Wednesday, 30 April 2014

He Rocks

I have no problem saying "no" to my child and I can ignore the fake tears. However....
Declan always has his monkey (complete with baby monkey rattle), Pooh Bear and now Bunny at an arms reach. Monkey is still number 1. Declan has caught on that there are spare monkeys in the 2nd drawer of his dresser. Today he was babbling away at his dresser. I asked what was up. He then opened the 2nd drawer and said "monkey?"
He couldn't see any as I'd tucked them under his pajamas good. He then said "no monkey" and closed the drawer. He looked at me. I could see that he was thinking. Then he opened the drawer again and looked longer. He saw about a dime size piece of brown material poking out "MONKEY!" he yelled and proceeded to try and dig the spare monkey out. I told him no and to close the drawer. He stopped right away and then right there in front of me I watched a little boys heart break in two.
So for the rest of the day Declan had TWO monkeys to play with.

We'd had such a fun day too. There is a Bubble Guppie episode about music and the characters sing "I like to Rock". Declan jumped up and down on the couch while singing "I rock! I rock!" He is such a fun friend.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Morning Kicks

Getting Declan out of the house in the morning gets a little more challenging now that he can do so much. This morning we had to kick the soccer ball around for a bit before Declan would cooperate and change out of his pjs. Kicking a soccer ball in footie pajamas is adorable.

To help keep Declan from taking off into the other room to his toys I keep all the lights off. Other than his room, our room and the path outside there are no lights on. This morning for the first time ever I watched as Declan slowly grew afraid of the darkness. He wouldn't look towards the kitchen area, he lifted his hand to cover the side of his face and then finally turned into me and wouldn't look back. I told him there was nothing to be afraid of but we then followed the light and moved to a well lit area to finish putting on his jacket. Poor guy.

Monday, 28 April 2014


I had such a blast with the kid today. A huge vocabulary, awesome dance moves and a sweet singing voice - I find him so very entertaining. 
And he's a typical boy.
Bends over beside me to put his toys away and let's out a huge belch. I said "Declan, say excuse me" to which he smile as runs away saying "saw-wee".

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Bouncing and Electric Trucks

Our Declan had a great day. After a simple morning and a good nap we drove to Nancy and Eliot's which meant Declan could play with Molly and MacGregor.
Out in the huge backyard MacGregor had an electric truck. After belting Declan in MacGregor drove Declan around and around the yard. They were pretty cute.

Next it was the trampoline. A first for Declan we had to be careful since he is still little. He loved it. The best part was when I held his hands and he gently bounced with me and squealed at the same time.

After playtime they had to get some dinner. Molly and Declan sat together at the table across from MacGregor. Declan and Molly were having giggle fits. No idea how it started but they sure had fun.

Then at nearly 8pm we put Declan to sleep in Molly's room in her bed. A big kid bed with a side rail. First time for Declan and he was very good. So tired from all the play, he was asleep right away. What a sweet, happy, easy kid. Love him.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Sweet Singing

Declan has so very many words now.
This morning he counted aloud as we climbed the stairs. He was loud and confident and made it to 7 before needing help/hints.
When he saw his uncle today for the first time since Scott got back from vacation Declan said clearly "Hi Uncle Scott". Even the T's were sharp.
And tonight he melted my heart when he sang along to a live performance of Ray LaMontagne on David Letterman, Declan was even kicking his leg in beat. :)

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Monkey Morning

When I got Declan out of his crib this morning he was pretty happy. He was looking for Daddy who was unfortunately at work. I had a great morning with my little guy. He was sweet, he got excited digging through a big box of toys and he sang along to the theme for Toopy and Binoo.

After climbing on top of the ottoman Declan slipped off the side and fell between the ottoman and the couch. Right away he said "I'm ok" then started to cry. I picked him up to make sure he was ok. I was laughing on the inside. He's pretty funny...and he was ok.

After Daddy got in from work Declan pulled open his dresser drawer and found the clean backup monkey stash. He started pulling them out and excitedly saying "MONKEY! MONKEY!" I can only imagine how amazing it must be, to be two and happen upon a pile of your best friend. 

But sadly I was then off to work after a great morning with my little man.

So happy Daddy sends me night time pictures.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Love the Little Things

Every time Declan and I are heading out together we have to walk upstairs to the door. There are twelve stairs and every time I hold his hands and he climbs ahead of me as we count the steps out loud "one, two, three..." all the way to twelve. We've done this often enough that now he can't repeat one though twelve (except eleven. Eleven is hard). Who knew I could climbing stairs could make me feel so much pride.

During my dinner break at work today I checked in by text on my guys. I got a text back saying that they were playing with "Tigpoo" (That's Tigger in case you didn't get that on your own...he's Pooh's 'Tigpoo'). I just love it. "Bookin", "Popette", "Tigpoo", kids are awesome.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Park Life

Finally warm weather!!
Already at 16 degrees at 9:30 am, Declan and I headed down to City View Park to meet Grandma (aka Popette) for some outdoor playtime.

Declan was pretty happy about the huge park. He ran up and down the ramp of the play structure repeatedly and he went down the big slides. Only took one big tumble on the structure (kid walks straight off steps) so overall pretty good time.

When he saw a girl about 8 fall down he approached her and asked "you ok?" He can be a sensitive guy.
He also screamed and cried every time he had to give another child back their toys or ball.

After playing on the structure for about an hour we headed onto the soccer field to kick around the ball. I brought three of Declan's. Two other children played with his since he didn't want then and yelled at me for even suggesting he might want to. Instead he took another child's soccer ball. When I told him to give it back he cried. The child's mom felt bad so she let him borrow it while her son played with a different one. Team sports should be interesting.

Grandma was kicking the ball with Declan for a little while, then I got him to run a little further down the field with me before...Surprise!!! Daddy got to leave work early and he found us at the park. So Daddy got to kick the ball with Declan for a little bit before we decided to head home for lunch ad Declan's nap. 

Now if the weather holds we can have lots more outdoor time for Declan.

Monday, 21 April 2014


This morning we crept into Declan's room with a new Easter basket. We told him that the Easter Bunny had come last night and there was a trail of eggs for him. 
He was really excited when he saw them but he didn't get right away that he should pick them up. He was surprised by them all but he'd pass two, pick one up, pass three, then come back and grab another. Once he rounded the last corner and saw the eggs, chocolate bunny and train at the end of the trail he ran right to them.
So I think he liked it.

This of course resulted in Declan starting his breakfast with a chocolate egg-not great but it's Easter.

Later in the morning we all headed out to meet Grandma and Poppa for Easter Brunch. Declan was good for so long. He ate some muffin and some French fries. Not interested in much else but he was good. After we'd all finished eating Declan walked along with Grandma and collected some more chocolate eggs. He was so excited and possessive, wouldn't set them down. An employee brought Declan a cup he could carry the eggs in so they wouldn't all melt in his fingers. Then Declan tripped and eggs went flying. Same employee cake back with a cup and lid. Much better, until he took he kid off, spilled eggs everywhere again, then I collected them all up and told Declan that they were going away for a bit, crying ensued and Brunch was over.
He had been a good boy for over 2 hours so I'm proud of him.

After a nice long nap in the afternoon Declan got to play the rest of the day with his trains. He's a regular little boy. Tomorrow we're going to the park to kick around a ball.

Friday, 18 April 2014

How Do You Eat a Chocolate Bunny

Declan received a nice chocolate bunny from Grandma May in the mail. After his lunch I gave it to Declan to eat. He was pretty happy about getting some chocolate but he wasn't quite sure how to eat said bunny.
Some ear nibbles, a belly bite and knawing on the face and Declan was able to eat most of it. He had the thick base left when he asked me for the container so he could put the rest away for later. 

Then later during dinner he kept asking for his chocolate. Why not!? I'd be taking inventory on my chocolate bunny too.

Winnie the Pooh

Declan got a Winnie the Pooh movie from his Auntie T for Easter.
I put it on for him to watch this morning. Soon as it started and he saw Pooh Bear on the screen he grabbed his Pooh Bear and hugged him tight. He stood right in front of the TV with Pooh and watched for 15 minutes straight. Then he came and cuddled in with me and Pooh to watch another 35 minutes straight. The last 25 minutes he watched while playing with cars. This is the most attention he has given to any movie yet. He laughed out loud when Pooh is being attacked by the honey bees. It was really sweet.
He loves his Pooh Bear.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

"My Sunshine"

Oh how I love hearing his little voice when he gets up in the morning: "Oh Mah-Mee. Oh MAH-MEE."
He made me giggle and I couldn't wait to go to his room and see him. So much personality.
He was cuddled with me and he was holding his milk so I sang to him. The same song I've sung to him since he was an infant. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."
This time he was singing along with me. Just the tune until I got to "you make me Happy.." And Declan sang proudly "Happy." He makes me smile a lot.
And he makes Daddy smile lots too. When Daddy tells Declan "I love you" Declan replies with "thank you daddy". Then Daddy's heart melts.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The Wave Of Stink

Walked into Declan's room this morning and was greeted with the strong smell of sour milk. Turned up the light and found my little guy covered in vomit. Crusted in his hair, in his ear, all over his pjs and piled on his sheets.
Oh my.
So much for daycare. This little man needed a bath.
He was so good. Let me strip him down to his diaper before lifting him out of his crib. Then he followed me around in his Thomas the Tank Engine robe while I prepared his bath and cleaned up his crib. 
Just a lazy day at home to make sure he was feeling better.

Daddy was lucky this all went down on a day when he was at work.
Or he thought he was lucky.
Then he had to change a gross poop diaper this evening and just when he thought he was almost done a poop fell on the floor and he had to pick it up.

Monday, 14 April 2014

He Said What?

Go into Declan's room this morning. There he is sitting up with his monky in his hand and he says over and over "oh F&*k". 
Daddy tried to tell me he was saying "oh truck."
I know what I heard.

On the flip side, when we walked up the stairs to head out to daycare Declan was calling out "Josh? Josh? Jahhhwush?"
Very sweet.
I had to tell him nobody was there. 
As excited as I am for us to move into our own home next month and for Declan to get his new bedroom he is going to miss having his cousins and his Aunt and Uncle so close.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Choo Choo

Daddy put Thomas the Tank Engine on TV for our little Declan this morning. Declan went and grabbed his new plush Thomas then he sat down with Thomas to watch the show together. 
I had no idea how cute 2 year olds were. I just love him.

Have to Learn

I'd never really thought before about all the little things we call all do that we actually have to learn, they are automatic. One of those things is jumping. Daddy has ben working for a couple days at teaching the Muffin Man how to jump. He told him to bend his legs and showed him how it's done. I can't help laughing every time he tries. It's so cute. He's got his arms totally in it. He's committed. He's smiling and determined but sometimes one foot comes off the ground and most times they both stay on the ground. It's so cute. I could stare at him for hours.

He's also quite the copy cat. The other night his cousin Josh knocked at the door and without hesitation Declan yelled "come in"!
Such a little person.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Pooh and Thomas

My little monkey got in some playtime with Poppa and Grandma yesterday. In fact the only way I could get him to cooperate and get dressed was in telling him he had to if he wanted to see Poppa. He was so good and kept saying "Poppa". While there he was having a great time. He'd run out of the room, turn around, then come running in while Poppa would toss monkey and try to land monkey on Declan's head. This was such fun for my Muffin man. He was laughing and giggling. Such a peanut.

Today when I went into his room the first thing he said was "pooh" while pointing to his butt. So he's a pretty good communicator now. Pooh indeed.

And our lucky little man got a new plush Thomas the Tank Engine and book from Daddy today. He saw the plush toy, picked it up and was just about to run Ito the room to show Daddy he'd found it sitting out for him when he noticed the book too. He was so excited. Daddy put Thomas on TV for Declan and he sat and flipped through his new book. My happy boys.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The Hard Stuff

Last night Daddy let Declan try a taste of pop. He asked Declan if he wanted to try his drink. Enthusiastically Declan said "Yes" and took a sip through the straw. He turned his face away and skrunched up his noise, made an almost gag face before saying...just liked he'd done a shot of Tequila..."That's good".

He obviously hated it.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

So Many Words

I'm impressed by all the words that our little man can now say at 2. I had no idea that children's vocabulary is that developed just after 2 yrs.

Tonight he was holding his Halloween so I pointed at some photos and he said:
That's a pumpkin. Well more specifically, a jack-o-lantern. But I like "Bookin". 
I'm stealing that.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Good Eyesight

He sees everything!

I know Ishould be happy that his eyes are good and I can't put anything over on him but come on...

This morning he hands me monkey and the monkey rattle while he's still in his crib. He wants me to link them back together. So I turn away and grab a new clean monkey from his drawer and link it to the rattle and then tuck the old dirty one down in his laundry bag.
Then I hand it back to him, pick him up and set him down on the floor. Declan immediately goes to the laundry bag and looks in for the old monkey. He was babbling away about monkey being in there.

He knows there's multiple monkeys.
So clever.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

"Ya, Daddy, Ya"

At work today I got a special visit just as we were opening our door; Declan and Daddy! I brought Declan to the cash area to meet three of my coworkers and he got super shy again. He his his face in monkey and curled into me. Wouldn't look at them for anything. Poor little man. I walked him to an open area of the store and he was back to his happy active self. At the front of the store was our security guard for the day Dorian. Once again Declan his his face in Monkey and wouldn't look up. I really hope he grows out of this stage soon. You can only hide in Monkey for so long.

Daddy and Declan had a good day together and Declan was in good spirits when I got home. After his bath but just before bed I told him he'd get to go to Kelly's tomorrow and he was happy . I'm pretty sure he said he liked Kelly so I just had to ask "do you love Mommy?" And he said "Ya I love my Mommy." Then I asked "do you love Daddy?" To which he replied "ya, Daddy, ya".


Saturday, 5 April 2014

On A Bike

Text from Tyler:

"So we're driving this morning and we come up beside a guy who is on his bicycle, almost matching our speed. (We were going slow on Bronte.) I say to Declan "Look - a bike!". And he immediately yells "Monkey!". And I say to him again - "No - that's a bike!". And he keeps saying "Monkey!". So as I'm about to say bike for the 3rd or 4th time, I look up at the guy riding the bike and see his hat. It's a furry brown hat with pinned-up ear flaps. Declan thought we saw Monkey riding his bike."

So precious!

Friday, 4 April 2014

Just the Best Age

It's a simpler life at 2
Declan is always cooperative for bedtime. We say it's bedtime and he grabs his monky and pooh bear and happily runs to his bed. 
Until last night.
He was playing with his toy truck and driving it all Over the TV table. When we said it was bedtime he lifter his left hand to cover his left eye so we couldn't see him.
Oh Buddy.
We can still see you, plain as day.
2 is awesome.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

He Entertains Me

I put on Thomas the Tank Engine again today since he enjoyed it so much earlier this week. When the long song comes on he puts everything into dance. He's all over the room, his arms are going, head is a bobbin', there's a bounce in his step. I love how much joy a little kid can get out of a simple song. So innocent.

On the flip side...
During Declan's lunch today he hears Daddy say "F&*K".
Declan repeats "F&*K"
Oh no.
Daddy regrets it immediately as Declan then says it two more times "F&*K", "F&*K".
Then again later in the day upstairs so his cousin Josh heard it "F&*K".

Here's hoping a good nights sleep clears his memories of the new vocabulary.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Soooooo Stubbourn

Oh my the commotion this morning. 
First of all, when Declan and I reached the top of the stairs this morning he immediately was asking "where T T?"
Sorry little man but your Auntie T isn't here. We headed outside to the car and then noticed Auntie T was just heading home in the truck. She pulled in the driveway beside us, got out and said hi to Declan.
Oh my...that's when it started. "T T!" Followed by a log line of gibberish with some more "T T's" and some "Truck" while pointing to her truck and "car" while pointing at our car. He goes on and on. Then I say we have to go and he says over and over and over "Bye T T, Bye T T,  Bye T, Bye T T".
So it was pretty darn cute. He loves her.

Then daycare. Declan was happy to be there. Excited right away when he saw Alexis was there too. When I was leaving I asked him to come give me a kiss. He did, but only when Kelly told him too. She then said "say Bye Mom" to which Declan said "Bye Mom". Then she said "love you" and he stopped, looked at me and said "Bye Mom". My dear he is so friggin' Stubbourn.
And cute.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Lunch Date

Since I started work at 1pm and Daddy wasn't home for work until 1:40pm we needed someone for Declan's lunchtime. Cue Auntie T!
A nice sortof lunch date. Declan had stated with his crackers with cheese just as Aunti T arrived. He then worked through a Peanut butter sandwich, sweet potatoes and blueberry apple sauce while they watched Super Why and Sesame Street. He told his Aunt about his TV shows and together they yelled "Elmo" every time he was on. A sweet lunch date.
Now with my hours today I saw lots of the little man this morning but didn't get to see him off to bed. Lucky me Daddy sent me a text:

"Night Mommy". 

Miss them tons.