Well it's been some time since I last wrote here and lots has happened.
We saw the last of Lacrosse for this season. He stuck it out the entire game but Declan was dragging his stick while he walked around. He just doesn't have the energy to run around as much as you need to but another season down. After the game he received his medal and a nice surprise was that Auntie T was there handing them to the coach for all of the players.
Next it was off to his "Best Buddy" Broden's Birthday Party. When we pulled up Broden and Izak recognized it was Declan right away and ran over to the car. Declan had his seatbelt off super fast and the car was literally bouncing with his excitement. I've never seen this kid so happy and I'm pretty sure he didn't even say goodbye to me before he ran off to play with them. He had a great time. I worried that he wouldn't want to leave when the party was over but he did great. I'm thinking it was the best day of his 5 1/2 years and it wasn't over yet. Then on to Chelsey's house where the two of them played in the little pool and in the box of sand for a couple hours and had a sleep over. That was followed by a short time at the park in the morning. Declan was exhausted.
After a busy weekend was the last week of school.
Monday: class party and splash pad afternoon. Party happened but thanks to thunderstorms they laid on their towels in their swimsuits and watched a movie. Room full of disappointed littles.
Tuesday: School Canada Day activities. Hours outside in the cool, wet, overcast day which led to...
Wednesday: Fever over 100 and home sick all day. Declan barely moved. He watched videos and cuddled under blankets almost the entire time.
Thursday: 2nd last day of school, running around playing in the gym and he trips and falls face first into the floor. A call home due to a bloody nose but he stuck it out. Daddy got to pick up a blood stained kid when the school day was over. He did bring home his report card though and he's had a solid year for development. We learned that he really is quite the little scientist and that his interest in space has not only stuck but increased this year when they learned about our solar system and the Universe.
Friday: Last day of JK! He's officially an SK now. Early dismissal and I was off work so I got to go pick him up. Thanked the teachers and YMCA leaders and then watched him play for a while with Izak before heading home for the summer. Mommy and Daddy are really proud of Declan's first year.
Saturday was Canada Day and to celebrate 150 years we visited Auntie T's for swimming and a BBQ. Declan had fun kicking a ball around with us and Josh and Auntie T before hitting the pool. Every time he took the ball to his head or face he bent over giggling. In the pool he played with Nick and Maddy joined us for a short time as well. After snacks and playing some more with Nick it got dark enough that people all over the neighborhood were letting of fireworks. These were the very first real fireworks Declan had ever seen. He loved them and wanted more. As it had gotten late we had to head on home and we past numerous other fireworks on the way. Declan was thrilled.
We finished this long weekend by seeing Despicable Me 3 at the theaters. Turns out his JK classmate Jessica sat in front of us. When the movie ended she came up to see Declan and they shared the biggest hug. He's pretty cute with his little friends.
Now tomorrow he's off to day camp for the first time. Excited for him and hope he continues to make friends easily.