Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Black Eyes

Must have been a good school day because the Muffin Man was exhausted.

I came home just before bath time and he was hoping we could play Lego together. Declan asked for the shortest bath "just wash my hair and get me out" so we had a little more playtime before bed. I learned that Declan doesn't like his eyes. He wishes they were a different colour. When I asked which colour he'd like he told me "blue!"

He has blue eyes.

"I'm pretty sure your eyes are blue."

"No they're not."

"What colour are they then?"


"No I'm fairly certain they're blue. What colour are my eyes?"

Declan stares at my eyes. "Black"

"I know the center is black but what about the colour around the black?"

He stares at me a little longer. "They're black."

Killin' me.

Sunday, 26 February 2017


Another chapter in the "Pretty Girl" story. This week after class I learned the name of the little girl Declan likes "because she's pretty": Charlotte. Of course her name is Charlotte. That name screams pretty little girl. We all walked to the car at the same time that Charlotte and her Mom walked to their vehicle. Turns out they parked right beside us. Daddy helped Declan into the car and I climbed in the back beside him. Suddenly I was startled by the rapid knocking on my window. Declan and I both turned and looked to see a smiling Charlotte standing, looking in at Declan, smiling and waving at him. Declan exclaimed "That's my favourite girl!"

And here I thought I was his favourite.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Back Again

Declan has been back at school since Wednesday. Energy is back and he's eating (a little). 


In the morning as I was saying goodbye to Declan I called him "Monkey" as I often do. His little friend Jessica heard me so as I turned to walk away I heard her say to Declan "Monkey." Mrs. Ritu, Declan's YMCA teacher tells me Jessica keeps calling him "Monkey" now and thinks she's pretty funny.

When Declan came home from school he had an invitation to his classmate Izak's 6 Birthday. He told me it's at one of his favorites places "Skedaddle Kids". He's pretty happy for the invite.


Broden was the Super Student and he picked Declan to go with him to the office with the attendance. A very happy kid we had. We did hear that in the afternoon Broden picked Izak but at least Declan was asked first.

Unpacking Declan's backpack and there was a little black and blue elastic band. I asked Declan if it was his and if it was a wrist band. He got excited and came over to me and told me it was for me. I thanked him and asked where he got it. He found it on the wood chips of the playground. So adorable that he thought to save it as a gift for me. And gross.


And after a busy week Declan is officially done with me working. He told me he was mad at me for my work calls Thursday night and then this evening when I got home late he told me I'd "missed his entire bath." Yay to having the weekend off!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Still Sick

It's been day after day of trying to convince the Muffin Man to eat. 

He's picky on a good day but while he's sick everything "tastes wrong" and he's so stubborn. I swear the skinny kid is now just bones. 

I had to stay home with him today and took him to see the doctor. Just the cold/flu he said and sent us on our way. Thankfully his fever was down and without medication. Add to that his two hour brunch. He literally took two hours to eat 1 1/2 pancakes. But he ate. His energy picked up and tomorrow will be a school day!

Sunday, 19 February 2017


Thanks to technology I still get to see my monkey (briefly) while I'm away for work. FaceTime from Edmonton! When I first arrived at my hotel I had Declan on FaceTime so he say my room at the same time I did. Best part of those calls are the silly faces we make at each other and the full belly giggles.

What was hard this trip was when Declan's school called and Daddy had to go pick him up. The Muffin Man was sick. Not kidding, he's been sick from school three times since starting JK and twice it was when I was away on a work trip. He has great timing. Sure hit him hard this time though. Fever and he's so tired. We will be so happy once he starts to feel better.

Declan to me: "I'm glad you're home. You were gone for a long time."

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Birthday Week

What a great Birthday week The Muffin Man had. 

Sunday he had fun with his Auntie T, Mad, Josh, Gramma and Poppa, next a special Birthday Day at school and in the evening with Mommy and Daddy finished off with the Lego Batman Movie with his cousins in Ottawa and a Batman party back at Grandma's to finish it all off. Whew! So pleased he had a great Birthday week. So happy it's done. 


Even Declan was beat. He crashed just after we hit the road Sunday morning and slept for a couple solid hours on the drive. Then not long after we got home he was rubbing his eyes. Should be fun trying to get him up for school tomorrow.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

The Teens

All the attitude, the "I knows!", the "I can do it myself!", the grumbling under his breath as he walks away. The teen years sure can be rough. 

This though, this is FIVE. It's great but seriously who does he think he is!?!

Funny story Daddy shared today.

Declan and Daddy were watching a few movie trailers. Declan wanted to see the trailer for The Mummy. Daddy said that he didn't think it was a good idea because it was a little scary and he found it spooky when he saw part of it before. Declan says "no I won't find it scary, I big now." To which Daddy says "Well Mommy said it gave you bad dreams before."

Declan thinks for a moment.

"Ok. Ya, I don't want to watch it."

Monday, 6 February 2017


He's a wee bit spoiled.

Sunday his Auntie T took him to Chuck - e - cheese to play games with his cousins Josh and Maddie. He had a blast. 

He got 445 tickets!

Gramma and Poppa came too so Declan had a little cake and some presents. 

(And he has to learn a little about being grateful...he's little...he'll learn)

He sure was a happy kid. Declan had a ton of fun and essentially had a little party.

And he still gets a little celebration with just Mommy and Daddy on the big day tomorrow.

All this and he still has his Batman Movie/party with his cousins in Ottawa this coming Saturday.

So...one party for 6. 

Calling it now.

One party.

Oh and he blew out the candle all by himself.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Theater Girl

Declan told us today that he likes one of the girls in his theater class.
Which one?
The one who goes to his school but is in the K2 class.
Me: How come you like her?
Declan: Because she's pretty.


Thursday, 2 February 2017

Classroom Visit

Had the pleasure of sitting in Declan's class for 45 minutes as an observer. 

Wow. Real proud Mom here.

He may take his time but he's got all the proper routines when he walks into class in the morning down. He takes care with his things, hands in his "Mr. Zippy", signs in his name and he's listening. He knew I'd be there and he was pretty happy when he saw me right away. Once Broden was also done the routines Declan got him and showed him to me:

D: "Mommy, look! This is my friend Broden!"

Declan had put his arm around Broden and pointed me out.

D: "Thats my Mom!"

Broden and I waved at each other.

This was the first time Declan introduced me to a friend. Watching the two of them interact throughout the morning have me such comfort knowing he has made an actual friend.

His teacher told me that he could recognize 7 of 26 sounds at the start of jk and now he's good with 21! With Declan they say he's really doing a great job for being JK. Right now their focus with him is on talking about how he's feeling when he gets emotional (sad, frustrated, etc.).

It was a great morning.

Oh and once again he kills me. When Daddy leaves for work each morning Declan and him have a consistent exchange: they both say "Love you! Have a good day!"

Yesterday morning Declan and I are hanging out together as Daddy heads downstairs to get dressed to leave. Daddy yells "Bye! Love you! Have a good day!" Declan replies "Bye! Love you! Have a good day! Don't get hurt by the wood!"

Then he looks at me and says "Daddy always gets hurt by the wood at work."