Monday, 31 March 2014

I hope You Read This One Day

My little Declan.
Today was an ordinary day.
You were happy, you smiled and giggled lots. You are full of more positivity than I've ever witnessed before you.
You love "love" even if you don't want to say the words. You are so happy when you watch me and Daddy kiss, you make your animals and other toys kiss each other. When we say goodnight to you and both Daddy and I kiss you at the same time on opposite cheeks you laugh and then you turn to each one of us to give a proper kiss goodnight.
When we say it's bedtime and you walk on to your room without complaint the first thing you do when we get to your crib side is lean into my legs so I will pick you up.
Your Daddy and I often just stand side by side and watch you. We watch you play, we watch you run, and tonight we held our breath while we watched you balance at the edge of the chair but we were good parents and left you to learn balance on your own without jumping in to protect you all the time.
You still want to curl in my lap for the last bottle of the day and even though you're a big boy now and perhaps I should make you sit and drink your milk on your own, I don't. Instead I take every opportunity to cuddle you while you're small and you like it.
I laughed so much tonight when you did your usual "trust fall" backwards into my lap. Perfectly straight back, no doubt at all that I had you. 

You're a nut. And we think you're amazing.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

He Really Must Like Uncle Scott

Declan and Mommy had a breakfast date with Owen and his Mommy. We got ready to head out. Stopped at the top of the stairs so Declan could say bye to Autie T or "Tee Tee" as he called her. At Cora's for breakfast and the little men sat in high chairs and coloured. Declan had some chocolate milk and then pancakes for breakfast. He was a good kid. He was well behaved and he didn't make a crazy mess while he ate his breakfast with a giant fork.

After breakfast we all went strolling around Target. The boys checked out some toys and Declan gained a large green ball.

When the boys were running around it was listening to them call each other by name.

After saying goodbye we had to head home. We knew Daddy was waiting to see his little guy.  After lunch Declan got a short visit with Grandma and Poppa. He was kicking his new giant green ball back and forth with Poppa while giggling like crazy. Then when the door was opened Declan held his green ball and said he wanted to "show my Uncle". 
That's sweet.
We called upstairs for Scott to come down while Declan stood patiently holding his ball for Uncle Scott to come see. He was so happy to show him and kick it around. Amazing.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Making Strangers Smile

At the grocery store today. Declan sits in the cart but he really wants to run around. We were in a very slow checkout line and had lots of groceries so we let Daddy take care of it and I got Declan out of the cart. We were planning in burgers for dinner and I remembered Daddy likes bacon on his burgers but we don't have any at home. So Declan and I walked all the way to the other side of the store to grab a box of bacon. Declan carried it all the way back to Daddy. The entire time he was giggling and running. I kept stopping him from running into people or their carts. Now and then he'd yell "Daddy". Everyone we passed would sign "awwwe" or say "how cute" but he didn't notice and just kept running to bring Daddy his bacon box. He was so proud of himself and so happy. While we waited for Daddy to pay a lady we'd passed came up to me and said the "he was such a happy boy and seeing him has made her day". 
Awwwe Declan, it's not just Mommy and Daddy who's hearts you melt.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Oh Dear...When He Is Tired

Declan is really very easy. He loves to help and is cooperative and funny.


He had a great day at Kelly's today, lots of fun and he was exhausted when he got home tonight. When he's super tired he needs to sleep. Daddy walked out the front door and Declan wanted out to. Oh the tears. Then Daddy comes back in but Declan still wants out.
Full meltdown.
So many tears, arms waving, body thrashing...small child in bed early.
Goodnight Declan.
And he fell asleep instantly.
Tired = monster 

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Through The Eyes of a Two Year Old

Two years old is such a great age. Everything is new and exciting and now Declan can communicate so much making it all the more fun.

This morning before daycare he found the pinwheel he got last summer from Grandma May. He hands it to me so I can blow on it (he tries but nothing happens). When I do and it spins he goes "oooooooooooo" and flashes a big smile. When it stops spinning he proceeds to tell me all the colours: "boo", "gween", "Oh-wange", "wellow", "pink" and "puah-pull". Again, thank you Kelly and daycare for everything you're teaching the little kids.

Today was my actual 40th birthday and we had dinner and cake with my sister and her family. Declan was so excited about the cake. He leaned in to the bright candles and celebrated when I blew them out. I look at the pictures and it's so cool to see what that looked like to a little kid-I mean how excited do we get as adults looking at candles in a cake. Apparently, not as excited as we should. Thanks little man for reminding me.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

I'm His Biggest Fan

What a great morning I had with Declan. The ability to communicate with him creates such an ease with our relationship. As we moved through our morning I would let him know what we needed to do next so I got so much cooperation. I got to see his footwork with the ball. Turns out Daddy has been showing him how to kick the ball and alternate feet as he does. He snuggled in with me and Pooh Bear. I leaned in and said "I love you so much" to which he responded with "Thanks Daddy. Thanks Mommy. Thank You MOMMY!!". I was glad he corrected himself.

Afterward he decided he wanted to dig through one of his toys boxes while I was getting his lunch together. He came running in the room with a huge smile on his face to show me his "Phineus" plushy. He hadn't seen it in a while and it's clear he really likes it. He went back in the other room but moments later returned with "Isabella" and "Phineus". Of course he made them kiss, he giggled, then ran back into the other room.

I finished making his grilled cheese sandwich. I told him what he was getting for lunch so he shouted "Cheese!"
I asked if he was ready for luch and he said "no" and went back to his toys. I assumed he wasn't done playing. Then a couple moments later I look in on his and he's put all his toys away and he has now lifted the largest one and is attempting to carry it back to the table we always put it on at the end of the day. So cute!! I helped him with it and then he went straight to his high chair for "Cheese". 

Such a good boy. He watched "Super Why" and ate his lunch. 

I love this!!!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Well He's Polite

Now, each time I tell my little prince that I love him Declan swiftly responds with "thank you".

At least he told me he loved me the one time...and he's polite so...what a little stinker.

Monday, 24 March 2014


Grocery shopping with my wee guy was fun. He's a pretty good helper. He likes telling me the name of everything I grab. He pointed out the "apple" and asked specifically for "bah-nah-nah".

Then we get home and I prepare his healthy lunch: cheese, raspberries, apple, ham and some chocolate milk.

Over an hour.

He ate half a muffin.


Sunday, 23 March 2014

No "Teeth" cuz Grandma

Got Declan dressed for the day. We walked out of his room and were heading to the bathroom to brush Declan's "Teeth" when he spied Grandma May. Plan derailed. Little man bolted for Grandma for a hug. So...that was cute. So was watching Declan walk to dinner holding Daddy's hand and his cousin Alex's hand. Declan sure enjoys his cousin Alex. It was a really good visit for him with Alex, Auntie Marissa and Grandma May.

Off to bed for 7pm only to hear him chatting away over the monitor at 8pm. Lots of talking until I heard him say "Goodnight Pooh". Then silence.

Friday, 21 March 2014

All the Guppies

Daddy brought Declan a new book home from his work. It's a Bubble Guppie book about Colours.
When I got home from work today Declan ran to meet me. Then after a welcome hug he turned to sit on my knee and show me his book. As we looked at it together Declan pointed too all of the characters and said their names: "Nonny, Gil, Molly, Deema, Goby and Oona." Oh and Bubble "Puppy". He can also point out Mr. Grouper though that's a real tough one to say. Declan is such a little person.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

To the Trains

My goodbyes are from a distance, the bottle cuddle cut short. Since Kelly got a train table for the daycare Declan runs right to it soon as he gets there and I'm second fiddle. 

He's so happy and he still yells "goodbye" so I will try to appreciate how easily I can get out of there in the morning and try to not take it too personally.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Boys Rule

I don't know what all my guys get up to when they are alone together all day. Sure, I often get pictures but it never tells the whole story. At work today I get this picture:

Then I get a text story about how Daddy was holding a squirming Declan, then stepped down on a toy, lost his balance, turned and basically landed backwards on our ottoman, almost between it and the couch all while holding Declan securely. Declan stopped squirming.

Whew! That was a close one. I really wish I'd seen the whole thing go down.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Animal Cookie Nightmares

Daddy bought Declan a big bag of animal cookies. They are a huge hit. Declan picks them up and makes the animal walk around the outside of his plate. So adorable.

After a few minutes he is handing the plate back to us "done" he says.
He ate all the heads off.

Need I be worried?

Saturday, 15 March 2014


I barely saw my Declan today. Gone before he woke and home only an hour before bed. Good thing Daddy sends me pictures when I'm gone.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Off To Grandma & Poppa's

I've been home with my little guy every morning this week. While amazing to have that much time with him I do think that it gets a bit morning for him. 

Bring in the Grandparents!

So this morning Declan and I trekked off to visit with Grandma and Poppa. He brought along his backpack of cars though he didn't need them. Instead he played with some old toys of mine that grandma had saved. He was pretty good. Poppa was impressed with how polite he is (Thank you Kelly for teaching him manners). It was a nice visit and a great break from the same old mornings all week.

Tonight Daddy told me about how Thursday evening Declan was walking around the place singing. While he couldn't figure out the tune he did say that is was a bunch of "la la la's" softly as he strolled around. Love it!

Thursday, 13 March 2014


There he is with my two oranges. He can say orange. He can identify a rudimentary drawing of an orange (I can't draw) and holds the oranges up to it to show me. He likes to hold them and then walk around with them.
But Declan plan and simple will not eat them.
Won't even try.
I've got a picky eater on my hands.
No surprise here.

I'm assuming it's wrong to shove orange in your kids mouth so I won't. Plus let's be honest, he'd get me back one day.

For now I guess I'll have to be happy with his being friends with oranges and maybe I can convince him to eat his friends in the future. 

You know what I mean.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

How He Gets Me

My Declan has a power over me that he just doesn't know. 
I can tell him no and rules are rules. I've wrestled him to the floor to change him when he resists but there is one way he gets me, one thing he can make me do even when I'm really not in the mood.
When Declan wants to be picked up, usually because there is something he wants to see or get at which is too high, what he does is stand as close to your legs as possible, wrap one arm around each of your leg and then he looks up at you while his chin is at your knees.
He is so friggin' cute.
That's it.
I pick him up.
His eyes get real big somehow and he just sucks you in.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Fresh Air

My second day off in a row and Declan with me all day. What a great day. We hung out, played, ate breakfast, got in a bath, played some more, had lunch, then it was Declan's nap time. After his nap we got some fresh air and went for a walk. Declan was running, tripped and fell forward, got up then right back to running.  He's my title tough monkey.

This afternoon I showed him a picture of his new bedroom. Should be moving in May. He seemed happy but I don't think he gets it yet.

And of course we had a 'selfie' photo shoot. Declan was taking   Photos of our cuddle session.

Monday, 10 March 2014

March Break Play Date

Lucky Declan - today Mommy was off work so it was off to Chelsey's (and Daniella's) house for a PlayDate.  So crazy how big these two muffins are now but amazing to watch them play together for real.  Declan starts off by checking out all of her toys...I mean..come's a house full of toys that are not his - AWESOME!  Mostly the day started with them playing near each other but not necessarily with each other.  Then they got into a short game of "Chase".  It must be understood that "Chase" pretty much always means somebody chases Declan.  He likes to lead.  So there she was following my little guy all over the place while he giggled.

Then they settled in for some lunch.  Both mini people sitting right up to the big people table.  After lunch the two munchkins were down for about an hours nap.  Hard to get them to sleep too long when they're in the same room and trying to talk to each other.

After nap they finally played properly together.  The chicken game was a favourite and they were racing fast as they could to get the little chicken balls into the big chicken and down through the barn.  Good times in toddlerville.

Eventually we had to call it a day and head back home for dinner with Daddy. Not before Declan fell forward into a puddle at the end of Chelsey's driveway.  He handled it well.  Just stood up, perturbed by the dirt on his hands.  I wiped them off and he was good to go, wet pants and all.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

I'm His

I was at work all day today and only got to see the Muffin Man for an hour before he was off to bed. When I got home he was in his room mid-poop diaper change with Daddy. Soon as he saw me he said "There's my mommy".

That's right.
I'm his.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Playing Games With Me?

Im not sure but I think my child said he "likes" me.

I got home from work to find Declan in his room mid diaper change with Daddy. I was so happy to see him I pushed my way past Daddy and leaned in to say "I love you". I'm quite certain he responded with "I like you". 
I'll take it. It's better than when he just laughs at me but it does make me wonder how smart he is and how he's playing with me.

Friday, 7 March 2014

2 Year Appoinment

A Month late, Declan had his 2 year Doctor's Appoinment today. Good news as he is hitting all of his milestones. He is right on time for development for a boy as his so each has hit a huge growth in the last month. He is 30.89 lbs and 91 cm tall (or 3 feet tall). So if theories of children's height in relation to adult height is accurate our Declan will be no less than 6 feet tall as an adult. 

So as good as Declan did overall he surprised us with how terribly shy he was with the Doctor. Practically shaking, he held monkey up to hide his face and I had to pick him up so we could get him to look in the Doctors direction when checking his eyes. Poor little Declan but I felt bad for Dr. Tadros, he must have felt like Declan thought he was a monster.

Big Vocab

He has his "Please" and "Thank you's" as well as "Sorry". He sees a picture and correctly says "Soccer Ball". I sneezed and he said "Achoo".
When I sit down before bed to write entries in this blog I can barely remember three of the new words I heard out during the day. He is picking it up so quickly and most of it from daycare. Declan repeats so much of what he hears throughout the day. Soooooo guess I'm keeping my mouth shut.

Mood Changer

Quite a character this morning.
Turns out Daddy taught Declan how to open the fridge.  This morning Declan left the room and came back with a yogurt. He was ready for breakfast. Caught me off guard but I like it!

He was a happy, busy boy this mornig until he wasn't. All the sudden his mood changed and he was mad. Frown on his mouth and on his brow. He laid down in his couch and was just miserable. 
For about 15 minutes.

Then he was back to his cute self.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Happy guy notices Ella's bag when we get to daycare. Ella was upstairs sleeping so Declan knew she was there but didn't know where. He picked up her "Lambie" and was walking around yelling "Ella!? Ella!?"
After a few minutes of this he put "Lamby" down and ran around in big, goofy circles.


The best 30 minutes of my day; tickle torture. So many giggles. And then a cuddle to calm down. Perfect.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

"Open. Cars."

My little prince had a play date with his buddy Owen this morning.  So cute watching them play now as kids thinking about how once they were babies just laying on a mat side by side.

As a belated birthday get-together they had chocolate cake and Owen gave Declan a present. A shirt ha really wasn't interested in and a pack of 10 cars. He was thrilled about the cars. Made him wait until we got home to open the cars. He was getting his diaper changed soon as we got home and he held the box looking at the cars and very clearly said repeatedly: "Open". "Cars." "Open." "Cars."
But of course little man. We opened the box soon as that diaper was changed and pants were on. Spoiled little boy.

No Declan

Along workday in Niagara. Gone before he woke and home after bed. Daddy says he was a good boy all day. Can't wait to see him in the morning.

The Pickup

Got to drop Declan off at daycare this morning AND pick him up. When I got there I saw him running around the room playing with friends. Adorable.
Soon as he saw me he shouted "Mommy" and ran over to see me. He was really happy to go to daycare this morning but he was just as happy to grab his things quick to head home with me.
Also adorable is hearing Alexis say "Bye, bye, Decky" as we're leaving.
My 'Decky'.

Flexible Giggle Pants

Declan got up with me at 7am. We had a nice cuddle while he drank his morning milk. Then he was walking around checking out his toys while I tried to negotiate a diaper change.

Then at 7:30am I get a phone call.

So sorry Declan - Mommy needs to figure something out and quick. I had to run into work because the 8am Manager was in jail.
So rather quickly it was decided that your cousin Mad would skip first period to stay home and give you breakfast and get you dressed. Then your Aunt T brought you along to drive Mad to school. Some visiting with Autie T and Uncle Scott before Daddy got home early to take care of you.
And Mommy had to work all day. We missed our morning hang out.

Well at least in the 45 minutes we did get to spend together before you were off to bed at least 35 minutes was straight up super giggle session.