Friday, 31 May 2013

Daddy is Number 1

I love getting Declan up in the morning. Just me and him, we cuddle for his morning bottle and then it's time to get a diaper change, cleaned up and dressed. Declan turns off the lights in his room and then we leave his room. Declan looks over to Daddy's side of our bed and says "Hi Daddy!".
"Daddy's at work Declan."
Then another "Hi Daddy."
"Sorry bud, he's not here but he will pick you up at Kelly's later."

So clearly Daddy is Declan's #1.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

It's Ok to Cry

So I bring Declan to daycare and he's being his usual sweet, sunny self. Smiles on the way there and ready to play when we arrive. Well he crawls toward the toy just as Alexa falls and lands right on Declan's right arm. 

Then there they stayed. Alexa just sitting there while Declan is now frozen in crawl mode but with his right arm stretched out and stuck under her. Poor kid. Just stays frozen waiting. Finally Kelly gets Alexa to get up off him and my poor little guy comes a crawling back my way, picking up monkey on the way, and in for a cuddle with a sad face.

Now's ok for you to cry, to complain, to push her off. You don't have to be so sweet all the time.

I'm thinking Karate ASAP.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Bring In The Cleaner

Our little Declan likes to have his own cloth to help with the clean up after meal time. Well today when Daddy was picking up Declan from daycare Kelly asked "He really likes to clean doesn't he?". She then shared a story about how this afternoon all the kids were playing with different toys and Declan proceeded to clean up by putting all the toys away. Then as the other little ones took them back out he was getting frustrated and vocal.

Now Declan every night when you go to bed Daddy and I have to put away all your toys. Perhaps moving forward we just get you to put your own toys away.

Love you!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Oh My....I Can STILL Smell Poop

My Muffin Man.
I love creeping into your room in the morning to wake you for the baby day. This morning I opened the door and was hit with a wall of poop smell. 
Oh no.
What awaits me in the diaper?

I pick you up and we snuggle in poop smell while you drink your morning bottle. The anticipation killing me...or burning my nostrils.

Morning drink done and right away it's to the change table we go.

And there you have it.

Diaper exploded. Poop out the sides. Those pjs...done.
And so much.
Did you poop all night long?

It was a 10 wipe bum.

Then off to daycare for Declan and then off to work for me. 

I'm pretty sure I could still smell poop when I got to work. I'm pretty sure there was poop on me.

Monday, 27 May 2013

The Long Road Home

After a sweet morning with Grandma and Grandpa we had to hit the road and make the long trek back to Milton from Ottawa. Declan really was so good but poor guy, his morning nap was kind of interrupted and ended up being very late. It was almost noon before he finally gave in to the sleep.

We appreciate how good he is when we travel. A short stop at the rest station for a bum change and some lunch then we were back on the road. Little prince got in a second late afternoon nap but both were brief compared to his usual naps. When he woke from his 2nd nap he actually woke and went right into snacking. I'm not sure he was even aware that he was doing it.

It would seem that our boy might be getting his first molars as he has been drooling this weekend and normally he does not. Declan is also chewing on his fingers which is also uncommon for the boy. 
Stop getting big Mr.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

More Family Time

The Muffin Man got in some more family time today. Grandma May stayed home with Declan so Mommy & Daddy could see a movie. Lots of one-on-one time with Grandma and then Grandpa too. Aunt Marissa and Cousin Alex showed up a little later and then Declan had quite an audience.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Chasing His Cousin

So last night on the drive to Ottawa, as I mentioned previously Declan was wide awake. About 11pm Tyler and I had to switch because he was exhausted. Grabbed some milk for Declan and a RedBull for me and we continued our way. After some bottle Declan passed out and Daddy got sleep while I just kept thinking about Declan's tremendous timing. About 12:15am we arrived.

When we arrived we were all so tired and after the briefest visit we were all off to sleep.

Not until Declan gave Grandma a quick kiss goodnight though.  

This afternoon we attended his cousin Alex's Birthday party at the bowling alley. So much for this little man to take in. It's no wonder his afternoon nap went well.

In the evening Declan's cousins were also visiting and all were here for dinner. It was awesome watching his 19 month old cousin Holden interact with him. Holden is a great walker but upon observing Declan crawling, Holden just had to show his stuff and proceeded to crawl all over. They gave good chase and there were some squeals. The most unexpected part of the evening would be when Holden forcefully put a goldfish cracker in Declan's mouth. Declan looked a little uncomfortable as the fish sat half in half out in his lips. Then Holden used a finger to jam the rest in while Declan sat submissive and wide eyed. Poor kid. Next up. Holden tried a Dorito next but I had to intervene. Declan doesn't eat Dortos just yet. Well, and I thought maybe he might not be enjoying the jamming of food in his mouth a funny as it was for the rest of us.

I am pleased that he loves all his family and there were lots of "see ya later" kisses at the end if the night.

Friday, 24 May 2013

No Sleep Till......


It's 10pm. My backseat road trip companion is yet to sleep. He's been a giggling machine and when he's not he is staring at the full moon. He had to get his dirty finger in my mouth so he could laugh his butt off when I flinched. Then he tried to get a finger up my nose. He's watching me type this right now...

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Balance Improving

Tyler's hair is cut close and Declan likes the way it feels. When he gets close Declan likes to touch Daddy's head and giggle. Yesterday he had a wet wipe and he was trying to clean Daddy's head...again, while giggling.

This evening I watched Declan calmly playing with his toys. There is one toy that you push down the middle and it makes it roll. Declan was pushing it down and successfully getting the wheels moving. Tyler said he showed him once today how it worked and Declan picked it up immediately.

Then he crawled around over and about his toys. He paused in one stop and then in what looked like a test of his balance Declan was on hands an feet with knees off the ground. Perhaps he's building his confidence for standing and walking with these new moves. Then he was on both hands and one knee while he lifted his left leg out to the side and then back behind him. Must be working out his baby butt muscles.

What was the best part of my day with Declan today? 

Goodnight kisses.
While I held Declan he leaned into Daddy for a kiss, proper little pucker and said "muah".
Then to me "muah",
Daddy again...then me....then Daddy...and then me, but with his tongue out. Little Muffin licked me again. What a nut. 
Then he looked at us both and reached for both our heads and pushed us together to kiss each other. We obliged and he smiled.
Then again.
And again.
And again but now he was laughing. Taking such delight in controlling us. 

He's just so much fun.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Just the Happiest

When I was saying goodbye to Declan at daycare this morning he looked at me and he had the biggest, open mouth smile. He looked adorable and most importantly he looked incredibly happy. He was so animated that Kelly and I both broke into laughter at how cute he was being. I'm very lucky. I don't worry about him being at Kelly's daycare at all.

While I had to work late this evening Daddy and Declan hung out and watched TV. This Mom was so jealous, really wished I could be there too.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Welcoming Giggles

Got home from work at 7pm and as I opened the door all I could hear were full belly laughs coming from Declan's room. Giggles and screeches, hearty stomach laughter. I simply waited outside his door while Declan and Daddy exhausted themselves from laughing. 

Best way to come home.

...and then there were all the kisses when he said goodnight.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Sunshine and Fresh Air

Somebody is exhausted....
And Declan is too. Beautiful Victoria Day. We drove to Spencer Smith Park and took Declan for a walk along the shore of Lake Ontario. He was big smiles when we first arrived and Daddy parked his stroller right at the edge of the break wall.  It was a stunning view. Then we walked all the way to the skyway bridge and back again. A nice long walk, Declan babbled the last 20 minutes, and squealed. 
We drove home and Declan went right down for his nap. Then Daddy had to wake him up for his dinner. He was so tired I bet he would have simply slept right through the night. He was so tired through dinner. He kept getting Geary and grabbing his face with both hands (yes...he's dramatic). Plus we ate outside so he git in even more fresh air.
Finally we came inside and Declan had a nice bath and bedtime bottle. 8pm he was down for the count, off to bed and sound asleep. Poor Muffin, long day.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Full Belly Laughs

We were so lucky, while family together as nobody had to work today. It was a full day. Bath time in the morning before nap and after lunch we drive to Brampton to watch Josh's field lacrosse game. Everyone someone yelled poor Declan jumped but he didn't cry, or even frown it simply startled him.

Lots of fresh air and sunshine so he was ready for his afternoon nap as soon as we got home. 

The best time today Ed Declan's laughing fit jut as he was headed to bed. I made a noise "ah-uh" and it made Declan laugh, so I did it again, and he laughed again. Then he imitated me. This kept going. There were full belly giggles by us both, then Daddy joined it. Declan was screeching and squealing. After finally getting him down we listened to Declan making noises in bed. We could still hear him "ah-uh" over and over. Such a fun little man.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Whale Noise

There was an episode of Phineus and Ferb in which there are whale noises. I usually make the whale noise for Declan so he'll smile.
Today while Declan sat in his high chair Daddy made whale noises from the kitchen area. Declan covered his mouth and giggled. Hopefully soon he'll make whale sounds of his own.

Thursday, 16 May 2013


Last night we turned Declan's car seats around so that they were now front facing. Big morning for the Muffin Man as he got to sit facing forward for the first time on our way to daycare. He couldn't stop smiling. He had this look in his eyes like he thought he was getting away with something. It was sort of a "can you believe this?" look. Car rides just got a whole lot more interesting....and the leg room....kid can kick 'til his hearts content.

This evening, home with Daddy and Declan finally decides he wants up. There it is...Declan stood on his own for the very first time. Daddy was sitting in a chair when he felt little Declan hands on his knee and then voila, Declan was standing without any assistance. Another round of baby-proofing coming up!!

And lastly, my heart is melting with this little man and his growing displays of affection. Daddy was holding him when Declan saw me. I walked closer and he reached out for me, came in for a kiss then put his arms around me best he could for a hug. I could feels his little armed attempt at holding me tight. 
And then he licked me. 
He's still learning.
At bedtime he gave kisses to us both and then after we left his room he fell asleep instantly. 
Not a peep. 
Sweet baby dreams bud.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Oh Boy That Wind

It was a beautiful day. Double digits, sunshine and my Muffin Man.
Declan and I spent a couple hours on the front lawn enjoying the day but 'Oh Boy That Wind'. Had to use some books and the bottle of sunscreen to weigh down the corners of our picnic blanket. Every time there was a big gust of wind Declan would leap on me and cuddle in. I loved it. We also played with bubbles. At first he laughed as the bubbles whipped by in the wind but then he was amused more by the process of creating the bubbles and had to help dip the stick into the bottle.  We'd finish, put the bottle in the diaper bag and do something else. Then he'd dig through the bag, find the bottle and hand it to me to blow bubbles again. We had a great afternoon.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Busy Days are More Fun With Declan

There was lots to get done today.

Got up, showered, dressed and then woke Declan up before 7:30am. Made sure he had some bottle, got cleaned up, dressed and was out the door by 8am so we could go to the walk-in clinic. Declan has had some kind of irritation under his left eye for a few days. We wanted to make certain that it want affecting his eyesight. As I was getting Declan registered he sat at my feet and dug through his diaper bag. As I'm talking to the receptionist I hear rather loudly a Phineus and Ferb song blasting from my phone. Declan had taken my cell phone out of the bag and starting playing his Phineus and Ferb album. I had to take it from him, fumble to unlock the phone and hit pause. Geeeeez Declan!
A brief checkup and the good news is that he has mild eczema only. No virus or pink we and his sight is fine. Of course I should have known his sight was fine by how quickly he can snatch things he's not supposed to.

When we made it back home the weather was really nice so we decided to eat breakfast on the front porch. After some crawling all over the porch he was filthy. We made a pit stop at the piano on our way inside. Then into some clean pants and it was nap time for the Muffin Man. He slept for just over an hour.
I for bad waking him up but we had to get on the road, car appointment was for noon.
At the Mazda dealership we he to hang out for 2 hours. Sooooo...there was snacks and then lunch, some crawling in the toddlers section then some crawling in the waiting area and finally some crawling all over the dealership. We played with some helium balloons and then headed to the restroom for a diaper change and to wash all the car dirt off his hands and toes. Poor kid was getting bored so we went outside and raced around in his stroller before we were finally on our way. 
Arrived home just after 2pm and just as Gramma and Poppa were showing up. Mommy and Daddy had an appointment so Declan got in some Grandparents time. I was so happy for him as I saw him light up when he saw them. He made a quick speed crawl over to Poppa. They had a nice visit and then Declan was down for his late afternoon nap. About 20 minutes after we got home he was up again and saw Gramma and Poppa again briefly before they had to head out. As the door closed behind them Declan cried a little. He loves them.
Lots for dinner and the best evening cuddles then my boy was off to sleep. 
Thanks for making a day full of tasks a lot of fun!

Monday, 13 May 2013


On the way from the car to his Daycare...

Me:"Are we going to Kelly's? Can you say 'Hi Kelly'"?

Declan: "Hi Kelly".

Me: "Are you kidding me? How long did it take you to say 'Mom'? Geeeez!"

He's sooooooo funny.

And on another note, Declan must be having a growth spurt. He's been very hungry and kid could sleep FOREVER. His feet better grow too or he will never be able to walk on those sweet little feeties.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

2nd Mother's Day

Woke this morning to a text message from Tyler telling me to let him know when I am going in to get Declan out of bed.
Then the next message says that Declan had wanted to keep my gift in his room after wrapping it the day before. My instructions were to look behind the blue frame on his dresser. There I found a sweet card and a bottle of Amarone. Good job bud! So the story goes, he wanted to hold the bottle at the LCBO and he helped push the buttons to pay for it. This Mommy looks forward to a night soon that I can enjoy it.
Declan and I had the morning to play and cuddle. He's a dear and I loved every moment.
Extra treat....
I had to work 1 to 9:30 today so Daddy brought Declan to meet me for my dinner break. I got in an extra 30 minutes time with my guys. 
Thanks boys!!!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

And He 'Gets Down'

Declan is learning new things about his IPhone every day. Tonight I watched as he flipped through the music library, listening to a couple seconds of each song until he got to the one he really moves to...

Ton Loc
Funky Cold Medina

The beat starts and there goes Declan, it's a full deep body bouncing. All smiles. He's so excited when it starts.

Then he goes about playing with his toys again...until...
I pick up his phone and start the song over. The beat starts and we have a bouncing baby.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Courtroom Jester

Such an entertainer. Mommy had to go to traffic court today to try an get a fine reduced. Declan came along. We first sat in the waiting area. Declan in his stroller was having a little lunch, some snacks and he was giggling and looking all around at the other people.

Next we met with the prosecutor to explain why we were there. He told Declan he had a beautiful smile. We agreed to plead guilty for a significant reduction in the fine. Then we had to go back to the waiting area before we would make our way into the courtroom to plead out.

All thirteen of use then entered as a group. Everyone was so serious and they all sat so quietly while waiting for the judge to enter. Declan wasn't having any of it. He decided he needed out of his stroller so he could crawl all over the courtroom. He would crawl a bit, stop, sit up, squeal and then crawl again. He found an electrical outlet in the room so I had to block it. He visited the prosecutor a few time and the court administrator.

The judge entered and lucky us, we get called upon first because they can't have a baby running wild in court for long. Judge asked me my name, then asked if the kid was mine. Declan was hilarious. So happy and smiles for everyone. My fine was cut in half and we were done.

Thanks for making an annoying task a fun time.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Look Out Kitty

This evening Declan was chasing Hunter around Daddy. Poor kitty was slowly moving around Tyler as he laid in his side on the ground while Declan squealed and followed along behind him. Then not long after, Hunter hopped onto the ottoman. Declan crawled over and in his knees reached up for Hunter. Gave his tail a nice slap with his right hand and then screeched in excitement. Hunter bolted!
He's safe...for now.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

My Sleeper: A Nut

Declan is a nut.
Yesterday at daycare when Declan went down for his nap there were no issues. This is the norm. He's really great with sleeping routines. Well at some point during nap time he was learning how the playpen goes together. Kelly went in to get him when his Naptime was over and found the Declan had pulled back the mat in the playpen, folding it up in a third and then proceeded to nap on the slack nylon material underneath between the metal support bars...curled up with monkey of course. I'm in trouble once this kid learns about tools.

Tonight after Declan went to bed just past his usual 8pm he laid in bed singing for a half hour. There was babbling and weird noise but then we heard gentle song-like noises. So sweet. I was then reminded how Kelly had told me that Declan naps so well at daycare and that occasionally he give "shout-outs" from the playpen. Checkin' where his peeps at.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

High Fivin' White Guy

When Daddy picked Declan up from daycare this afternoon he was full of energy. Daddy was holding Declan and Kelly was holding one of the other little ones-Ella.

She was holding her hand out for Declan and he kept reaching over to "High Five" her. Each time they connected both little ones erupted with laughter.

The simple, wonderful life of babies.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Jolly Muffin

It's an understatement to say that the kid is always happy. He's so full of giddy and nutty and overflowing with silly. He thinks he's hilarious and he's right. This evening after having the stinkiest poop I couldn't help but say "whew Declan that's a smelly one" and he responds with full belly laughter.

I got another "hi Mommy" tonight as well. My sunshine.

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Oh my Muffin Man. Today Declan got his very own Minion. Auntie T brought one home for him from Universal Studios in Florida. Now it's time to see if he will sit and watch Despicable Me with his cousins.

He was in good spirits today and full of laughs and squeals. We got in a little piano time. Today he smashed the keys interspersed with some gentle key pressing. It was fun to watch.

After his morning nap we were finally taking Declan for his first hair cut. We made a 3pm appointment at Sharky's kid cuts. Since the weather was nice we decided to head to Main Street Milton to visit Yogurty's and then spend a bit of time at Rotery Park before the hair cut. Too funny watching his long hair blowing in the wind. Yup. This haircut was overdue.

Getting the cut, he was good. No crying or fussing but in Declan style he wanted to touch the tools and try them himself. She didn't do the greatest job as I'm sure it was hard with a moving baby but he looks great. You can see his darling head shape and he looks grown up. Love him.

The best part?
Well that was on the drive to Main Street. As I sat in the back with my Muffin Man I leaned in and said quietly

"Hi Handsome"

Then Declan said

"Hi Mommy"


Saturday, 4 May 2013

The Entertainer

The Muffin man was at Gramma and Poppa's house at 7am this morning until 1:30pm. He didn't keep still except when he had his 1 hour morning nap. Lots of crawling, little fingers all over the glass table, the glass cabinet doors, the fireplace glass and the window in the door to the back deck. Some fresh air with a walk around the neighbourhood and lots of babbling. From what I hear he's quite the little entertainer. Gramma days they've never seen him so animated before and he was laughing along with them over an over.

On his walk with Gramma he was smiles and "Hi" to anyone he saw but then went furrowed brow and "judgy" when he saw the neighbour. What a peanut. Poor Gramma was beat after 6 hours of our monkey but she loved it.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Hanging on to Bottle Time

I know he's almost 15 months old but when it's bottle time he's still my little baby boy. My favourite part of every day is when my little man is cuddled in first thing in the morning or just before bed.

What will I ever do when he grows out of this?

Thursday, 2 May 2013

It's Grandma May Day!

Declan was awake just before 8am. Making noises in bed and practicing his "Moms", little did he know he was about to be spoiled in Grandma attention for the day.

Grandma crept into the room to get the Muffin Man up out of bed but she walked into a crime scene. Declan went to bed the night before with his money of course but he also had a little paper chicken too. Well what Grandma discovered when she turned on the light was a paper chicken in many little tiny pieces all over. Bye bye chicken. So sad. Here I thought when he was trying to make the chicken noise the day before ("buck buck buck") that he LIKED the chicken. Turns out he had been planning a it's demise.

Declan and Grandma had a nice little adventure in the morning. They ventured out for some fresh air. Took the blue baby car for a spin. Beautiful weather and lots of birds to watch. they couln't resist and later in the day after lunch time they were back out again for more adventures. At the park Declan got to go on the swings again. The usual squeals of delight. On the front lawn Declan got to play in the grass and hold his first dandelion.

We met up for dinner at Turtle Jacks at Mapleview for dinner and I could see how happy the little man was. He'd been having a terrific day. He was full of energy and smiles and volume, oh my so loud. Not shy at all, this kids a nutter.

Back at home just before 8pm our Declan was into Jammie's, had a good size bottle and then some quick playtime before sending him off to slumberland by 8:30.

So proud of you Mister. Glad you were so good for Grandma.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Laugh Along

Had the while day off with my Muffin Man, heaven.

In the morning it was just us. Snuggles and play and breakfast. Then a bath before the morning nap. Declan slept for over an hour this morning. Ate a nice big lunch before we got the stroller out and went on an adventure to the park.

Such a beautiful day. Had to wear a hat and sunscreen. Wouldn't want Declan to get a burn. Visited a nearby park so Declan could go for a swing. First time since last fall. Got him all set and then gave a nice big push. Declan squealed right away. Just couldn't hide how much fun he was having. Next up was the slide. I took his shoes off so his feet wouldn't stick. Then sat him on the hump in the middle of the slide. I crouched on the bottom of the slide then told Declan I was ready for him. He then kept wiggling until he moved enough that he went over the hump and zoomed right to me. He loved it. Me too.

Lucky boy arrived home to our visitor: Grandma May! He was showing off his speedy crawling skills. So sweet when the sat together for some book time. Not long before bed our Declan saw Don Cherry on TV is a ridiculous checkered jacket so he let out a hearty laugh. This in turn had Grandma and I in stitches. The three of us had a fun laughing fit. Declan was forcing it out for entertainment and it worked.