So as I wrote before, Declan has been taking pictures of his toys. I grabbed his phone and told him I was looking at his photos. I came across a cute one, a closeup of monkey.
"Awwww, you took a picture of money."
"Yup, and his bum." And Declan giggles.
"You took a picture of monkeys bum?"
So I swipe ahead to the next photo and it's all brown. Obviously a closeup of monkeys blanket part.
"Is this his bum?"
I then swipe back two photos and find another closeup of the blanket part of money but this time there is a little fold or crease in the fabric. I've gotta say, it's a little "bum"-like.
"Is this money's bum?"
"Yeah!!" And the giggles commence.
This evening after I got in from work Declan was sitting on the couch having just finished snacking on some crackers. Daddy and I were busy talking about the day just as Daddy hands Declan his dinner plate. Amongst the busy of activity going on I catch Declan say "Thank you Daddy."
Those three words in that moment said so much. We are very lucky.