Kids. They just make you wonder what's been going on when you're not with them. They things coming out of their mouths.
Declan's new favourte saying:
"What the heck!?"
Who says that? Seriously. Not in our house.
Then today I'm getting in the shower and Declan insists on hurt hanging out in the bathroom. Then when I get in he walks out and closes the door behind him.
"Declan! Leave the door open!"
"Declan leave the door open."
"No I want it closed!"
I get out of the shower and step over to open the door while saying "Declan I left the door open for a reason."
To which he replies. "I said to close the door! I don't wanna smell you!"
Where did he learn that?
Today he was killing me with questions too. Hard ones. I don't know the answer or just not how to tell a 3 1/2 year old.
Today he asked why Darth Vader is sick without his helmet.
I remember he is sick but not why. Daddy was at work so hopefully Declan remembered to ask Daddy later.
Then "Why does the sun go up and the moon goes up and then they go down?" I didn't know how to answer him. Great question but how do I explain with out a model of the solar system and aside from saying Earth is the "very best planet" I don't think he has a clue about this stuff at all.
For me...I just want to know why he's in a big boy bed and he's still sticking out.
Oh and lastly Declan got another Lego because he tried a bite of chicken finger.
He hated the chicken finger. Big surprise.