Declan always has his monkey (complete with baby monkey rattle), Pooh Bear and now Bunny at an arms reach. Monkey is still number 1. Declan has caught on that there are spare monkeys in the 2nd drawer of his dresser. Today he was babbling away at his dresser. I asked what was up. He then opened the 2nd drawer and said "monkey?"
He couldn't see any as I'd tucked them under his pajamas good. He then said "no monkey" and closed the drawer. He looked at me. I could see that he was thinking. Then he opened the drawer again and looked longer. He saw about a dime size piece of brown material poking out "MONKEY!" he yelled and proceeded to try and dig the spare monkey out. I told him no and to close the drawer. He stopped right away and then right there in front of me I watched a little boys heart break in two.
So for the rest of the day Declan had TWO monkeys to play with.
We'd had such a fun day too. There is a Bubble Guppie episode about music and the characters sing "I like to Rock". Declan jumped up and down on the couch while singing "I rock! I rock!" He is such a fun friend.