There was lots to get done today.
Got up, showered, dressed and then woke Declan up before 7:30am. Made sure he had some bottle, got cleaned up, dressed and was out the door by 8am so we could go to the walk-in clinic. Declan has had some kind of irritation under his left eye for a few days. We wanted to make certain that it want affecting his eyesight. As I was getting Declan registered he sat at my feet and dug through his diaper bag. As I'm talking to the receptionist I hear rather loudly a Phineus and Ferb song blasting from my phone. Declan had taken my cell phone out of the bag and starting playing his Phineus and Ferb album. I had to take it from him, fumble to unlock the phone and hit pause. Geeeeez Declan!
A brief checkup and the good news is that he has mild eczema only. No virus or pink we and his sight is fine. Of course I should have known his sight was fine by how quickly he can snatch things he's not supposed to.
When we made it back home the weather was really nice so we decided to eat breakfast on the front porch. After some crawling all over the porch he was filthy. We made a pit stop at the piano on our way inside. Then into some clean pants and it was nap time for the Muffin Man. He slept for just over an hour.
I for bad waking him up but we had to get on the road, car appointment was for noon.
At the Mazda dealership we he to hang out for 2 hours. Sooooo...there was snacks and then lunch, some crawling in the toddlers section then some crawling in the waiting area and finally some crawling all over the dealership. We played with some helium balloons and then headed to the restroom for a diaper change and to wash all the car dirt off his hands and toes. Poor kid was getting bored so we went outside and raced around in his stroller before we were finally on our way.
Arrived home just after 2pm and just as Gramma and Poppa were showing up. Mommy and Daddy had an appointment so Declan got in some Grandparents time. I was so happy for him as I saw him light up when he saw them. He made a quick speed crawl over to Poppa. They had a nice visit and then Declan was down for his late afternoon nap. About 20 minutes after we got home he was up again and saw Gramma and Poppa again briefly before they had to head out. As the door closed behind them Declan cried a little. He loves them.
Lots for dinner and the best evening cuddles then my boy was off to sleep.
Thanks for making a day full of tasks a lot of fun!