Tuesday, 30 June 2015

He's Quick


Stories were done and Daddy had just finished getting his goodnight kiss from Declan (and the monkey's of course).
It was my turn so I stepped to his bedside and said "ready for my kisses" to which Declan replied "Well you've come to the right place."

Sunday, 28 June 2015

They Be Buds

My guys had a great weekend. I worked Saturday and Sunday so it was just the boys all weekend. Makes me so happy when I can tell they both had a good time. Declan is more attentive to Daddy and tells me lots of stories (and I can follow most of it) about what they've been up to. Daddy is relaxed and also sharing little anecdotes about their day. 

Today they sat and watched an entire movie together. Declan asked LOTS of questions and they both laughed through the entire thing. They're buds.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

If You Catch It, It's Everything

So as I wrote before, Declan has been taking pictures of his toys. I grabbed his phone and told him I was looking at his photos. I came across a cute one, a closeup of monkey.

"Awwww, you took a picture of money."

"Yup, and his bum." And Declan giggles.

"You took a picture of monkeys bum?"


So I swipe ahead to the next photo and it's all brown. Obviously a closeup of monkeys blanket part.

"Is this his bum?"


I then swipe back two photos and find another closeup of the blanket part of money but this time there is a little fold or crease in the fabric. I've gotta say, it's a little "bum"-like. 

"Is this money's bum?"

"Yeah!!" And the giggles commence.

This evening after I got in from work Declan was sitting on the couch having just finished snacking on some crackers. Daddy and I were busy talking about the day just as Daddy hands Declan his dinner plate. Amongst the busy of activity going on I catch Declan say "Thank you Daddy." 
Those three words in that moment said so much. We are very lucky.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Just Enjoy Him

After a night of little sleep because somebody came into our room at 1:30 and couldn't be quiet so he had to sleep in the spare room with me and he still was restless... He still woke me up at 5:30am. Not cool. So I brought him downstairs to his toys and TV and told him I needed to sleep on the couch while he played. I woke up after an hour to a happy kid with toys everywhere. The real surprise was when he told and then showed me that he carried his laundry downstairs while I was sleeping. Yup. There it was. He placed it properly and neatly at the bottom of the stairs. No more sleep for me.

On our way home from our excursion to the park we checked the mail. Some happy boy got mail from Grandma! Declan was so happy the package had his name on it.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

More and More Entertaining

Declan was in a great mood today. He was happy, cooperative and loads of fun.

True story from this morning (sorry Declan, don't hate me later):

"Something's wrong with my business. Is it bigger? It hurts."

"Don't worry honey, it will go back."

We wait...

"Ok. It's better now."


Later in the day while I was at work Daddy tells me that Declan was taking pictures of his toys.

I can't wait to snag his phone tomorrow to see how they look.

After snapping pictures he was watching videos of me on his phone and he says "so long Suckers!" 

Need be afraid??

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


Daddy picked Declan up from Kelly's today. The report is that Declan sat on the potty two times. He didn't "use it" but he did try it out. Kelly told Declan that if he used the potty like a big boy then she would call Mommy or Daddy and then perhaps he'd get a special treat. He has decided he'd like that treat to be Lego. Now we wait.

On the drive home Declan was getting annoyed because Daddy wasn't getting around the other cars (rules of the road are not things he knows Michu about yet you see). Daddy had to explain why he wasn't doing things at Declan's request. He also told him not to worry about the driving, that he has it under control.

There was some silence.

Then Declan spoke.

"Are you going to ask me about my day Daddy?"

He's priceless.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Oh The Giggles

The When I walked in the door, home from work Declan didn't even hear me. Even through the front door I could hear the giggles. Upon opening the door I heard full belly chuckles from the little one and some more laughter from Daddy. What a nice way to come home. Of course it was made even better once Declan realized I was home and ran to welcome me.

After hearing about Mommy, Daddy, Poppa and Nick seeing the "dinosaur movie" yesterday our Declan was excited to show Daddy the two dinosaurs he had been playing with at Kelly's. He was showing Daddy the big one and the little one when he dropped one right on his big toe. Daddy reported so many tears. Poor guy. He just wanted to be a part of the dinosaur fun.

...that's one crowded bed.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

And Then He Sleeps

My little peanut was a very happy little boy yesterday. He ran around the yard, played on the trampoline and got to stay up with his little friends way too late. After dark and around the bonfire the kids ran around with glow sticks. Dressed in his Spider-Man pjs and a fleece you could barely see him but for the glow sticks. You'd see the sticks pass by accompanied by giggles. Finally they moved indoors for movie time. Declan was so tired just walking around aimlessly looking at different toys. At 10:30pm I told Declan it was time for bed. His reply: "ok." He was that tired. 

This morning when we got home Declan was exhausted. So sensitive and would cry if you looked at him wrong. Got him down for his nap by 1:30pm and Gramma had to wake him at 20 to 5pm as he was still sound asleep. 

Friday, 19 June 2015

Good Morning

I said goodbye to Declan just before his nap Thursday and then I worked until 11pm. This morning when Declan woke up and came running into the room, right up beside me in bed and yelled "MOMMY! You came back!!!"

Love the enthusiasm.

Did he think I wasn't coming back?

When I had gone to bed Thursday evening I realized there was nothing I had to do today so I decided to let Declan pick what we did today. He's still excited for seeing the kids Saturday so he asked "Is it Molly and MacGregors house today?"

"Tomorrow buddy."

And with that, at 7am this morning he asked if we could go see Daddy at work today.

"You bet!"

Then we had to wait for Daddy's store to open but we had a great time.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

He Was Mad at Me

Just snuck into Declan's room to steal a glance at my sleeping little man. So lucky he sleeps pretty soundly and even though I do this every night he doesn't startle.

We had the morning together so I decided we could go to the park of his choosing. Everything was going well getting our things together that was until he realized we were going to a park and not to Molly and McGregor's house. I've already told him we are going this weekend so he's excited but he thought it was today so he got genuinely mad at me. Even after the fun at the park he once again was upset when we arrived home. He wanted to know why we were not on our way there. Geeezzz, I sure hope Saturday isn't a let down.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Kicked Me Out

Declan, much like his Daddy is a creature of habit. He does well with routine and it's very specific. On daycare days I nearly always sit on Kelly's step while Declan settles in and I talk with Kelly. When his little friend Alexis arrives it's usually time for me to head out to work so it's a cue or routine that I stand up, say goodbyes and leave. This morning I was in no rush and had lots of time before work. I was relaxing and watching the kids interact when Alexis arrived. They were excited to see each other and then, just like that, Declan starts saying goodbye to me. I said I hadn't planned on leaving yet to which Declan responded with you leave with Lexi's Dad. 
Ok then.
So I said goodbye and left. Now I can't wait for tomorrow so we can hang out because I missed him all day.

Came home from work to this:

How is that comfortable?

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

"Bubba" Done

Finally. Finally this 3 year old is done with his "Bubba". We are now on to just his sippy cup. Fantastic! His highness doesn't like his milk too cool though so we have to let it sit out for a bit. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

Quick Visit - Diaper Edition

Just as Declan was getting out of the bath we heard a knock at the door. While Daddy ran downstairs to see who was there I got Declan to step into his pull-up diaper. 
Surprise! It was a quick drop by visit of Poppa, Nick and Jayme. I ran downstairs to help Poppa and Daddy in the garage which left Jayme and Nick to have a little visit with Declan. He was running around and talking up a storm. He was so happy for the visit. Poppa came upstairs just for a quick Hello. It all went so fast I was left with a diapered 3 year old wondering why everyone had to go AND why he had to go to bed. I told him that maybe next time he could have a proper little visit with Nick and Jayme. Declan said "Or a long visit. 
Maybe we can visit Auntie T and go in the pool?"

Toddler priorities.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

No Sleep

Why Declan was in our bed and wide awake at 4:40am this morning I can't fathom a suitable reason.

I am tired.

Now it's 8:40pm and we're both in bed already, just exhausted and yet we can hear a certain 3 year old loud and clear, chatting away through the monitor.

Please. Go. To sleep...

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Completely Wore Him Out

This morning, Crawford Lake. Nearly two hours of hiking. Declan was exhausted.

After nap we went to the park where  Declan made some little friends and ran around for an hour.

His muscles must be so tired.

Then just to make me giggle here's how bath time went:

"There's something touching my back. I think it's a hippo. YUP, it's a hippo."

Then he picks up the hippo and sets him on the side of the tub. He places a pig on one side and an elephant on the other: "Here's Piggy Pig, Hippo Hippo and Elephant the Elephant." 

Well that's easy.

I bet he sleeps soundly tonight.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Language of Boys

Had an awesome day with Declan. At home together this morning, little man ate up every last bite of his waffles breakfast. 

We made some plans and started getting ready to go when Declan found his remote control car. A piece had broken off the bottom and the batteries would slip out so he hadn't played with it for a while. I thought 'why not duck tape?'
So it wasn't perfect and the batteries would still slip every few minutes but he was super excited to play with it until it was time to go. 

We drove to Springridge Farm and got some strawberries. And a bee chocolate.
After getting home we headed to the park. It was quiet. No other kids so

Declan was a little disappointed though we still had fun. Back home for lunch after which he devoured his bee treat. Overall an excellent day save for one situation. 

One of the times when Declan is playing with the remote control car the battery pack fell out and he could get it back. I hear him muttering under his breath "F$&K it. Stupid F&$ing thing. Just F@$K it." Then he sees I've notice him so he says "Sorry for the bad word Mommy."


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Sorry Little Man

This morning when I was in the shower Declan came in the bathroom. He'd just woken up and was all sleepy. I told him to go grab my phone and is get some Lego videos set up for him to watch. He got it and then asked where Daddy was. I said "he's at work and Mommy has to work so it's a Kelly day today." 

He replies with "No. You don't have to work today."

I told him "I'm sorry buddy but plans changed and I had to go into work today. Tomorrow I'm with you all day."

He looked at me. Eyes locked on me and his mouth turned down into the most heart wrenching frown I've ever seen.

I felt terrible. We will have a great day tomorrow though!!

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Enjoy Every Minute

I was reminded this morning of something I found hilarious about a year ago. Declan calls a skunk a "stunk". I completely forgot he did that. I think he's pretty clever.

Home from work just after 5pm today I was able to take advantage of the beautiful weather and the fact that Daddy  had already taken care of Declan's dinner and we were off to the park! A happy little boy ran ahead to the park and straight to the swing. I told him we were at the park so he could get some exercise but I was doing all the work. Finally I got him off the swing on a promise that if he ran to the top of the big hill with me I'd push him in the swing again. 

So we ran.

And then he was back in the swing!!

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Out Of Breath?

Declan and I went to the Milton Sports Center this morning to see Declan's cousin Maddie's Lacrosse game. Auntie T was there because she's the coach and Uncle Scott was there (filling in as Trainer) and Poppa was there in the stands. Declan actually sat still and watched the first period. The 2nd and 3rd he walked all over the bleachers. He told me later how much fun he had there.

In the afternoon Daddy and Declan did push-ups together again. Declan doesn't quite get how he's supposed to do them but I'm sure he'll learn quick by observing. He mimics Daddy's tired, heavy breathing already. He just needs to build his pipes.

Friday, 5 June 2015

There he goes......

Told Declan we'd head out to the park since it was nice out and I didn't work until much later. We got a couple things together and then started walking. He didn't know what direction we were headed so he just followed along. At one point I got a little ahead of him and he gave me the old "Mah-meeee, wait for meeeeee!" Funny though, soon as the park was in site he was off in a flash!

Seriously, I was having a hard time keeping up.

The park was extremely busy. Kids everywhere. Many younger and many older, it was a new experience for me. Trying to balance my need to protect with the importance of letting him have some independence and develope social skills. I stood back and watched best I could. I stepped in when a girl about four years old tried to lift him into a swing (he is much heavier than he looks) but gave some distance and just watched as she both pushed him and spun him around in the swing. He was happy.  

It sure is a roller coaster watching your precious little one at the playground. Seeing them try to interact with another kid and being denied and then try again and it seems to work. You just want them to be loved and favored but then again I know it will make him a better and stronger person if he learns rejection. Sure is hard though. I was thrilled when he finally clicked with two little boys for short while and they played with some trucks together. Oddly their names were Declan and Tyler.

After the park (and a pound of sand) Declan settled in for some lunch. He ran to the door when Daddy got home to tell him he found "another Declan at the park!" 

The evening was quieter as Declan got in a lot of play and fresh air in the morning. I got a pictured text with Declan cuddling his Wall-E and Eva and watching his Wall-E movie. He looked so little and tired.

Oh and apparently he devoured half a Caramilk bar after dinner. Spoilt!

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Park Surprise

Had the day off so Declan and I took off to the City View Park down near Waterdown. The park is quite large so I thought he'd get lots of exercise. A bonus is that the park is close to Gramma and Poppa's so we got a surprise visit from POPPA! Worked out really well for Declan since Mommy wanted a short break from pushing the swing but Declan wanted on the swing more than anything.

He was on the swing so long he was dizzy when he got off and couldn't find his land legs.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Happy Vision

As we parked the car outside Kelly's this morning Declan noticed a bird up high on a roof top.

"Mommy look. There's a bird up there."

"Oh yes. There he is. I see him."

"I'd like to go up there. I might like to be a bird and fly up high. You can too Mommy."

"Declan I'd love to be a bird with you and fly up high."

"And Daddy too!"

"Yes Daddy too."

Then Declan says softly under his breath "We can't lose our wings."

Kids say weird things.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Last Class

Today was Declan's last Soccer class. He had fun and he loved the special red and white soccer balls but the class was really too log to hold his attention. I think for this summer just playing and experiencing nature will be our focus.