Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Hair Trauma

Oh the horror, oh the cruelty. Never did I think there would be so much drama over a hair cut. From the moment he sat down in the chair...tears.
I had to sit on the chair with Declan on my lap while she tried her hardest to cut his hair. So much crying. She kept asking me if I wanted her to keep trying. You better believe it. It's just a haircut...come on!!!
He needed it soooo bad too. The cut isn't anything special. Just shorter. He does look like a little boy though.

Sunday, 29 December 2013


He already got lots of new cars on Christmas but today Daddy and Declan were at Walkart together and Declan picked out another he just had to have.
So Daddy bought his little man a new silver-grey car with a hood that lifts up. Declan held onto it nearly the entire day. 

Last night we took Declan over to his friends for dinner. They hadn't seen each other in a little while. It was interesting observing the differences in the two boys as they now near 2years old. Declan is really nice. He happily plays along and he shares well. Owen on the other hand likes to wrestle. He kept grabbing Declan and trying to give him bear hugs, pull him down, pull him by the shirt and tried to pull him down. Most of the time Declan just looked confused. A few times he was distressed and a couple times he started to cry. But not once did he try to retaliate. My sweet boy. He is kind. Love him.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Awesome Message

Got this text at work:

"So... guess who just puked all over himself and Daddy just as Daddy was taking him into his room for his nap. Yep - him."

This picture was included:

Friday, 27 December 2013

Back it Up

After a cranky pants morning visit to Gramma and Poppa's the little man crashed and had a super nap in the car.

At least he woke up a super happy kid. Maybe he just wanted to be home to play with all his new Christmas toys.

He has taken quite a liking to Elmo. He figured out where to push his belly to make him talk. Monkey and Pooh are still his best friends but Elmo is in the gang.

This evening Declan tried out his new Sesame Street love seat. He would stand in front and slowly back it up and sit down. Then he would stand up, walk a bit, then slowly back it up and sit down. He was very smiley. He grabbed a book to look at while he sat and even pointed out the characters on the seat to me. Looked like such a big boy.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Declan's 2nd Christmas

A lucky little boy was visited by Santa Claus last night. Under the tree he found a full stocking and a LeapFrog Explorer 2 of his very own. Jackpot!!

I didn't think he'd ever put it down. That was until we moved everything upstairs to join Gramma, Poppa, Uncle Scott, Auntie T, Madison, Josh and Nick.  So much love. 

I have to note that while he was happy to see everyone he was most excited when he saw Uncle Scott. Soon as he saw him Declan ran over to grab his monkey, then he ran back over to Uncle Scott and handed monkey to him. He's always excited for the normal routine: Uncle Scott talks to monkey, there are hugs, there are kisses and eventually monkey returns to a very happy Declan.

We all settled in and opened our stocking. Declan got some new hot wheel cars. He was driving them around on the floor right away. Then after stockings we moved on to presents. The first ones Declan opens are from Nick and Jayme, three squishy cars. 

What a good job. These I think we're his favorite toys of the day. 

Though it would seem cars in general are a favourite.

Declan sure was spoiled but he was good. He sat patiently through all of the gifts even if he only paid attention to the cars. I quite loved the battling t-shirts he received: "I love my aunt" from Auntie T of course and "I love my uncle" from Uncle Scott. How to choose, how to choose.

After some breakfast we were back downstairs for some playtime, getting dressed, lunch and then a good long nap.

After nap Declan put on some new jeans (thanks Grandma May) and a shirt, vest and Tie (thanks Gramma Gale) before heading back upstairs. When we got there Dee had one last gift for Declan. He got an Elmo that hugs you back! Amazing! He was curious but timid. He may take a bit of time to warm to an Elmo that is almost as tall as him and talks. He did pass a volleyball back and forth with Elmo for a bit which erupted into a gigglefest. Just not a hugger right now.

A great mood through dinner and afterwards while playing with his cousins. Declan had a great day.  When it was time for pjs Declan had both feet in his indie then he reached down, grabbed the zipper and zipped his pjs right up. The other day he put his hoodie in by himself too. I'm amazed all the time.

More playtime and then a bottle and bedtime was due. He stayed up a half hour past bedtime and went down to bed instantly. Declan said "bye Mommy, bye dadda" as we left his room.

And that's Christmas.

I love my Declan Christmas's!!

Christmas Toys!!

A fun morning of playing with Christmas toys was had with Declan. He was so happy finding places to park his cars, browsing through his Leapfrog, getting to know Elmo better. 

The downside. We're going to find cars in the oddest of places again and again.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

'Twas the Night Before

It's a good thing Santa doesn't take the "you better not cry, you better not pout" too seriously. Some little boy who shall remain nameless was sooooo cranky tonight. So many freakin' tears. He did finally come around though and he was pretty funny before bed. He's discovered his gag reflex. Looks at me smiling and slowly sticks his finger down his throat till he gags. What...why!?! Then he laughs and does it again. I guess it's exciting to discover.

Well he's tucked in bed, fast asleep. Santa is on his way.

Should be one fun morning!

Monday, 23 December 2013

Spying on Santa

Declan and I were at the Milton mall today. He walked and walked and walked. He had his two best friend: monkey in one hand and Pooh Bear in the other. 

We stopped beside the Santa visit area and I showed Declan that Santa was there.
"Look Buddy, who's that? It's Santa. Can you see him?"
Just then Santa looked over and said in a booming voice "Hello there!"
His voice made Declan jump.
"You coming for a visit today. Do you want to tell me what you want for Christmas?"
Declan smiled at him and babbled a little before Santa had to turn away to see his next visitor.
I think that was a perfect visit. No fear and he got to see the Big Guy. Just no pictures. 

Good thing he's not too serious about the whole 'naughty or nice' thing.
After a wonderful walk around the mall with a little bottle time sprinkled in we then hit catastrophe levels.
Declan saw a cell phone display in front of a store.
He wanted them.
All of them.
He sat his butt down and had a tantrum right there in the mall.

What used to be lots of "oh how cutes" as we walked the mall was now lots of people checking out the screaming child. Thankfully I find it humorous and I don't get embarrassed by it. I had to pick him up screaming and walk to the other end where we'd parked. He screamed the entire way. I think even Santa pretended he didn't know Declan as we passed.

I really had such a fun time with him though.

In the evening I managed to get a height read on him. He is currently 2ft 10.5 inches tall. That means Declan is officially half my height. He will be a tall monkey.

A tall monkey who pees in the tub.
Just saying.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Black Out

We had an ice storm. Starting the night before our power flickered a few times before finally going out at about 5am completely. Being in the basement it was pretty dark when Declan woke up at 8:30am. Turns out he doesn't mind the darkness. Breakfast by candlelight (and again candlelight for lunch later), bum change in the shadows, we got him dressed by iPhone light and he then played around with a flashlight. I had to head into work so Daddy and Declan went for a short drive to get some light.
Daddy tells me that Declan was a good boy all day. He was sitting in his high chair eating lunch with three candles around him. Just then Declan said "ooooooohhhh" as the Christmas tree lit up and power was restored at 1:30pm.
I wonder what Declan must have been thinking with the black out. Well no matter what he was thinking he sure was cooperative while we adjusted. Fingers crossed we won't have any issue with power again while all the ice is melting in the next two days.

Saturday, 21 December 2013


The kid still won't say "love you". I can't wait for the day. This morning was the closest I've gotten yet.
Me to Declan: "Do you love your Mommy?"
Declan: "Ya."

I'll take it!!!

Friday, 20 December 2013

What a Cough

The Muffin Man has one heck of a cough. He's in good spirits and doesn't have a fever but his throat must hurt so much. The cough sounds really rough. Felt bad that he had to go to daycare except that he loves it so he probably preferred being there.

I got to pick him up from daycare today which was awesome. When I opened the door and he saw me I got a "Hi Mommy" immediately. Sure was a nice welcome.

Daddy is at his friend Jarred's tonight so I got a Declan and me night. I was good and stuck to his routines. He was in bed at 8pm even though is wanted to keep him up with me a lot longer. Can't wait to see him in the morning.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

It's Like He Knows Santa's Watching

I just can't get over how good he's been, what a great little helper and just overall fun guy these last few days.
So cooperative, following instructions/requests, lots of laughter, kisses and cuddles. He's so much fun.

It is so amazing to me that now I can tell him what the days plans are and he understands.

My present enjoyment: whenever Declan puts his finger in his nose we say "Declan take your finger out of you nose". He obeys and every time when he takes it out he looks right at that finer and yes "UHHHHH"! 
Every time.
He really amuses me.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Little Angel

I don't know why he was so happy, so content this morning but he really was. My morning with Declan was so nice. He was a good eater for both breakfast and lunch, he was helpful, he was cuddly and he played independently with his toys nicely on the floor for nearly an hour. I was exhausted so this was just what I needed, an easy, happy morning at home with my little angel.

My little angel who loves his yogurt.

Can't get enough.

And that hair.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Shy Guy is Gone

For a short while there Declan was playing shy. Breaking the hearts of loved ones when he wanted to keep his distance.
That Declan seems to be gone.
Drove to see Gramma and Poppa Gale this morning. When we arrive I got Declan out of the car and waked him to the front landing to meet Poppa. Declan took Poppa's hand and went inside without me. I grabbed our things from the car and went inside to find Poppa had already removed a happy little boys boots, hat and coat. I then watched as Declan ran along to Gramma's open arms for a welcome hug.
What happened to the shy kid?
Declan had a great visit, played with the castle, whipped around a fishing pole, checked himself out in the mirror, played chase with Poppa, had a tickle/kiss attack with Gramma and he was mostly smiles the entire time.

When it was time to go Poppa carried Declan to the car and placed him in his car seat. Declan said "bye Poppa". Actually he said it softy over and over.

Had such a good time he tuckered himself out. Fell asleep in the car on the way home and still had a nap over 2 hours long when we got home. 

Monday, 16 December 2013

And Up He Goes

With that, Declan can now climb onto our bed without assistance. :)

So here's hoping this doesn't right away lead to more boo boos.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

My Best Entertainment

Good news...no bruise or bump on Declan's forehead when we got him up this morning. He heals super fast! We were both home this morning so we went in to get him out of bed together. When we opened the door we were met with a very excited "Hi Mommy! Hi Daddy!" He stood up right away, monkey and monkey rattle in one hand, Pooh Bear in the other. He is awesome.

Lots of play this morning before I had to head to work. There was some dancing to the Phineus and Ferb soundtrack, pulling everything out of his diaper bag, making Mommy wear baby sunglasses, driving his dinky cars over the pillows on the bed and stealing Mommy's necklace. I think his dancing was my favourite part.

Daycare tomorrow but then Tuesday Declan is all mine!!!

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Super Fun Play Day with Daddy

While I was at work...

The snow was coming down really good. Last year Declan did sit in the snow and was pulled on a toboggan...but come on...he couldn't even crawl yet. No way he remembered that. So today Daddy and Declan ventured it into the freshly fallen snow.
Declan loved it. He didn't stop talking the entire outing. His little cheeks were all rosy from the fresh cool air but he didn't mind a bit.

Inside there was lots if running around and discovering new toys. Declan got his Christmas present from Kelly early. He really likes his new Thomas train engine and the frog head cloth with his name embroidered on it.
He also rediscovered a toy he got from Grandma May months ago - Pooh Bear from Disney World. I think Pooh even snuck into bed with him tonight.

I did get in on some of the fun in the evening after work. I had the joy of watching Declan learn how to do something new for the first time. One of his books with buttons to make sounds has been tough for his little fingers to push. He has others with easy buttons but this one was hard. Tonight he figured it out. He had such a great look of pride when he did it. He laughed and smiled with each one he pressed. So amazing.

Unfortunately we had another boo boo. Running around the room, Declan tripped and fell forehead first into the corner of Daddy's bed side table. It was a little swollen. I'm sure he will have a heck of a bruise in the morning.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Daycare Different Declan

This afternoon Daddy picked Declan up from daycare. When he arrived Declan was happy to see him, acknowledged him an kept on playing. Daddy held up monkey so Declan came over, grabbed monkey, then went back to playing. When Daddy finally made him leave there were tears.
What the!?!
He'd rather stay at Kelly's!?!

This morning when I took Declan to daycare I stayed a while and chatted with Kelly. Her oven alarm went off and she said the lazzonnia was done and that this was what the kids would be having for lunch. 
I posed my question: "Does Declan eat lazzonnia?"
Kelly told me that he certainly does. He eats the noodles, cheese, meat...in fact he eats lots of pasta at Kelly's. 
He eats Italian Wedding Soup too.

That's it.

I don't know that Declan AT ALL!

Next week I'm soooo making pasta and he's gonna eat it-mark my word!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

The Slippers Fit

So long ago Auntie T got Declan some awesome monster slippers. 
She also got him some cute bunny slippers with bells in them.
Thats actually where I should start.
Declan found his bunny slipper and wanted me to put it on for him. Sadly the bunny slipper is too small but then...I remembered the monster slippers that were too big! Got them out for him and put them on. When he saw them on his feet in the mirror he got so excited. He was stomping all over, he was so happy.
Well, they're a little big but who cares...he's so happy.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Christmas Shopping Buddy

Looking for a couple things still for Christmas so my little guy hit the mall with me today. He was very well behaved though he wasn't interested in actual shopping. Just walking and walking and 
So not a lot accomplished today but lots of fun with Declan.

And he earned himself a Purdy's smile pop for dessert after dinner.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Love for Elmo

We're in the other room playing with a pen of all things when Declan hears the opening song to Sesame Street.
He stops what he's doing, says "Elmo" then starts bouncing/dancing. Next he takes off to the other room and right up to the TV to watch his new favorite show. He can barely stand still.

I'm so excited for Christmas. I've hear there may be something 'Elmo' headed his way :)

Monday, 9 December 2013

Loves his Daycare

I'm so happy that we lucked out when we were looking for daycare when Declan was 9 months. We found a place where Declan is happy to be and he really enjoys his buddies. 
Got my sleepy monkey out of bed at 6:30am. He looked so tired but still he was happy. Drank down 2/3rds of a bottle and then got dressed for the day. I had told him right away that we were headed to Kelly's to be with his friends for the day. He was cooperative the entire process of getting his coat and boots on, heading up stairs and outside, into the car and smiles all the way there. When we got inside Kelly's he let me get his coat and boots off and put his slippers on then he took off into the main area to see his playmates. 
He can back for a "bye bye Mommy" which just melted my heart and then he took off back to the kids.
We really lucked out when we secured a place with Kelly.

Now speaking of buddies, Declan has his four legged friend that keeps getting more and more of his attention. This evening Declan was chasing poor Hunter. He ran up to him and gave him some two handed back pats. Thank goodness Hunter is a sweetheart. He just tolerates it.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Sleep Over Party

Declan had a sleep over last night. Chelsey in her crib and Declan in a playpen they slept in the same room again last night. 8pm bedtime, Chelsey was asleep right away but our little Declan was babbling on for an hour and 40 minutes! Thankfully he didn't keep his friend awake all night.
Then came 7am and somebody woke up and started chatting.
That would be my little guy.
This time he woke her up.
Daniella came into our room at 7:30 to tell us that he'd been awake since 7am. I started throwing on some clothes so I could go get him when Daniella walked into our room with Declan on one hand and Chelsey on the other. Both were all smiles. Apparently Daniella got Declan out of the playpen first, then got Chelsey out of her crib. Chelsey then proceeded to tackle/bear hug Declan.
They're the cutest.
Then Declan ran around and played before all the little ones sat in for cinnamon waffles for breakfast. A fun weekend for everyone.

In the afternoon we visited with Auntie T and Madison. Madison got some overdue hugs, Declan tried to resists the urge to put a booger on Auntie T's laptop and when it was time for Goodbye Declan gave Auntie T a clear "see ya".

This evening we decorated our Christmas tree. The hardest but best time decorating a tree I've ever had. Declan loves the lights. He was trying to be helpful. He REALLY liked the bead garland. He was NOT helpful with them but rather kept trying to take them back from me. He loved the glittery round ornaments but he'd rather play with them than decorate. He modeled a fuzzy Santa hat and gave us Christmas cuddles before heading off to bed.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Baby Date

So sweet watching Declan with his little friend Chelsey. She hugs him soon as he gets to her house. Mostly he plays alone with her toys without a lot of interaction but every time she goes to see him they are cute together and she gets in a hug or two. 
Tonight they sleep in the same room. Declan in a playpen and Chelsey in her crib. She fell asleep immediately but Declan babbled on for over an hour. They are both sound asleep now. Can't wait to see the two of them in the morning.

Friday, 6 December 2013

So Grown Up

When we're leaving the house this morning Declan goes up the stairs on his own. We leave through the garage. He helps open the door, steps down into the garage and waits patiently as I push the door opener. Then he walks along to the driveway and on my request waits in between two vehicles for me to shut the garage door behind us. Then he holds my hand and walks around my car. He let's go and waits while I load our things into the car. Next I open his door and pick him up and put him in his seat. Buckled in and off we go to Kelly's. 
At Kelly's he lets me get his coat and boots off and put his slippers on before he takes off and starts playing with his little friends. A few minutes later Alexis arrives and he runs to see who's there. Big smiles for his other friend and more play ensues.
This time I say I'm leaving for work and he runs to give me a hug and kiss.

When I get in from work tonight he opens the door for me and gives me a big hug before I can even set my bag down. He was such a good bot tonight that Daddy and I kept him up 40 minutes past his bedtime. We were enjoying his company. He was sitting on a kitchen chair with his monkey and his iPhone. He was babbling and laughing with us for over an hour. 
That's our kid.
Nothing baby left.
I miss his baby-ness but he sure has turned into an awesome little man.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Who Am I?

Drop Declan off at daycare. He's happy, running around with his friend, playing and giggling.
"Declan, Mommy has to go to work. Can Mommy get a kiss goodbye?"
He stops what he's doing and runs over and gives Kelly a kiss. Then goes back to playing.
"Ummm, Declan. Hello!!?!? A hug even? Declan! Come here! Geeeeez...."
And then he comes over and gives me a hug of obligation.


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Routine (should have been his middle name)

Don't get me wrong, sometimes he just screams and tries to get away...but most of the time:
If I lay the change mat down in the floor with diaper and wipes in hand, Declan grabs his monkey and his iPhone, then he walks over, lays down cooperatively and proceeds to entertain himself with a game while I change his diaper.
So weird.
Love the weird so much.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Playtime at Daddy's Work

Nothing really planned for today so Declan and I decided we'd visit Daddy's work. Got to chapters at 10:30am. Declan held my hand as we walked through the parking lot and inside. We ran into daddy almost as soon as we got there. As happy as he was to see Daddy he was more excited to see a nice big play area and toys that are not the usual ones at home. He was drawn to the train table. I just can't believe this same kid was crawling around the store last time we visited, now he's a little boy playing with trains. Unreal.

Some of Daddy's coworkers came over to see him but Declan barely noticed as he kept playing. At one point he noticed a big ball so he switched his attention to it for a bit. Long enough that it rolled down the four big wide steps and then Declan followed after it. He just walks straight down them like he knows how but he DOESN'T so he falls forward, right to his tummy. Luckily he puts his hands out in front of him this time. No tears at all. 
And back to the trains.
He's such a big boy now that when he noticed a speed racer he wanted to try it.

Declan couldn't figure out how to move forward but backwards he got easily. I pushed around for a bit which he enjoyed.
Spent an hour playing at daddy's work then we were off. Declan needed lunch and then to get home for his nap.
Two solid hours - deep sleep.
This evening was dancing and tickles, bath time and playing with plastic balls, we watched some of the Sesame Street Christmas show with Elmo and I got in some cuddles too. Oh and our little helper was putting groceries away today.
Seriously. How did he get so big?

Monday, 2 December 2013

Cool Moves

When I got in from work Declan saw me right away from his high chair. He gives me two sideways finger guns and a big "Mommy". 
I love my welcome homes.
Had some cute times with the little guy who we've just started introducing to Sesame Street. When Elmo is on TV he gets excited and says "Elmo". Then when music plays he does a little bounce, pumps his arms, he's got some good moves. 
All joking aside.
He has good rhythm. 
I'm a fan.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Daddy's Text

I'm at work in the evening and don't have access to my cell phone. That meant it was 11pm before I got a great text from Daddy. 
It read: "Declan pooped"
Life sure has changed.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

1st Santa Claus Parade

We took Declan to see his first ever Santa Claus Parade. Bundled up in his snowsuit, hat, mittens and boots we found a spot up front where Declan could easily see all the parade activity. 
He loved it.
When the first entry came into view he made his classic "oh" face. He was surprised at what he was seeing.
He was smiling and clapping, some entries he even gave a  "thumbs up" (which is weird because I didn't know he knew how to do that). He really liked the dancers all lit up and all the cars and trucks.
One of the trucks startled Declan when it blew its horn unexpectedly. He pulled monkey up over his face for a moment until he was over that little fright.
It was freezing cold but watching the enjoyment Declan got out of the parade warmed my heart and brought me to tears. He's awesome.
Unfortunately because it was really cold we had to cut it short. After an hour we left and that meant that Declan didn't get to see Santa this time. Next year we will be better prepared.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Baby Monkey Too

I'd swear Declan was sleeping sitting up. When I walked into his room this morning and turned up the lights he was already sitting up but his eyes were barely open. He had in his hands his monkey (of course) AND his monkey rattle. So basically the mini monkey version of the original monkey. Seems Daddy let him bring the 2nd monkey to bed with him. Declan was so happy to show me the pair and he sweetly made them kiss and then he giggled. So we decided maybe the little monkey should come along to daycare with monkey blanky and Declan for the day. 
And Declan also decided he needed to bring his iPhone to daycare as well. It's like he was off to his baby job. I'll have to look at it tomorrow and see if he took any photos while he was there today.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Busy Evening

Our little man usually wears footy pajamas to bed but last night Daddy put Declan to bed in a pair of fleece bottoms, some socks and a long sleeve top. 
I go in this morning and find that he's been busy in the night.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

He Needs a Helmut and Face Sheild

There was snow on the ground this morning so I thought Declan might enjoy a nice walk outside. All dressed for the cold air he had his boots, his puffy coat, hat and mitties on. No surprise, monkey came along for the adventure. Declan wasn't interested in playing with the snow but he loved waking in it. When we got to a part of the sidewalk that was bare he'd try to walk on the grass in the snow. 
"Go go go!" Declan would shout and we'd both run. 
He was so independent and didn't want my hand...until
One of the times where he ran on the bare sidewalk he tripped and fell straight down, face first. I don't think he put his hands down to protect himself. His face hit the ground. Poor little man got up with a bloody lip and boy had it swollen up good by the afternoon. 

So many tears.
Oh and he cried so much he got the snottiness nose.
No tissue.
Had to open my winter coat and use my shirt.
Boogers all over my shirt.
So today I grabbed a few packages of tissue for my pockets cuz that was kindof gross.
Love him.