Sunday, 30 April 2017


Friday was the big day. Along with Gramma and Poppa, Declan finally got to visit the Butterfly Conservatory. His words "I love it here!" What a success. He had a great time. He was running around and he was skipping. Declan got to see the cocoons and the new butterflies drying their wings. He also saw those just joining the exhibit after their wings were ready. He got to hold a few and one sat on his head. I found it adorable how he was so happy to see them and hold them but also a little afraid. He liked the butterfly in his hand but he kept his free hand locked in his wrist to keep the butterfly from crawling up his arm. He's brave but cautious.

After the conservatory we stopped so Declan could see Niagara Falls. In no way was he interested in going on the Maid of the Mist boat because his words "They're going to sink!" He seemed to like the Falls overall.

Next was the Rainforest Cafe. He didn't want to eat but he liked seeing all the different animatronic animals. In lieu of a souvenir and after some French fry negotiations Declan wanted to go to Ripley's. it really seemed an off choice for a five year old but we took him. Some of the exhibits scared him a little and the Worlds Tallest Man had him frozen in spot staring up at him. It was a fun day and a busy day. 

Saturday Declan had Lacrosse but had the bail out of the last 10 minutes of the game because his helmet is too tight. Looks like Wednesday we'll need to pick up a new one so he can get back it in. It was going pretty good up until that point. Watching him figure it how to maneuver his water bottle and get up on the bench. It's hard staying back and letting him figure it out on his own but he's doing it. Really proud of him. 

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Pink Eye

So Tuesday morning Declan woke with one eye stuck closed. Immediately we thought he's got pink eye. I cleaned out the goop and then tried a Visine for allergies and his eye looked much better. No redness so off to school he went!

Wednesday morning...both eyes stuck closed. 

Pink eye.

Off to the clinic and a couple hours later and he's got a regimen of eye medicine to take for 7 days. It's been swell.

Luckily it didn't interfere with our weekend plans and visit to Ottawa. Day 1 was a Daddy/Declan/Grandma Day. Declan had his first Mini Golf experience at The Putting Edge. Not just any Mini Golf, GLOW IN THE DARK MINI GOLF. Daddy taught Declan how to putt and he picked it up pretty quickly. He says he loved it.

Day 2 the three of them went out an the Muffin Man had a chocolate ice cream. "On a real cone" too. He had about five good licks and he liked it. Best of all he had some time with just Grandma and Daddy.

In the evening though he got in quality time with his cousins. They even all got to run around at the park for a while when Aunt Marissa offered to take them outside.

A couple really late nights, lots of activities and little food (because he doesn't like food to interfere with his fun) left our little Monkey exhausted. He had a good solid sleep on the drive home and at 7pm he went right off to bed without issue.

Great weekend...back to school tomorrow and no more Saturdays away for the remainder of Lacrosse season. 

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Busy Days

Thursday evening Declan and I met up with everyone for Maddy's 18th Birthday at Shoeless Joe's for dinner. Declan wasn't interested in eating much but he had a few French Fries and one bite of cake. I was proud of my shy little guy when he went around the table and said goodbye to everyone individually. I remember how hard I found that as a little kid and he did a good job.

Friday, Good Friday was a Daddy-Declan Day since I was at work. The boys had a really great day. Makes me so happy when I get funny selfies of the boys texted to me throughout the day. I knew they were having a good time. Saturday morning Declan told me how they'd turned Batman into Fatman. When I asked how he told me they used Playdoh and gave Batman a belly with a belly button and everything. I'm pretty sure they played all day.

Saturday morning we met up with my family again but this time for breakfast before Declan's first Lacrosse game as a Paperweight. [Best name for little kids age range ever!]

Before we got ready to leave I was trying to get his mouth guard ready. Declan was having none of it. Started trying to cry his way out of it. I told him he had to wear it to play Lacrosse. That's when he told me he wasn't playing Lacrosse then.


So he plays without a mouth guard...for now.

When we arrived at his change room he saw that a little girl from his class was there because her big brother was on Declan's team. Oh, and not just any little girl, it's the little girl in his class that he thinks is pretty: Olivia. He asked me a couple times if she was watching his game. The team playing before him, the yellow team, ended up having his friend from school, Izak on it. They were both so excited to see each other. I hope they talk about it in school on Tuesday.

For his actual game he did ok. He was upset when his head hurt a bit, skull cap I think was a little too tight and that also made his helmet a little too tight. He was better after I fixed it and took the skull cap off. Then there was a little moment when one of the coaches spilled water on Declan's chin and he started crying again. He doesn't want water down the front of him. Aside from that he tried. He played the entire time and said "that was fun!" When it was over. 

Saturday was such a nice day too. We got out in the backyard later in the day and Declan got to stay up an hour past his bedtime because we were all having so much fun outside. 

Then last night the Bunny came. Declan said his eyes were open all night and he's sure he heard the Easter Bunny.

"What did he sound like?"


Guess that's good. Declan was treated to a short egg trail with lots of chocolate and numerous Kinder eggs. At the end he got a couple new "Stick Bots" and two new books. A nice, quiet Easter.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017


I got to pick the kid up from school today. Brought him his lacrosse stick and ball. All of the other kids wanted to know what it was. Declan proudly told them it was for Lacrosse. I brought it just to get him used to holding it again as it's been months since he played with it. He carried it all the way home and then tried shooting a few balls at our garage door before Daddy got home. Then the hard part. Once inside Declan needed to try on all of his equipment. The shoulder pads, the kidney pads, the elbow pads, gloves, his helmet and skull cap, his running shoes...there's just so much. Opted to NOT boil his mouth guard today because this already feels like so much and we still have a couple days before the first game. 

He did look pretty tough. 

Looking forward to seeing the entire little team all suited up on Saturday.

Thursday, 6 April 2017


Looks like we have confirmation that the pain Declan felt in his legs last weekend were in fact growing pains.

He is now officially, just over 3 feet 10 inches tall.

And yes he has a scratch on his chin. He thinks it makes him look tough. He got it when he scratched himself when I was tickling his request.

He also fell off the bed, backwards, head first. Yes I panicked that he'd hurt his neck but he says he folded in half and that his chest hurt. I checked him over and he seems to have pulled his chest muscles but no bruises or broken bones.

Declan then told me that tough guys have lots of marks.

I asked from what and he said 

from punching stuff, and people.

I told him that we don't punch people though. He said he knows. I also told him not to punch any girls ever. He said you "don't punch girls ever. Nope. They're the worst. They just go and be bad and hit people and get away with it."

They learn so young.

He doesn't seem to have Girl problems though. Daddy picked him up from school today. Before they left Jessica stepped right up to Declan, grabbed him and leaned in real close. Declan didn't flinch but Mrs. Ritu yelled "Jessica!!" And she stopped.

What is going on!?!

Monday, 3 April 2017


Declanism: "This is so weird cuz frost is outside and frost is on cake."

So the boys had a great weekend together. Movie was a big hit. The Muffin Man is suffering though some bad growing pains in his legs right now so they were pretty chill all weekend. Sunday they had some James Bond(ing) [insert Daddy's eye roll here]. They discussed who James Bond is and what he does, a little about the movies and then watched nearly half of Skyfall together. 

Age appropriate? Probably not but they're cute together.

Saturday evening I did get in a little cuddle time myself. Declan came downstairs after he'd been in bed about an hour. He said there were noises that scared him. I let him cuddle with me on the couch for about 20 minutes and then took him back upstairs to his bed. He made me stay with him so another hour just snuggling in his room. He still wasn't asleep but he just opened his eyes quickly and flashed me a big smile as I crept out of his room. 

Here's another Declan quote:

"I'd like to touch a butterfly, maybe I can hold them but not stretch them. If you stretch them they die. Some people do that but I don't. You shouldn't stretch them or any insects. You shouldn't stretch any insects, did you know a butterfly is an insect? It used to be a caterpillar."