Sunday, 31 January 2016

He's NOT a Super Hero

Saturday evening the boys visited Molly and McGregors house. Declan was treated to a sleepover. Lucky little one was up until 10pm playing with all of the toys at their place. When he told me all about it today he was sad that the Hot Wheels track was broken this time but was thrilled that McGregor has Light Sabers. Daddy sent me a picture of Declan dressed in his Darth Vader pjs with the red "Darth Vader" saber. This afternoon when Daddy showed the picture to Declan he said "Look Declan, you're a super hero!"
Declan replied "No I'm not. I'm a bad guy. I'm Darth Vader." And this is said with a furrowed brow. He's serious about this.

Sweet thing about the boys having their own adventure last night was that they shared a bed. In the morning Daddy woke up to his little boy laying on his belly but raised on his elbows, staring at him and saying "Hi Daddy." Sweet way to be woken up.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Art Day

Declan and mine's last day alone together for a while as I finished up my vacation time. We had another great day and squeezed in some finger painting.

Incredibly messy but totally worth it. I always assume that his art is nothing more than scribbles but today he surprised me when what looked like just some swirls he said was a "storm". 

Cute, I kind of laughed and then he said it was a big storm and it takes all the men. He's so dark and then he says "let's draw a beach!" And there's my little ray of sunshine again.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Mommy-Declan Day

We had a great day, just me and the kid. After a quick bath for the stinky one we headed out. First stop was for gas and to wash the car. Declan closed his eyes most of the time but then said "that's wasn't scary" once we were done. Of course he told Daddy later that it was scary. Then we drove to Toys-R-Us in Oakville. Brought along his gift cards but after checking out the entire place there wasn't anything he was dying to get. Well except a $150 remote control R2D2...and that's not happening. Next we visited Daddy's old work so Declan could play with the train table. There was a 5 1/2 year old girl who played tag with Declan in the kids department for a half hour. He was loving it. Luckily we knew the staff so they weren't upset. I told Declan Daddy would be jealous because he wished he was with us visiting.

In the afternoon Declan just wouldn't nap. He got up to pee, he got up to poop and then I just kept him up. We played some games (including Memory which he is legit beating me at) to finish out the day and then he crashed hard come bedtime.

Funniest words out of his mouth today? When Daddy got home and Declan asked "You like being jealous Daddy?"

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Bat

Great first half of the day. Declan and I headed out to meet up with Gramma and Poppa for a breakfast date. We are at the stage now where he will tell me when he needs to pee. We jumped up from the table mid-meal for a successful bathroom break. I can't believe only two weeks ago  I wasn't sure he'd ever use the toilet.

After breakfast we were back at Gramma and Poppa's for a visit. A game of catch with Gramma had Declan in giggles and all sweaty from playing hard.

After some lunch at home Declan went down for his nap. About 30 minutes in (and having been awake the entire time) Declan yelled to me that he want to poop on the toilet. This was all on his terms. Of course this is how this all went down.  About 10 minutes of waiting paid off and Declan got his first successful on the toilet poop!!! He was pretty pleased with himself and he so very quickly grabbed the last toy that's been waiting in the bathroom, the poop reward. Declan now has "The Bat" matchbox toy plane. My smart, stubbourn child decided on his terms when it was time. Thankfully the time is now!

Monday, 25 January 2016


Before I'd even gotten my key in the front door I could hear the welcome train charging toward the front door. 


Truly a wonderful way to be greater when I get home. 

Of course this was followed by just a slew of words that nearly melted together, something about a Kinder egg and Daddy and "How was your day?" and he's off through the kitchen, then back again and rambling.

Wait. Did he say something about a Kinder Egg? 



Kid is on hyperdrive.

Daddy tells Declan to give me a moment to run upstairs and take my jewelry off and wash up. Upon my return I sit down, request a quick hug and kiss before witnessing the Muffin Man run around and around and around...

"Tyler are you seeing this?"

Declan just kept running in circles around the ottoman while babbling on about things from his day. I don't think I've ever seen Declan so full of energy. Tried to get him to sit beside me and talk about his day but he couldn't stay still. In 10 minutes of just watching him I was exhausted.

And tomorrow is just the start of my 6 days off with him. I really should get some sleep tonight.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Simple Sunday

While we may have stayed indoors all day it was still a great day. Lazy simple days are often the best. We actually started the day with a little sleep in. Declan came to wake us just after 7am-heaven. Even better is that with his regular routine of climbing into our bed and watching videos we actually in bed until 8am.

The rest of the day was just normal. Jumped on the trampoline, sat together and watched Declan play angry birds, some cartoons and toys, running around the house, belting out "Happy Together" while in the bath...the usual.

Maddy Time

The Muffin Man was pretty happy that he got to stay home and spend some time with Maddy. Daddy and I were out for dinner with friends so Declan would get to be the center of someone else's attention for a while. Reports are that he was pretty good, they took a selfie and got in some Playdoh time. I must admit I'm never thrilled when I'm home and Declan really wants to play Playdoh so it's ideal that he got some time in while I wasn't there. Can't wait to hear in the morning about how much fun he had.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Dry Overnight

The wee one was dry in the morning. No nighttime pees and first pee of the day in the toilet as hoped for!! Declan is having great success and I'm very proud of him. 

He's got a confident stance at the bowl and he smiles the entire time.
Now for #2!

Monday, 18 January 2016

There is a Toilet at Kelly's

It's a five day stretch for Declan at Kelly's this week. After being home with me for 6 days straight it's back to "normal" life. Early mornings and one very tired 3 year old come bed time.

Very excited to report that Declan used the toilet at Kelly's!! We still have yet to get a poop on the toilet but Declan is getting used to regular visits to pee. Kelly works to reinforce the positives associated and use what she knows will encourage the particular child. For this reason she told Declan that since he's using the toilet he could help her teach Nihal how to go pee in the toilet. Seriously Declan likes to run the show and be the boss, this is perfect!

Now if we don't have poop events before the week is out that will be my mission this coming week as I get to be home another 6 days straight with Declan again before the month is out.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Growing Up Beside You

I am getting so much joy in watching Declan and Chelsey's friendship grow. We're lucky that they are taking to each other so well. Got there Saturday evening about 5pm and within minutes the two of them were sitting side by side on the living room floor playing. They were making each other laugh, they were upstairs then downstairs, they chased each other up and down the hall and they're both just really great, easy kids. How great that these two little ones can grow up together. 
The evening was all to plan out what cottage we would spend our week together in the coming summer. This past summer, 3 year old cottage vacation was great. I bet 4 year old summer will be even better.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Getting There

The Muffin Man stood and pee'd FOUR times today. 

In his worlds "I don't know why I was scared." And "I peed like Daddy!"

Another great quote from today: "I think I am getting hair on my arms because I'm going to be a man. Like Daddy."

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Pee in the Toilet

We spent the entire morning hanging out in the bathroom. 
Entire morning.
Finally got Declan to drip pee into the toilet and after that pee the smallest amount in the toilet.
He was happy to be rewarded with a toy.

Then he went downstairs in his underwear and pants and pee'd all over the floor.

Really testing my patience.

After his nap he wanted to pee in the toilet. We were patient and then finally he did. Still a small amount but he did it.

Two more times he ran to the toilet to pee small amounts, all for the toys rewards.

After the last toy was opened he peed in his pull-up and didn't even try to go to the bathroom.

Tomorrow is going to be just great.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Home with Declan all day. When he first got up this morning he wanted to go outside and shovel the driveway again. Lucky for him it had snowed again overnight and was needed. What a great age. In about 10 years I'll literally be dragging him outside to help me shovel.

We spent some time today learning shape, and patterns and letters. Ask him now how to spell his name and he will tell you "D E C L A N!" Proudly. He expects cheers and fist bumps.

I've also got a skilled little Jenga player. We got in a few games today and he is so observant that I can see he moves his hand just as I was and tests for a piece that has some movement.

We had a pretty good day. Especially if you ignore the two wet pant situations and a puddle on the bathroom floor.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Declan and I bundled up and trekked over to what will be his school this September. It was JK registration day. Now Declan is not interested in going to school yet but he did like seeing the Alphabet on the wall, all the kids lined up and the Principal's office.

Yes that is correct, my child hasn't even started school yet and the Principal came over and asked Declan to come see his office. We walked in and he showed Declan his Avengers posters and his Groovy Minion picture. Declan said "Mr. Hamilton has the best room."

Let's hope he doesn't spend too much time there.

It was also a very snowy day. Declan and I had to shovel the driveway and front walkway twice. He sure loved it. It wanted to kept shoveling so much that he tried a couple of times to put the snow back on the driveway. Lucky for him it snowed again this evening so we will be back out there again tomorrow.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Lego Minifigure Adventures

This evening Declan told me that he wants to be a Lego worker at Legoland when he gets bigger "like the other guys". He followed this up by telling me he will go to work and then I can stay home. He's the best. Going to take care of his Mommy with his Lego money. I'm going to be so spoiled.

Was watching Declan playing with his Lego. He gets Daddy's old Black A-Team van. He drives it up along side some Lego with the side door open. He pick up his Disco man Lego Minifigure, places him inside, closes the door and drives away.
I think I just witnessed a kidnapping!!

And there was this: I overheard Declan doing the voices for his Minifigures. "Why don't I have a boat like Penguin?" Says Iron Man.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Boys be Boys

I must have left the two of them alone for too long. I get home from work to Declan being so rambunctious. They've been playing with bouncing balls and Declan is hot and sweaty to the touch. Then Declan tells me that instead of Mommy he wants to call me Poopy. He is laughing hysterically and slapping me hard on the shoulder.

Friggin' boys. This is so what happens hanging alone with Daddy all day. So much for my sweet cuddly little boy. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

Then What?

After dinner Daddy gave Declan four of his purdy chocolate Santa's. He devoured the first two, made it halfway through the third and stopped.

"Daddy is this a chocolate bar?"

"Well no, not really. They're like a chocolate bar but they're just individual chocolates."

"Oh ok. I just like the ones without bubbles."

So now he doesn't like creamy Purdys milk chocolate? The kid doesn't like ANY treats!

Thursday, 7 January 2016

The Booster

This morning was Declan's first car ride with the new booster seat versus a big old car seat. It was a little nerve wracking for me to get him settled in knowing the booster doesn't attach to the car and there are no right straps. Declan just sits on top with the normal lap and shoulder straps. So weird.

Declan loved it.

I got him all set up and he noticed right away how much freedom he had. He liked that he could lean forward. I got in the car myself and Declan asked "Can I have my toys?"
I turned the interior light on so he could see that they were sitting on the back seat just beside him.
"Oh!" He said as he reached for them. "I've never done that before" he says proudly as he discover he can reach them easily from his seat.

There were squeals and laughter as we turned corners. Declan isn't used to the movement felt in corners be caused he'd always been so securely strapped in.

The verdict?

We need another for the other car. Kid loves the booster seat.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

D is for...

The Highlights from my day today:

I called the school to confirm when I would need to go and register Declan for JK. After I got off the phone I walked over and told Declan that "next Tuesday we need to go over to your school to get your registered."
He looks at me with big sad eyes and tells me "But I don't want to go to school yet."
"Not yet Declan,  in September, we just have to get you registered."
"Oh ok then."
He wants to be my "medium" boy forever.

"D is for Declan right?"
"Youre correct, yes it is."
"D is also for Darth Vader."
"Yup. You're right about that too."

And all day he was such a little boy. Spent a couple hours playing with Daddy's old GI Joe toys.

Monday, 4 January 2016

So Chipper

Just watching him in action. Declan has his toy figures interacting, having conversations. He's all smiles and giggling. Then he's laying on his belly drawing in his colouring book. Declan sings or hums along the entire time. 

Without prompting he said he loves us. Declan will spontaneously come over and give us hugs and kisses. 

I don't think I've ever know a person who's so positive and loving. We're pretty lucky.

That's not to say we don't get attitude, yelling and full dramatic overload. It's just more rare. 

The happy, sweet little runt is such a gift.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Every Moment

While I was getting dressed after my shower Declan was playing on our bed. He was jumping and trying to do summersaults. 

Declan: "Do you remember when it was really hot so I slept in here with you and Daddy?"

Me: "I do!"

Hottest week of the summer, we were worried his room was too warm so we had Declan sleep in our room with us where it was cooler. He loved it. I did too. It's kind of amazing that he remembers that. Even more amazing that he remembered it fondly. Every simple ordinary day/thing can make an impact, a memory. 

Friday, 1 January 2016 we go!

Oh how he entertains us...

This morning he comes downstairs and Daddy turns the TV on to Treehouse. Sesame Street starts and Declan says "Are you KIDDING me!?"
Daddy "You don't want to watch Sesame Street?"
Declan "Yes. I just thought that was funny."

Declan was playing a game on his Leapfrog computer. He gets up, walks over to Daddy and says "See this game. When I was born I used to like this game."

End of bath time and Daddy asks Declan to pull the plug and put his bath toys away. Declan pulls the plug, then gets distracted by the bubbles. Daddy reminds Declan to put his toys away to which he responds "Oh ok, my bad."