Saturday, 29 August 2015

All The Real Person Stuff

Declan was walking, said something was wrong, something wrong with his foot.
I walked over to look. Everything looked good.
He said "It's all stingy."
I said "Did  it hurt when you stood up?"
He said "No, when I walk." 
I told him to look at me.

"Better now?"






"And now?"


"You're foot fell asleep buddy."

"It's going to sleep again I think."

It's funny to think that I can't remember a time when I didn't know what that. Feeling was but there had to be a first time. Just like this was a first for Declan.
So cool.

Giving Declan a bath and he gets out while there are still a few bath bubbles in the water. He gets excited and points to the bubbles. "There's a train! A train Mommy. And that's a Doctor. Oh, now it's gone."
He was seeing shapes in the bubbles. What a fun imagination.

This afternoon I told Declan I was going to pack his bag for our cottage trip. He helped me. He picked out his story books to read. I laid out all his clothes and told him what everything was. He picked up Pooh Bear and Bunny and set them gently down in the folded clothes so I'd pack them too. Very sweet. He has also packed some cars in his Yoda bag.
Heart melting.

Friday, 28 August 2015

"I've Got Everything That I Neeeed, Right Here Next To Me."

New development.

Declan WANTS us the dance with him when a good song comes on during a movie or TV show. Completely gets into it.
So awesome.
He will even let me sing along to some of the songs.

Declan is also happy if I want to sing the "baby song". He means the song I sang him every day when he was a baby.

Finally, he's more fun every day!!!

Thursday, 27 August 2015

You Learn

Declan is loving the Toy Story movies, 1 through 3. Just loving them.

He was watching one of them when a character dropped cheesies. Declan yells out "oh no, the cheesie dibbles!!"

The what?

That's right. My son learned what cheesies are called by watching the Penguins of Madagascar. Cheesies are often called Cheesie Dibbles throughout the movie.

You know, you could really mess a kid up if you wanted to. 

Wait, quickly scanning the that more Lego!!?!?!?!!

Grow up FAST

Kelly sent me this picture of Declan with the little girl Natalya that he is so fond of:

He looks like a teenager in this picture. So sweet how gently his arms are wrapped around her.
How is this my 3 1/2 year old??

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Busy Week

As of Friday night, I'm on vacation for over a week.
I'm so excited.
Can't believe it.
Actual vacation.

What that means right now though is that I have a very busy week at work. Got home today at 7pm and Daddy had just finished getting Declan off to bed.
I snuck in...
I sat down beside the bed and asked Declan about his day. Just hung out with him while he babbled on about how "everyone" was there at Kelly's today, that he dumped all the toys out of the bin, that he napped in the other room and that he got a bum change.
He also told me that he has one more day with Kelly, then two days, then we have to pack, get in the car, put our seat belts on and go to the cottage!
He's clearly excited too.

Still have this week to get through but I'll sneak in every extra moment I can until then.

Monday, 24 August 2015


At 1am this morning the Muffin Man got out of bed and ran into our room to join us. He climbed over me to get in between us.
No. Not the middle of the bed. No he'd rather sleep on my side but between us.
So there I was, trying to sleep on the sliver of a bed on my side while Declan spread out across my side and then across the entire bed once Daddy got up at 2:45am for work.
Bed Hog.
He's squished right up against me too.
But then Daddy tells me how cute it was, the two of us cuddled together in bed in the early morning so I'm good with it.
Just as has been with everything and there will continue to be, I know there is an expiration date for jumping into our bed to snuggle with us.
The day will come where he wouldn't even consider it and I'll be longing for the days where he crawled into our bed at 1am.
So he's welcome anytime.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Weekend has Exhausted Him

Declan is fast asleep. 

Pretty much soon as his head hit the pillow.

What a great weekend he had playing with his cousins. I'm so happy that he isn't too shy. He runs to hug Grandma and Grandpa and is just as excited to see everyone else. He plays great with the older boys and pretty good with Holden too. There are some power struggles involving who gets the toys and when but they play alright, especially when just running around in the yard.
It sure is different now being able to let him hang out with just the kids in another room or in the house for a little while when we are still outside. He's just getting so big now.

Friday, 21 August 2015

The Times My Kid Surprised Me Today

When I told him his blocks had to be cleaned up and put away before we could leave for Ottawa. We cleaned them up together and once we were all done he said aloud "blocks put away so we can go to Ottawa? CHECK!"

When he got excited about the free plush toy in the box of pull-ups and it was Lamie from Doc McStuffins. "She has a pretty skirt. She has a perfect bow. Look at her eyelashes. They're beautiful."

When we got an oil change today and I suggested we get a car wash. "No I don't think that's a good idea. It's scary. The car is clean." He then proceeded to run a finger down the window and then flip it over to see how clean it was. "See it's kinda clean."

When he opened a new Lego kit with his cousin Alex. Then in the first few seconds while Alex started reading the instructions Declan went ahead and built half the helicopter by himself. "Here Alex!"

And finally when he beat his cousin Alex 6 to 2 in their first round of Memory. I guess he understands the game now.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Less Heartbreak, More Heartbreaker

I've been sad for Declan. Thinking of how he's going to lose Alexis at the start of the school year as she begins kindergarten and is no longer at Kelly's. Only a few days remain and then he won't see her again. 

This past Tuesday Declan was at Kelly's. She told me how another little girl was starting that day. In the evening I asked Declan if he met the new girl "Natasha?"


"I thought it was Natasha. Is it Natalia?"

"Yes! I like her."

This morning when dropping Declan at Kelly's I mentioned how Declan said he likes Natalia. Kelly told me that yes, she knows Declan quite likes her and that she's a beautiful little girl. Not quite 3.

I asked him this evening if he played with his friends today.

"Yup. Alexis and Nihal. And Ella too."

"And was Natalia there?"

"Ya! She's my girlfriend!"

And with that. I'm not sure Alexis is his favourite anymore. Although I'm sure he will still miss his little friend.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

He Had Days Mixed Up

4am and Declan hops into our bed. Couple questions and then he goes to sleep beside me. Daddy left a few minutes before then for work.

Once we both wake up Declan asks me "Where's my Daddy? You stole him away! It's supposed to be Mommy AND Daddy today!"

Seems somebody got confused. I had to outline the next couple days for him. "Me in the morning and Daddy when Mommy leaves for work, Kelly's tomorrow and then on Friday we leave for Ottawa."

Perfect. Then he's all excited about Ottawa and we can move on.

We hung out upstairs and played with Declan's toys for a while. Then I had to go downstairs to empty the dishwasher. Suddenly from behind someone reaches for me, while giggling of course. I turn around to find Declan wearing tickle monster gloves. He thinks he's hilarious and he's trying to tickle me. 

He sure is fun.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Cute x2

Reading Declan's bedtime story. There are two skunks with their noses pressed together. Declan asks "why do the make it stunk with their tails?"

"That's just what they do."

"Oh. They're just stinky."

Once stories were done, Daddy has his normal goodnight kisses, then I got mine, then Declan asked for a hug from me and then he wanted Daddy again for a hug. When Daddy stood back up Declan asked for one more hug from Daddy because his "face tickles".

Monday, 17 August 2015

My Boys

The It brings me great joy watching my two guys together. Ok so there are times when Declan is being argumentative or times when Daddy is cross with Declan but most of the time they just enjoy each other.

I think Declan is proudest when Daddy asks Declan to tell me something, either a story from the day or to repeat something he'd said to Daddy that was amusing. Declan's eyes get big and he takes a breath before telling me and I can see in his face how happy he is that Daddy has encouraged him. 

My two guys: best decisions I've ever made.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

No Sleep...killing me kid

Why does he need to come to bed at 2:46?

Why must he lay right against my back and figit for the next 4 hours? 

Does he need to tell me about his toys or ask me about Monkey at 4am?

He is SO lucky he is cute.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Green Stars

Mommy kept a promise made yesterday and Declan and I made pancakes for breakfast. Did he want his to be stars again? But of course. Did he tell me just as I started pouring the mix onto the pan that he wanted "green" stars? Yes. Too late. Next time they can be green but today they were normal little pancake stars. He ate every one. Has to be my favourite meal to give him because I get to make it and he eats every bite!

Tomorrow morning Declan will help cut up strawberries so we can have vanilla yogurt, strawberries and granola for breakfast.
He will eat yogurt. 
This kid.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Stayed Home

Decided to take the day off and stayed home with my little man. 

When we first got up and came downstairs I opened the screen door and it was raining with some thunder. I told Declan is was raining and that the grey clouds were making noise. After I walked away from the door Declan walked toward it, closed the door and said "it's scary." So the door stayed closed.

Declan told me this morning that one of his Monkeys had a boo boo and needed to go to the hospital. I took a look and Monkey needed stitches. Declan picked out green thread. I used the "wrong" green thread (he's going to remind me for YEARS) but Monkey is stiched up and had a new scar. Overall Declan is happy about it.

And finally we went for a haircut today.its easy with him now, he wants to go, he doesn't fuss and he likes having his hair "done".

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Movie Morning

First thing this morning Declan requested to watch a movie.
Mission Marvel (Phineus and Ferb crossover)
Then he asked for another.
Ok fine.
SpongeBob Movie. 
Then he asks to watch "Anudder Movie"
"I think we've already seen enough movies."

Then Declan gets close to me and says very calmly "For cryin' out loud. I wanna watch a movie."

That was unexpected. I did want to laugh. 

So Winnie the Pooh movie it is!

We had a real fun morning. 

The most precious part of the morning was when Declan lost Monkey and MahMah Monkey. He was looking around, even went upstairs. Then when he came back down he yells "Oh Monkey! You can come out now!"
Followed by "Where are ya boys?!?"

Declan is so entertaining. Can't wait to hang out again tomorrow.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Mommy Needed Sleep

Last night I had to work a late shift. Wasn't going to finish work until 3am. Got home about 3:30am. 
"Declan is asleep in our bed so take my side."
Daddy was up getting ready for his work day so I crawled into his side and saw how Declan was literally taking up my entire side of the bed. Out cold. Getting a great little sleep. Note: Monkey, MahMah Monkey, Micky and Minnie Mouse were also in our bed. 

Wide awake at 6am I told Declan he could watch videos on my phone buying me a little more shut eye before Gramma arrived. Just before 7am Declan sat up and said "I think Daddy came back home."
"No Declan, that should be Gramma."

So thankful.

Declan and Gramma hung out for the next 4 hours so that I could get some sleep. Now it wasn't a sound sleep as I woke frequently to the sound of giggles coming from the little man downstairs. Declan and Gramma had a blast. Lots of hugs and toys everywhere!

When it was time for her to leave Declan wanted to wait at the door to see her drive off. He was waving and yelling "Bye Gramma!" 

Then he walked back to the TV room saying "I miss Gramma."

Monday, 10 August 2015


This morning on the drive to Kelly's Declan started telling me about Lego Duplo. He said he doesn't have Micky Mouse Club House Duplo. He tells me that we could get it at Daddy's work. "Maybe we could get it. I don't have Micky Mouse Club House Duplo. It'd be great."

"That's sounds like a good Duplo but I don't think we are getting new Lego Duplo just now."

As per the usual Daddy picks Declan up from Kelly's. When they get home Declan sits on his little couch and has a soppy cup of milk. Once his milk was done Daddy whispered to him that there was a surprise for him somewhere in the room and to look for it. Declan got excited. He stood up and started slowly looking around. Then he spied the Micky Mouse Duplo box on the couch. He ran over, picked it up above his head and started jumping up and down. Made his entire day!

Here's the crazy part. Daddy had no idea Declan had been talking to me about it this morning. So now apparently my child is sending his wish lists telepathically to Daddy.

Sunday, 9 August 2015


In an effort to ease the blow of me heading in to work at 6:30pm Sunday night Daddy told Declan that I'd be leaving soon. He let Declan know he's be reading him his stories and puttin him to bed.

Declan told him he wanted me to stay home and for Daddy to go to work.

So as nice as this is for me it's a little disappointing for Daddy.

What he doesn't realize is how much Declan talks about him when he's alone with me. Or how any time Declan asks me a question I don't know the answer to he says "I bet Daddy knows."

He loves us both!

It's the cat he can do without.

Friday, 7 August 2015

My Little Person

Cracks me up when it's 11pm and I finally get around to looking at photos on my phone and I find a picture taken at 5:43am this morning.

Looks like someone took a photo when he was trying to watch Angry Bird Transformer videos on my phone this morning.

When it was time to leave for Kelly's Declan asks the same question he asks every morning when it's time to go "Are we going through the garage or the front door?"

"The garage."

"Awww man. I don't wanna go through the garage."

"I know Declan. Whichever I say you always want the other. I'm on to you."

Then when we step into the garage and open the door Declan realized we are going in my car.

"I wanna go in the white van!"

So I guess he was holding out hope for Gramma and Poppa waiting in the driveway to steal him away for another beach day.

Nope. It's a work day.

Declan had a good day at Kelly's though. He even got a frog sticker on his hand for trying to go pee in the toilet at Kelly's.

Serious baby steps with this one.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Port Elgin

Had a great day with my funny little man. Took a day trip with Gramma, Poppa, Nick and Jayme to Port Elgin. Declan finally got hours of sand time. For the first hour Declan would walk to the water to rinse his hands whe they got sandy. By the end of our time there he was laying in the sand, digging frantically with both hands and kicking up sand everywhere!

Declan loves the beach.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Spent the last 15 minutes before the Muffin Man's bedtime running around upstairs practicing to be SuperHeros and Transformers. We both got down on all fours and made truck noises. Then we both made a "chee-chew-chew-chew, chee-chew-chew" sound while we pretended to transform into robots. We also struck various fight poses while making tough "fight sounds" because we were "SuperHeros!!"

Little boy play is freakin' awesome!

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

No Need to Tell Him Twice...wait no that's not right...

Funny how you can tell the kid the same thing 20 times and he still doesn't get it.

Tell him ONCE this morning that in two days he would be going with Mommy, Gramma and Poppa to spend the day at the beach and it's one of the first things he tells Daddy about 8 hours later.

It's just so ridiculous, it's hilarious.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Boys Be Wild

Daddy-Declan Day!!

Today Daddy made a special trip to pick up a gift card he earned from work so the two of them could watch the movie Home. Declan kept asking him to see it this morning.

Declan loved it.

Perfect activity for a day that kept threatening rain. When I got home I had to run inside because of the downpour. As I opened the door Declan was standing inside laughing at me. He gave me a hug before turning to Daddy with his arms still open to complain that I made him wet. 
Not the welcome home I'd hoped for.
Then for the remainder of the evening Declan was pretty hyper. He gets all stereotypically "Boy" when he's with Daddy all day.
Which just reminds me of how lucky this kid is that we are both very present and involved.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

My Best Little Man

We stated the day by making pancakes together. Declan was a great helper. We made enough for all three of us and of course Declan's were star shaped.

After that we got dressed so the two of us could go out for a couple hours while Daddy did some cleaning. When Declan realized where we were headed he said "oh man, not a tree park." Well he was correct but we went on a nice long hike to Hilton Falls and he seemed to enjoy the adventure of looking for the falls.

We had a good time, findings acorns, hearing birds and seeing funny shaped trees.

Declan did trip along the way and scraped up both of his little knees. Daddy cleaned them both up soon as we got home. We were both pretty beat after our hour and a half trek.

Just after Declan's nap time I was on the phone with Poppa making plans for this Thursday. I told him that I had a little boy just dying to play in the sand. From across the room Declan looks at me, points his finger and says firmly "I'm not dying." I laughed and laughed.

After dinner we were hanging in the backyard on a tarp. Declan wanted pictures so I got close, turned the screen to us and Declan took the photos. When we turned the phone back around so we could look at them he stopped at this photo...

and said "That's love."

He's good.

And then he gets better.

I was getting him dressed in his pjs when he looks right at me and says "you're the best Mom."
He got hugs.