Thursday when I was home alone in the morning with Declan ha asked for me to put on his Winnie the Pooh movie. Of course I obliged and he was glued to the TV. So it should have come as no surprise on Friday in the evening when Declan got out his Winnie the Pooh book. He pointed out all the characters "Tiggah", "Pooh", "Piggett" and then he quietly hummed "hmm hmmm the Pooh. Hmm hmmm the Pooh". He's a happy little singer.
Friday morning when I took Declan to Daycare Kelly told me how much Declan loves his new house. I was happy to hear it. She told me that when they're out at the park Declan will tell anyone who will listen about his "Big new house". Of course my eyes teared up and I couldn't wait to tell Daddy when I got home that night.
And add to the park today with Declan and he was down the slide, ran around, went on the swing. It was in the swing when at random and for no reason other than sheer happiness Declan yelled out while he swung through the air "New house! New house!"
So that new house is also a lot of work. After Declan's midday nap he joined me out back in weeding the garden. He really was some help. He put some of the weeds in the yard waste bag until he discovered tools he could play in the dirt with. He was so much fun, a big help and crazy dirty when we were done.
And finally, the best part of the day; Daddy asked Declan if he could give him a kiss. Declan of course leans in for a quick kiss then he looks directly at me and says "Want a kiss?"
A kiss I didn't have to ask for? Amazing. Declan also leaned in for a short cuddle just before dinner. I could have held him all evening if he wanted too.