Monday, 19 June 2017


First trip to the dentist was a success.

Daddy and Declan arrived first. Daddy started the paperwork while Declan played on an iPad and looked around. Safari Dental is only for kids and it's fantastic. There are kids shows and animals and stickers and toys and suckers and the wall of toothbrushes. The staff are great with kids and the dentist is like a children's performer. Helped to put Declan at ease. He picked his toothpaste flavor from the wall of flavors (strawberry) then the brush head (a penguin) the room (elephant) and the show (Lego Batman). The hygienist showed Declan what tools she would use and then introduced them slowly. He was told just to put his hand up if he ever needed her to stop. He didn't enjoy holding his mouth open for so long or the toothpaste, water squirt combo. I reminded him that he could let her know to stop just by raising his hand and before Is finished the sentence his little hand was raised lightning fast. That was the only time though. He did pretty good overall and he couldn't sit still once it was all done he was so happy. Then he picked out his new toothbrush (Minions), some stickers (Super Heroes) and a toy (squishy eyeball). 

The best part is that his teeth and gums look great. Dentist said he had no concerns. 

Good job Declan!!

After getting home and emptying out his backpack I found the picture he made for me at school. ❤️

Saturday, 17 June 2017


Finally it was the day for Declan to suit up and play goal for Lacrosse. He was thrilled.

First of all I told him that both Grandma and Poppa would be here to see the game (this was before I learned Gramma would also make the game). Declan told me he had a dream that Grandma from Ottawa and Poppa from Waterdown would both be here and his "dream came true!" Funny little five year old mind.

The night before we tried on the equipment. So glad we did because it's a lot figuring it all out and getting it right. He was all excited just trying it on. When we got there today we realized that they'd be playing the Yellow team which meant Izak would get to see him as a goalie. Even better, due to tournaments only 6 kids (including Declan) showed for the game so we had to borrow a few of the other teams players-Izak was one of them. Playing with his friend added to his enjoyment. For his first time in goal he did ok. He listened to the coach's instruction and he moved to try and stop the ball. He took many to the helmet but smiled through it like a champ. He got comfortable with all the equipment fast and was adjusting his shin pads when they moved during the game. He even moved quickly to the bench to remove his helmet and rest during breaks in the game. It surely was easier playing without needing to run though he still got tired by the end and when the play was near the opposite goal he just leaned against the goal post. At the end of the game Izak was the first to come over and pat his helmet, he sure was proud as they team all followed suit and then he got a high five from the coach before they lined up to shake the other teams hands.

Real proud of Declan today, he didn't give up and he listened pretty good. And when everyone cheered as he made a good save I was just so happy for the little guy. Nice that Poppa, Gramma and Grandma all came to see him play.

Saturday, 10 June 2017


Being five years old means creative, active imagination. That leads to Nightmares. On Thursday night a couple hours after we'd all gone to bed I was awoken by the Muffin Man at my bedside.

"Mommy. I had a bad dream. Can I come in bed with you?" 

Now it was a warm evening and he's not so little anymore so I thought the three of us would make it sweaty and uncomfortable.

"I'll come sleep in your bed with you, ok?"

So the two of us crept off to his room. We snuggled in together and he told me about his dream.

"I was holding a Teddy and I squeezed it really hard and it's eyes turned green. Then it hugged me and wouldn't let go. I couldn't get him off. When I dropped him he started climbing up my leg."

Yup. Creepy.

Poor kid but I did love being able to sleep with the little guy. 

Monday, 5 June 2017


Declan's new favourite game: he stands on his bed and tells me different places on his body that are targets. He wants me to aim and try and hit those targets with his Bubble Guppie ball. He always includes his face as a target.

If I had to hit a target to save my life  I doubt I'd be able to but my kid says I can hit him with the ball and I can't miss!! And he loves it.

And the ball goes under the bed.