Saturday, 28 February 2015

He's in Here Again

Not even 6am and he's back. Hopped up into bed in between Daddy and me.  Right away he wants my phone but I told him it's still nighttime and he had to go to sleep. He didn't. He laid in between us for a half hour waiting for a second go at getting my phone. 

While he lay there Daddy put his arm around him and cuddled in. Declan put his hand on Daddy's arm. So very sweet and since there will come a day where Declan wouldn't even think of cuddling his Daddy or either of us for that matter we let him sneak in to our room in the early morning.

His little feet running along the floor on his way in sounds pretty cute too.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Can Tell Me Everything

Declan was excited when I got home from work today. Immediately starts rambling on about what's he's been doing. Soon as he finished his dinner and I wiped off his face he said "Come see the paint Mommy!" He took off quickly saying "you see the paint Mommy, the paint!"

When we got upstairs he opened the spare room door for me and then proceded to show me the roller, the brushes, painters tape and the pant can. He's pretty excited Daddy is painted the spare room. 

I wish I had just a little of his energy that time of day.

Thursday, 26 February 2015


Declan tells me this morning that he "has to pee". I said "ok." He said "on the potty."
I got excited. "Ok Declan."
I got him ready and all set on the potty (he doesn't want to stand yet) and then waited.

And waited.

And waited. Twenty minutes.

Then he says "I want down."
"You're not going to go pee?"

So I got him down. Cleaned him up and put a dry diaper on. He leaves the bathroom, walks into his bedroom, walks back into the bathroom and announces "My business is watering!"

So he did have to pee.

Oh well, maybe next time.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

A Little Bit Shy

Declan is the boss, he likes to be the center of attention and he likes to look at himself in a mirror. Then he surprised me and gets a little bit shy. Watching the Muppet Movie today and he starts singing along. I peak out from the kitchen to look at him. When Declan notices me he stops singing and pretends he wasn't singing. I got him to keep singing by singing myself. We belted it out right to the end of the song.

And earlier this morning when I got out of the shower I found Declan trying to play the guitar. It was pretty cute. Same thing he stopped soon as he noticed me there. He told me to go away. I had to pretend I wasn't watching and then used my cell to snap a picture of him playing along. 

He's a little music monkey.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Positive & Negative

Negative: He woke me up at 5am this morning. Climbed into bed, demanded the middle even though it was just him and me so I got a sliver of my side once again.
Positive: Declan watched Lego videos on my phone by himself until 7:30am. Almost as good as sleeping in.

Negative: He took apart the Lego Riddlers Car and pulled a couple pieces of Lego Batmans car off.
Positive: When I put the pieces back on Batmans car Declan leaned in and said real softly "you're my best, best girlfriend."

Negative: He was using his Spider-Man Car to drive over Iron Man
Positive: Declan spent 5 minutes making his Wall-E stuffy kiss his Eve stuffy.

Negative: He got out the finger paints while playing alone in his room when Inwas getting dressed and ready for work. There was yellow paint on the floor and toys everywhere.
Positive: Except for the spot of paint on the floor Declan had carefully filled 8 little cups with yellow paint and didn't even get any paint on the sides of the cups. He was actually pretty neat. After I took the paints away and cleaned up the paint I told him to clean his room. After a couple minutes he came and got me, told me his room was clean and "wanna see it?" I looked. It was perfect. Everything was put back exactly as I'd done.

Negative: Kids poop.
Positive: Declan had already gone to bed when I got a text at work. It read: John Horton just yelled at me from the top of the stairs toget upstairs and change his bum Cuz he'd had a poop. 99% chance I don't have to change a poop bum tomorrow morning because Daddy already had to do one tonight.

Negative: I miss him when I'm at work.
Positive: Really? Everything.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Fun Questions

So he slept through the night. Whew. I was up at 5am and Declan 5:20am. Not bad at all. Even though I was busy getting ready for the day Declan crawled into our bed and watched videos on my phone. Such a creature of habit. He was in great spirits even though he's fighting a lousy cough. 

Today he was headed to Kellys so Inteminded him that if he coughs to do it in his elbow, that we didn't want to make the other kids sick.

Daddy picked Declan up at 3:30 and Kelly says he was so cute and every time he had to cough he'd go stick his face in HER elbow and cough.
So he didn't cough all over the other kids-good job!!

And lastly, so sweet. Declan was in the living room and he walks into the kitchen to ask Daddy a question. With his hands up in the air he asked "Are these like paws?"
Daddy says "Well yes. Sort of."

Declan says "ok" and leaves the room.

Sunday, 22 February 2015


No. Nope. Don't think so.
"Declan it's the middle of the night. You can sleep here with us or you're going back to bed."
So he cuddled up beside me in bed. Sounds cute right? 
Well he won't stay in the middle. He hogs my side and I'm left sleeping (trying to sleep) on a thin sliver of bed. 
He slept a while. Finally woke up at 6:30am and then I found a 30 minute Lego video to keep him entertained while I closed my burning eyes just a little longer.

No idea what to do in the night now if he does this again because Daddy is up at 2:30am and I can't have my 3 year of awake in my bed so early. 

Wish me luck!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

My Assistant

I had Friday off work and decided I wanted to make my little man some pancakes for breakfast. I made a bunch of regular pancakes and some blue pancakes. Then I used cookie cutters to prepare a plate of star pancakes, some bluish, some regular with syrup. Declan loved them! He thought they looked cool and he ate every last one.

I felt like such a "mom".

Later in the morning I told Declan it was time to bake cupcakes. He ran over and got a chair, pushed it up to the counter and helped me make cupcakes.

I wasn't counting but I'm pretty sure he ate about 6 kisses while we were making them. It wasn't even lunchtime yet.

When we got Declan up from his nap we drove to Daniella and Mikes for a visit and it let Declan and Chelsey have some time to hang out. They chaced each other around the kitchen and down the hallway. At one point they were following each other while crawling on their hands and knees. There was squealing and laughter so we let them be. 

After dinner we all headed to the basement. Declan and Chelsey on the playroom side with the rest of us relaxing, listening to music. Daddy peaks over and ...he finds the two of them. They're up on top of a large desk and both standing at the basement window. They were calmly standing and checking out some Lego up about three feet off the floor. Now we know, we're going to have a lifetime of these two getting into trouble together.

Around 9:30-10pm and we put Declan to bed in the spare room we will be sleeping in. He went to bed easily as he was very tired. Should have known though. There he was staring at my face at 4am. He wants to get up and watch Lego videos or go and play with Chelsey's toys.
No way kid. 4am!?! I dragged him in between Daddy and me and we made him go back to sleep until 6:45am. So today I've been tired and annoyed. He better sleep in tomorrow.

And finally he went shopping with Daddy today. Kids got a new Lego set: Spider-Man.

I think he likes it!

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Truly an Actor

The Muffin man is getting up earlier and earlier. Last two days he's up before 6am and I can't convince him to go back to sleep. Guess I'm just going to have to go to bed earlier so I can handle small child in morning.

Declan had swim class today and I took him myself. He did good, floating on his back with very little assistance, rolls from front to back and jumping in and going under water. He doesn't like to put his face in the water. When he was supposed to put his mouth and nose in the water to blow bubbles he was actually putting his mouth close to the water and humming. This kid really is an actor. Gotta keep an eye on him.

And cuteness tonight. After he'd been in bed about 45 minutes we hear him yell " Daddy come here." Daddy walked upstairs and found a little Declan at his bedroom door.
"Daddy change my bum?"
He'd had a good poop and that would be a rough night if he'd worn that diaper from 9pm to 5am like that. All happy Daddy took good care of him, Declan hopped back into bed and was sound asleep in mere minutes.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The Booger Incident

On Tuesday night I was sitting on the floor and Declan was sitting sortof on my lap looking at me. He said he needed a Kleenex and touched his nose. When I leaned away from him the grab the Kleenex box he fell toward me a little. As I sat back forward he started laughing and said there was a booger in me. He's looking toward my collar so I'm looking down.
"There's a booger on me?"
"Yay! Ha ha ha ha ha ha."
I keep looking and don't see anything. 
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha boo-ger ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
"Declan. Is there a booger on me?"
"Yay. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. A booger. Ha ha ha ha!"
"Seriously? There's a booger on me?"
Then he reaches toward me. Not toward my collar but toward my jawline and grabs the sticky little round booger.
"Here! A booger! Ha ha ha!"
I take the Kleenex and grab the booger and with full belly laughs tell Declan "I can't believe you stuck a booger on me!"

And he laughs some more.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The Tire

Yesterday Declan gives Daddy a hug and kiss. Daddy says "that makes me so happy." Declan then walks over toward me. Points at me and say "I'm gonna make you happy." Then he comes over and gives me a hug and kiss.

This evening he kept asking Daddy when I would be home. He misses me. They played while they waited. While running around one of Declan's slippers fell of and he yells to Daddy "I blew a tire!"

Monday, 16 February 2015

Oh The Memory

Today I got to experience it for myself. Declan really had a fantastic memory. We've notice things before like how he can remember somewhere we'd been months ago and in great detail. He commented that the tissue box downstairs is the same pattern as the one upstairs in the bathroom (I didn't even know that) and today it was his book from memory.
After reading him two books: Hippos Go Beserk and Perfect Piggies before his afternoon nap Declan recited the Perfect Piggies book perfectly as he lay alone in bed. Over the monitor we heard clearly: Ba do bah Donk Donk Shuffle dee da. Ba do bah Donk Donk Piggy do wah. And it goes on. He enunciated "troughful" recited "some have more wit and some have more style" and "Piggys were born to be chubby and pink." 
Get the kid a stage!!!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

No Brow

How am I only just now realizing this? And those of you that had noticed this why haven't you said something before.

Declan has no brows!

Well he has teeny light coloured brows but they're barely there.


I can't stop noticing now looking back in photos.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Seriously...See What I Mean?

Yesterday before I left for work so told Declan he's have his swim class after his nap. He looked at me and said "I'm not going to be able to sleep." I thought it was hilarious but then today I found out from Daddy that Declan didn't sleep. He laid in bed for an hour and talked to Monkey. Then he got up, sat on the floor and spread his books out around him. Over the monitor Daddy could hear Declan. He was going through the books we read him and bedtime and he was reciting the entire books from memory. Unreal.

What else is unreal!?! His OCD. Seriously. Look at this picture:

Every single time he eats toast with jam or bread with peanut butter he lines up his crusts like this.  So incredibly predictable. 

He loves his jam.

So after breakfast I got him cleaned up, got him dressed. Then we played Lego. Then I got a look at him from behind.

Jam ear!! Look at that. He had jam behind his ear and I'd missed getting him cleaned off.  

So he's clean now. 


Thursday, 12 February 2015

Little Fish

Working the afternoon shift means I don't get to be here when Declan goes to bed. It does mean I'm home when he wakes up and he runs in and we hang out watching Lego videos in bed for a half hour. I love it. The best part is when he looks away from the video to get a look at me cuddled beside him. As he says I'm his "best girl friend."
So there's no confusion, he does say that Daddy is his "best friend."
Working today also meant that I missed his swim class but Daddy sent pictures. Our Declan is getting more comfortable with each class.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


There is Lego all over our living room. Declan's castle Lego is on the floor by his couch, the police Lego is on the ottoman, his RV Lego by the screen door, his Star Wars Lego is beside the Castle Lego. There is a bag of Lego Movie Lego at the other end of the Ottoman from the Police Lego. His Advent calendar Lego is in a little shoebox on top of his toy storage and finally his new Emmet, Bad Cop, Robot Cowboy Lego is on the Coffee table.

Driving me nuts.
Last night after putting Declan to bed I moved his new Emmet, Bad Cop and Robot Cowboys over beside his couch and the castle Lego.

Got Declan up this morning. We headed straight to Kellys for the day.

Daddy picks Declan up from Daycare and brings him right home. Gets him out of his winter boots, hat and mitts. 

The first thing Declan does when he walks into the living room is say "No. No. No." Picks up Emmet, Bad Cop and Robot Cowboys and puts them back over on the Coffee table.

I'm going to lose my mind.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Snowy First

Declan sure was happy when he woke up this morning. After watching some Lego videos with me in bed he headed downstairs to see all of his new Lego. He played with it all. Basically making rounds through the Castle, the RV (which he thinks is an ambulance. Keeps saying "wee new wee new" as he pushes it along), the police car and bad guys in motorbikes and of course Batman, The Riddler and Flash. 
One spoilt kid.
He also had some tender moments with Wall-E and Eve. We had to watch the movie again today.

After Declan's nap we got on his snow pants, we all bundled up and walked to the big hill just down the street. Madison met up with us and Declan got his first try at Toboganning.
Did he like it? Did he smile and laugh the whole way down the hill? You bet he did!!!

Declan is also fascinated by the planes flying overhead. The walk home dragged on because he was tired but also because he had to stop and stare into the sky to see every plane he could hear overhead.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Party Like You're Three

So his Birthday was actually Saturday but it's been cake and gifts for three days straight. Declan has been spoiled.

This evening Gramma, Poppa, Uncle Scott, Auntie T, Mad and Josh all dropped by. There was a Minion Cake and lots of presents. Favourites based on Declan's reactions would be: Police  Chase Lego (which Josh helped build...or built while Declan played with it) and "Oh My God! Wall-E!!!" His reactions are hilarious. There is no hiding how much he loved Lego and Wall-E but the sweetest was when he opened Wall-E and looked at me and said "what about Eve?"
I looked over his shoulder and got a little nod from Auntie T. I then looked at Declan and said keep looking in the bag.
Declan dug in and "Eve!!" His two "favourite robots."

Sunday, 8 February 2015

More Presents

So I said no presents on the invitation but Declan still got presents at his party. Without the time to open there and a late bedtime already we opted to have Declan open those gifts this morning. 

He crawled into bed beside me this morning and while he watched some Lego videos I cuddled him. Then the cat joined us so I had to push Daddy off to the far side. Declan thought it was weird because Hunter was snuggled up to him and purring. I thought is was great!

Next out of bed and to tackle those presents. 
Playdoh and Lego. Declan scored!! I on the other hand was building Lego sets and cleaning up Playdoh all morning. 

Bedtime was cute. He reads along to story time. Then after having been in bed for an hour (and chatting away for about 20 minutes) we heard Declan out of bed and then his door open. Daddy and I snuck upstairs together. Found the open door and a little face looking out. Soon as he saw us he disappeared backwards into the darkness. We laughed, then got him back into bed and tucked in once more. 

Now to make sure I'm up and showered for work before he gets out of bed in the morning. Wish me luck.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

The Birthday Boy

Declan actually woke us up this morning. We didn't hear him coming at all. He was right beside the bed before we woke up. Happy kid hopped into the bed with us and then asked for his Birthday presents. 

To be fair, Daddy told him he could open the gifts from us in the morning.

He got a bouncing ball, Robot Cowboys, Darth Vadar and Bad Cop. Declan is a happy boy. It was a great day too. He was great all day and we played lots.

Then for the evening we had a Birthday party for Declan at Skedaddle Kids. He couldn't wait to get there and I just loved watching him run around with his friends.

A Lego Superhero Birthday cake was a tremendous hit and my little man went to bed so happy (and an hour and a half past bedtime).

I'm so pleased. All I wanted was for Declan to think his day was special and he just loved it. Mission accomplished. Thanks Daddy for the great idea and all your hard work.

Friday, 6 February 2015

And 3!

At this time three years ago I'd been pushing for an hour. I'd thought for certain my little boy would be born February 6 but he hung on. It would be another hour and 45 minutes before I would finally get to lay eyes on him. 

No longer do I have the best little two year old I could have ever wished for. 

It's midnight as I write this. Can't wait for Declan to run into our room in the morning so I can snuggle up with my 3 year old!

Thursday, 5 February 2015

We Have to Stop Where?

Leaving swim class. Declan says we're "going to the New House but we have to stop at the LCBO first." 


Wednesday, 4 February 2015

A Mini Person

Declan really seems so big to me now. I'm surprised every day by the things he says and does.

Yesterday morning we worked our way through his "seek" book. Each page has a list of items you need to find in the crazy picture. I just loved watching him looking for each item. I felt such pride when he'd come across a difficult one but he just kept looking, eyes scanning the pages. He doesn't give up!  A fantastic trait. We made it through the entire book. He also completed two 12 piece puzzles without my assistance. 
This evening I got home at 6:20pm. Declan's bedtime is 7pm so not much time left. Declan asked me to play with him but I said no. I told him the Mommy and Daddy needed to eat their dinner. He was good with that and went about doing his own thing. After eating my meal I set my bowl down beside me. Declan casually walked over, looked in the bowl then handed me a foam "sword" and said "ok you're done now". I just love his little brain.

And cuteness overload this morning at Daycare. Alexis and Declan were standing together. Kelly said to Alexis "You going to give Declan a high five?" They turned to look at each other and with big smiles high fives one another. Then Kelly said "How about a hug?" Without any hesitation they wrapped their arms around each other and with big smiles had a nice big hug. Heart melted, so adorable.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Best Girl Friend

Declan runs in my room this morning and hops into bed. Right away he wants my phone so he can watch a show on Netflix. Awesome. We cuddle for nearly an hour. Then sadly it's time for us to get up and head on downstairs. 

We had the entire morning together since I didn't need to leave for work until 12:39pm. We played with lots of his toys. He can complete a couple puzzles all on his own now. While looking through his Lego instruction book he found pictures of some other Lego sets. He yelled at me, all excited and says "Let's go! Let's go to grocery store and get 'em! Let's go!!" Sorry to disappoint him but he doesn't get all Lego.

He really demonstrated what a big boy he is today. He told me to go have his shower while he ate some crackers and watched his movie. I had to keep yelling to him to make sure he was ok. Then when Inwas done I could hear him walk through the kitchen and throw something in the garbage. He then walks to the bottom of the stairs and looks up at me. "What are you doing Declan?" I asked. He tells me that he cleaned his hands and mouth then put the wipe in the garbage.
Another thing he did today, he worked to undo his pjs, get them off and then ripped off his diaper. Stood there naked waiting for me to get him his clothes. I took care of his bottoms and then he put his own shirt on. Stuck his head in the bottom and pulled it down then one arm at a time put on his sleeves before pulling down his shirt over his belly. Perfect! (And tears-he's so big).

And what does he tell me today?
He says "You're my best girl friend."

That's right Declan! Don't you forget it!!

Sunday, 1 February 2015


It was a long, busy weekend for a little boy. When he woke up this morning he wanted to go see his Lego right away. He's just in love with his little Star Wars spaceship and the little men from his castle. So much so that you wouldn't think he'd even notice the train table was gone.
But he did.
I explained that it had to go away and that he had other toys to play with. 
Didn't matter.
So much so that I had to take him upstairs and put him on the bed to try and calm down. Daddy had to come in and help too. Daddy explained that this was how babies acted and that Declan was a big boy. 
Declan responded by telling Daddy to go back to his shower. (Man he's really testing us here)
He did finally calm down.
He was just really tired.

Only an hour into our drive home and Declan's eyes closed. I reached over to adjust him so he wasn't all squished up and to take his DVD player and set it aside...he didn't flinch at all. Deep sleep. Finally the weekend had caught up to him. He got in a solid hour.

The rest of the drive and the evening at home went great. I got lots of cuddles (this is new AND awesome!). And then finally at bedtime we were able to avoid all the hassle he usually gives us by taking Grandma's lead and Daddy ready two books to Declan. He was sound asleep mere moments after I pulled his door closed.