiss then a sweet hug. Daddy is totally wrapped.
Monday, 22 July 2013
Country Visit
This morning Declan and I headed out to the country to visit friends that just moved to Lynden. Nancy and her little ones MacGregor and Molly.
Soon as we got there Declan was down crawling around, checking out their toys. They were excited to have him there and they initially started running all around him. I saw the little look of panic in his Wes as he turned and quickly crawled back to me - just too much all at once. Then they calmed down and he had fun playing with them. Declan especially likes playing with older boys. He was thrilled to sit with MacGregor and pick up his rock collection and put in the jar MacGregor was holding, then dump them out and do it all over again. He even got to go in a little wagon ride to the corner store with MacGregor at his side to make certain he wouldn't fall out. It makes me very happy to watch how good he is with other kids.
For lunch Nancy made everyone grilled cheese sandwiches. Declan ate an entire half sandwich in his own. He loved it.
Best part of the day however was after dinner when Declan was playing in the living room with his toys, he stops for a moment, turns around, crawls over to me and give me a kiss then goes back to his toys.
Unsolicited affection from my prince is the very best.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Morning Naps are for Suckers
Our Declan was up past his bedtime last night so we knew he'd sleep in this morning. That's right, 9am. Such a good sleeper. We got up, had his morning bottle, cleaned up dressed and it was off to see Grandma and Grandpa May, Aunt Marissa and Alex for brunch. It is great how well he will sit in a high chair in a restaurant. Very well behaved.
Declan was being thoroughly entertained by the two balloons he and his cousin Alex scored. Declan loves playing with his cousin. Alex can really get him giggling.
After brunch it was goodbye as they were soon to be heading back to Ottawa. Kisses all around but especially for Grandpa as Declan decided he had to go back for a second goodbye.
Next up we stopped for groceries on our way home. That was without a morning nap. The little guy toughed it out. Declan had a late lunch when we got home and then Declan and I went out back for a little swim before his afternoon nap.
In the pool Declan was so comfortable. He floated along in his baby ring, throwing toys around and sticking his face in the water. First his chin, then tongue, then he was putting his entire face down into the water. He loves it.
A good boy for Daddy all night while Mommy was out at work. Sundays are the best.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Family Visitor Day
Our lucky little man had family visitors today: Grandma and Grandpa May, Aunt Marissa and his cousin Alex. Daddy tells me how happy he was playing and hanging out with his company. After his morning nap they hit the road and headed off to Vaughan Mills. Aunt Marissa fed Declan his lunch in the back of the car. When they made their way to J Crew I got a quick visit myself. It was awesome seeing how excited the Muffin Man was to see me. Got to show him around a bit before they were on their way.
After work I rushed to meet them all at the Works. They'd been there since 6:30pm and I only arrived at 7:50pm. Declan was being so good. By the time we were all done and ready to go Declan had been sitting in that chair for over two hours and he was good the entire time. What a trooper. He really seemed so very happy to have his family all around. He especially had a great time with his cousin. As we walked down the street after dinner Alex kept tickling Declan and he would squeal with excitement. Up past his bedtime and no complaints. Declan you're the very best.
Friday, 19 July 2013
Fabulous Summer Day
I was off work today and I had the most wonderful day with my Muffin Man.
Declan was up at 8am and we hung out all morning. Cuddled, watched Phineus and Ferb, had some breakfast, pooped, well Declan did, and then it was time for his morning nap. Whew.
While he was napping I got everything he'd need for lunch and swimming for the afternoon packed in his diaper bag then brought it out back with his excersaucer for our visitors.
Gramma, Poppa, Nick and Jayme came over while Madison and Josh, even Auntie T joined us for pool time. Still so great in the water. Declan played in his shaded floaty for a long time, then he was free and playing with me. I tossed him high in the air to elicit giggles. Declan is funny, one moment he's holding tight to me and the next he's trying to swim away...which he can't. What is he thinking? I even set him on the side of the pool, he had a big smile and held onto my hands with his (keep that in mind...not me holding his hands, Declan holding mine. It has to be on his terms). He was 'scootching' forward anticipating the fall into the water. He was so excited. When he leaned and fell into the water he even went under a little. He's tough though, all good. Then he floated around in a little boat. His cousin Nick pushed him around so he was kind of a bumper boat, squishing into everyone. Then he played with his Auntie T. She'd put all if his 5 animal toys in his boat and he'd toss them back out feverishly in her direction. Declan was having such a good time. Then he had some more excersaucer time before his afternoon nap.
Such a good little guy. I had a blast hanging with him. He had a bath and wet down to bed at 8pm without issue. Of course he stayed awake for an hour and even had a gigglefest around 8:40.
Sweet dreams little man.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
I really can't say it enough. Declan is the happiest little man when he gets up in the morning. It doesn't matter who gets him up, you go in his room, turn on the light and there he is, big smile.
We are so lucky.
I am so very excited to see what becomes of my little man as he grows up but as each day passes I'm sad that another day is behind us.
Can't wait to see you in the morning Muffin.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Declan likes to put his finger in my mouth and examine my teeth. Weird. I guess it's part of how he learns.
Tonight he was touching my lips and teeth. Then he just stared at me. He looked very intently at my eyes. He's so sweet. I just loved watching him looking right at me with such intrigue. He's a curious little man.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
We've finally found two 'meats' Declan will eat enthusiastically:
1) Bacon. Hey...why not!?
2) Hot Dog
So not healthy but at least we're getting some meat in him that isn't puréed.
Why not try something else new...
Gave Declan a crunchy white piece of iceberg lettuce. He had a 'gross' face for 5 minutes until he could finally pick it out. Next challenge, finding a vegetable he enthusiastically eats. One that isn't puréed (he already loves purée vegetables).
This is fun :)
Monday, 15 July 2013
Giggles Through Dinner with Daddy
Daddy, looking away from Declan makes a sound "ahhhhhhuah" then quickly looks at Declan.
Declan laughs and can't sit still.
Daddy does it again.
The giggles build and then there's a squeal.
Daddy does it again and Declan can barely contain his belly laughs.
Declan looks away and does his best baby version "ahhhuah" and looks back at Daddy.
I couldn't help myself and broke out with full belly laughs...Daddy too.
And of course Declan, realizing he's making us laugh continued to do it again and again.
So much for the last two bites of dinner.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
So yesterday we were in Bowmanville visiting friends. Declan had been a bit out if sorts; different environment, missed his afternoon nap, woke early from morning nap. Made for overtired baby that didn't want to eat. Dinner wasn't happening and bedtime was an ordeal. We put him to bed and he cried for 10 minutes. Then he had full belly laughs for about 5 minutes followed by more cries for another 10. He was so overtired. He ended up sleeping in until 9am. When we woke him up this morning he was sleeping facing down with his butt in the air and monkey over the back of his head.
On the drive home he fell asleep for 40 minutes and he never sleeps in the car any more. He was just that tired. Then when he went down for his afternoon nap he didn't make a noise and he slept for a solid hour and a half.
Oh and how could I forget that yesterday afternoon Declan fell face first down one step onto the deck. He cried but only briefly. He was scared more that hurt. He really is a tough little guy.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Back Tickles
This morning Declan was sitting watching his Phineus and Ferb while I was sitting behind him. I was tickling his back and neck and he would shiver and giggle. Then after I stopped Declan looked back at me, grabbed my hand and pulled it toward his back.
Ok Declan, I can tickle your back longer. Love you.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Was leaving the house this morning, taking Declan to daycare so I could head off to work. While holding him in my arms Declan spotted a bird fly by and land on the street curb. As I was saying to Declan "did you see the birdie?" He was whispering sweetly "birdie". Yes he already knew what the new creature was.
Declan truly is trying to make noise; he babbles constanding (and at daycare with Caleb too). It's is a regular thing at daycare.
Very sweet. Kelly sent a photo of her son hanging out with Declan.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
He's Off
Declan's cousin Madison was in babysitting duty today. She had him from morning right until 1:30pm when Daddy got home.
She did a great job, Declan was good but the funny part was....
When Daddy got home he heard Declan crying. He walked in on Madison carrying him back to the TV room and she said "he got out". Ha ha ha...he's great if you keep him in his sectioned off area but he will just take off if given the chance and boy oh boy is he unhappy if you pick him up and brig him back.
Silly Declan...don't give your cousin a hard time.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
The Cleaner
So amusing to watch Declan's behaviors. After getting ready for bed and drinking almost his entire bedtime bottle Declan decided he needed to play a game of clean up.
He would turn his bottle upside down and shake it to get sprinkles of milk out. Then he'd grab a paper towel and wipe it up.
Then again...
And again.
Then I took the paper towel so Declan used a blanket.
He got a good laugh out of it too.
Please tell me he's going to love cleaning forever :)
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Hot Diggity Dog
I worked late yesterday and was back in early this morning so I got an update on Declan's Monday night just this evening. Here's what I uncover:
1) Declan was hanging out with his cousins Madison and Josh. Madison got the dog barking and Declan chimed in with little "Buahk! Buahk's!" My little mimic.
2) for a new treat Declan got to try hot dogs. Daddy cut them up into safe little bits. Declan was a bit hesitant at first then he dug in. Now typical to meats he chewed on it for the longest time, dinner we really drawn out but so happy we've got a meat he's excited to eat.
3) and finally while visiting with family for Uncle Scott's birthday Declan let it a very clear "damn it!"
Whoa whoa Monkey, what's the trouble and where did you learn that one!?! Little people...they really pay attention.
Monday, 8 July 2013
My Happy Little Bean
Spent the morning with my little guy. He was all smiles when he woke up and so sweet and a little cuddly this morning. He sat down to watch Phineus and Ferb, looked back, saw me close behind him, then he slowly wiggled his way back to lean against me while he watched his show.
Love it!
Sunday, 7 July 2013
17 Months - My Big Boy
At 7:50am this morning we hear our little guy start babbling from bed. From the playpen he slept in overnight in Chelsey's room.
First sleepover!!!
So sweet. He was awake and chatting. We walked in to get Declan hoping not to disturb Chelsey who normally sleeps in much later and there she was standing in we crib smiling at us. So both babies were up and ready to go.
The wee ones got in some more baby play time this morning, they ate breakfast together and then we were off.
Back home Declan wet down for a morning nap before lunch and some quick errands. He was great the entire day. We had dinner with Uncle Scott, Auntie T, Madison and Josh followed by some chocolate ice cream cake shared with his uncle.
Putting Declan to bed this evening I asked him who was his favorite and he said "Mama".
Yes, I prompted him.
No, it didn't mean any less to me because I did.
Today I got to be his favorite.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Baby Date
Declan and Chelsey had a baby date day!
A visit to the park, a nice long nap in the same room, playing in the yard at the water table, splashing in a baby pool, a game of crawl chase where Declan had the lead and then lights out after dinner.
They are sleeping so soundly.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Could Watch For Hours
My Declan has an adorable little thing he does sometimes during play. When he's digging through a box of toys or his bag of building shapes he does a frantic little digging move. It's so cute. He's going at normal speed, looking at toys then all of the sudden he's dig, dig, dig at high speed. Then back to normal. Wish I had some idea of what goes through his baby mind.
I could sit and watch him play like this for hours. Almost got behind getting ready for work this morning for this very reason.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Splash 'til You Fall Right In
I got home early from work today so I was lucky enough to pick Declan up from daycare at 4pm. He was swinging at the park when I got him. Kelly told me about his busy day: visited 2 parks and the library.
When we got home Declan had a quick bottle before I got him into a swimmer and his bathing suit for some pool time. He really loves the water. First he started in a little boat. The steering wheel has a horn which he notice right away. We floated all around the pool then tried out boat number two. In boat number two Declan was kicking his little legs hard trying to mimic the splashes I was creating for him by kicking the surface of the water as I pushed him around. Next was some free swim time. My little monkey thinks he can swim. He tries to get away from me before quickly spinning around and grabbing on tight. When I held onto him with one hand under his chest he kicks his legs and dog paddles his arms gently. Can't let go of him though because his face goes into the water immediately.
The best time was play time on the steps. The first three steps are shallow enough that Declan can crawl around on them, stand on the deepest and sit and splash on the top one. I did let him fall into the water a bit when he played just so he'd learn a little to be careful.
And of course there were lots of high baby throws into the air. He loves it. 25lbs of baby weight...I am exhausted.
Declan had such a good time and we were in the pool together for an hour. He was so tired when we came in that he just cuddled with Daddy and ate some snacks while barely keeping his eyes open.
In bed just after 7:30pm and sound asleep before 8pm. I had a blast!
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
So Sleepy
Declan is such a good sleeper. I felt so bad waking him up this morning to head off to daycare. If I let him sleep as log as he wanted it would be nearly 8am before he got up. I crept into his room at 6:05am this morning and he was sound asleep. I dug out some diapers and clothes for the day and he didn't even stir. Poor sleepy baby. Finally had to go over and gently rub his back to wake him up. He slowly woke and stretched. The good news is Daddy is sick and staying home from work tomorrow. I'm still having Declan go to daycare because its good for him and he likes it but Daddy will drop him off at 8am instead of 6:30am. Yay Declan gets to sleep in!!!
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
"Night Night"
Always happy when my little man pops into work for a quick "hi". Of course I wish you didn't have to steal my bracelet while you were there. Such a good boy. Daddy says there were no problems. In fact he said you sang in the car the entire way there and the while way home. So sweet.
You've also learned something new. Daddy taught you to say "night night" and we still get sweet bedtime kisses. Adorable that you still make us kiss each other goodnight too...and you giggle every time we do.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Water Baby
Declan really loves being in the pool. For over an hour he was splashing and playing. He was floating on his back in his life jacket without anyone holding him. He was tossed high in the air with giggles and he kicked under water trying to maneuver his boat on his own. Sure made for a fun Canada Day!
Funny thing to note: Declan is anal retentive. Watched tonight as he straightens out the corners of his blanket on the floor because they were turned up a bit. He's his Daddy's son.
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