Declan was walking, said something was wrong, something wrong with his foot.
I walked over to look. Everything looked good.
He said "It's all stingy."
I said "Did it hurt when you stood up?"
He said "No, when I walk."
I told him to look at me.
"Better now?"
"And now?"
"You're foot fell asleep buddy."
"It's going to sleep again I think."
It's funny to think that I can't remember a time when I didn't know what that. Feeling was but there had to be a first time. Just like this was a first for Declan.
So cool.
Giving Declan a bath and he gets out while there are still a few bath bubbles in the water. He gets excited and points to the bubbles. "There's a train! A train Mommy. And that's a Doctor. Oh, now it's gone."
He was seeing shapes in the bubbles. What a fun imagination.
This afternoon I told Declan I was going to pack his bag for our cottage trip. He helped me. He picked out his story books to read. I laid out all his clothes and told him what everything was. He picked up Pooh Bear and Bunny and set them gently down in the folded clothes so I'd pack them too. Very sweet. He has also packed some cars in his Yoda bag.
Heart melting.