Such an entertainer. Mommy had to go to traffic court today to try an get a fine reduced. Declan came along. We first sat in the waiting area. Declan in his stroller was having a little lunch, some snacks and he was giggling and looking all around at the other people.
Next we met with the prosecutor to explain why we were there. He told Declan he had a beautiful smile. We agreed to plead guilty for a significant reduction in the fine. Then we had to go back to the waiting area before we would make our way into the courtroom to plead out.
All thirteen of use then entered as a group. Everyone was so serious and they all sat so quietly while waiting for the judge to enter. Declan wasn't having any of it. He decided he needed out of his stroller so he could crawl all over the courtroom. He would crawl a bit, stop, sit up, squeal and then crawl again. He found an electrical outlet in the room so I had to block it. He visited the prosecutor a few time and the court administrator.
The judge entered and lucky us, we get called upon first because they can't have a baby running wild in court for long. Judge asked me my name, then asked if the kid was mine. Declan was hilarious. So happy and smiles for everyone. My fine was cut in half and we were done.
Thanks for making an annoying task a fun time.
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