When Daddy arrived at school today to pick Declan up from the after school program he got to see our Muffin Man owning the room.
Declan had handed out tickets to all of the other kids for them to attend a puppet show. He then had some paper bag puppets he and the other kids had made and he was acting out a show from behind the puppet theater stage. So proud of his confidence.
I asked him today what his favourite part of the day was and he said “playing with Rosalind.” He told me they were playing family. I had to ask “were you brother and sister or Mom and Dad?” Declan replied “we were cat and dog. I like cats so I was a cat and she was a dog. She’s said ‘woof woof’ and I’d say ‘meow’!”
This past weekend we took Declan to see the HMCS Haida in Hamilton. He really wanted to see the warship. He loved it. I know seeing it through a five year olds eyes isn’t the same as it is through our eyes but he asked great questions. On Monday Declan was “Super Student” for his class and he told all his classmates about the ship and showed pictures on the projector.
He also asked about what Daddy’s Grandpa did in the war. Daddy told him about how he was in a tank and fired the big gun at the bad guys. Declan asked who the bad guys where and Daddy said “The Nazis” to which Declan asked “The Naughties?” He then looked at me and said “and what’s your story? Oh yay your Grandpa was in the war but didn’t have to fight?”
He kills me.
Growth chart update:
For weight Declan is in the 97% percentile for a 5 1/2 year old.
For height he’s off the charts. At 4 feet tall and 48 lbs he’s the average height and weight of a 7 year old.
Fun fact: most recently when asked what he wanted to be when he grows up Declan said “A Principal”
Impressed Daddy Moment: Declan’s fam was making a weird clicking noise. I suggested maybe it wasn’t balanced and to put something under. Declan said it should be good now that it’s ‘stable’. Daddy looks at Declan and asks “did you just use the word stable?”