Saturday, 31 August 2013

"Ah Man"

The Muffin Man is getting more confident. He cruises along the furniture at high speeds and now he will crawl a bit with his knees up, just hands and feet on the floor. Of course with more mobility comes more boo boos. Declan fell face first into a wall tonight. Face first slid down the wall. Poor monkey.

Funny kid has learnt a new saying: "Ah Man!" Well that's what Daddy's been teaching him. When Declan tries to say it, it's more like "Ah Me!"

He is rather entertaining. I especially love watching him thinking through things. Tonight I watched as he played with his blocks. He would scan the pile for the specific ones he needed to build his tower. He would pick out specific colours and stack them in particular ways. It's difficult to really comprehend that he is his very own person, seeing the world through different eyes and using a different brain. It's hard to grasp that though he came to be from us that he is a separate person experiencing the world in his own way. Just unbelievable. 
Right now he's asleep in his crib, having his very own baby dreams. So very different than the dreams I'll have tonight. I'm certain Elmo will not be in mine.

Friday, 30 August 2013


Daddy came home from work today with a present for his Declan. When he got home though Declan and Mommy were out running some errands. Daddy fell asleep for an afternoon nap. When we got in Declan crawled over to Daddy's bedside, stood up and walked right up to wake him up. They were so happy to see each other. 
Next Daddy gave Declan his present: a new toy. Six eggs in a carton. They all open to reveal a coloured chick and make a small 'peep' noise when pressed. They are different colours inside and they have shaped bottoms for learning how to match. Declan really liked his new toy. Good job Daddy!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Super Fast

I had a good chuckle upon witnessing a speed related accident.
Declan is a super fast crawler. I'm certain that once he gains that last bit of confidence needed to walk independently he will be off running. 
The kid crawls so fast!
Yesterday I was watching him take off on all fours when his legs out ran his arms. His hands slid out to the sides, he hit the floor not with his face (thankfully) but with his chest and his legs were going so fast that the actually bent up behind him before suddenly coming to a complete stop.
No tears.
He was back in all fours and off full speed again.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

New Found Freedom

What a funny little guy. This morning Declan is standing against the couch and with his little fist he's jabbing me in the arm. He's also yammering on about something. Where did you learn to throw little jabs repeatedly? 
Then he's sitting on the floor with his backpack and he's trying to pack monkey in the big pocket. Guess he thought he had someplace to be.
No seriously.
Next up. Declan now pulls himself up onto the ottoman, gets up on all fours, then turns around and climbs down the other side....and....he' So much for penning him in to an area of the room for sanity. Declan has discovered a new freedom and we've realized there is a lot more baby proofing we need to do.

He certainly was fun today. Earlier in the day one time when we were playing with his mega blocks I got such a kick out of him throwing all the pieces enthusiastically across the floor. Then such a good boy he started picking them up one by one and putting them back in the bag...until he remembered he can get out. Then it was back up over the ottoman and I had to clean up the blocks AND go base down a baby.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

No 'Stop'

After a sweaty afternoon at the park Declan pushed the stroller all the way back to Kelly's with Ella sitting in the stroller. Kelly says he's did a great job walking and pushing the stroller except that he really hasn't got a stop. It's simply full speed ahead. He's kind of like that when he crawls even...just full speed ahead. He practiced some more tonight by pushing his waker around. Of course I had the keep its speed in check so there were no accidents.

As a treat our little man got to try a Happy Meal! He was so cute holding his little pack of French fries. He ate about 1/3 of the small fries before eating about 1/3 of his grilled cheese and then the entire strawberry yogurt. He really has lost his 'babiness'. Declan is a little boy.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Part of the Group

Numerous times I've witnessed the older kids at Declan's daycare handing him toys, passing him books, and of course giving him his monkey. This morning it wanted my heart to watch as my Declan, no longer the "baby" at daycare pick up a little girls lamb blanket and bring it over to her. He's caring. I saw it. He simply brought the lamb blanket back to Ella then went back to looking at books. I'm so proud of him.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Wake Up

Out late last night. Sooooo tired this morning. Agreed before bed that I'd get to sleep in a bit while Daddy got up with Declan.
I hear them in Declan's room. Then I'm still in bed with eyes closed when they go past the end of my bed and I hear Declan say "Mommy".
Well that made waking up much easier.
Then Daddy set Declan down in the bed. He crawled over to me and giggled and pushed on me saying "Mommy, mom mom mom. Mommy." This was the best wake up.
This afternoon the three if us went to Crawford lake. Walked the trail to the lake and then the boardwalk all the way around. On the trail back to the park area Daddy was playing with Declan and making him giggle. If there was a bird or squirrel or chipmunk around they'd have fled at the sound if our excited little man kicking his feet against the footrest on his stroller. Kid seriously can't hide it when he's excited.
We put down a blanket and relaxed in the grass for a while after the trails and this gave Declan some time to practice walking in the grass. He's so eager to walk he grabs our hands while we're sitting to get us up so he can walk with our assistance. 
A great Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

The Mall

So Declan and Daddy decided that it would be a nice idea to surprise me and pop into the new mall and say "Hi" at my work.
They spent an hour about 30 minutes driving around looking for a parking spot before they finally have up and drove away. So sad. Guess they need to come by on a slow week day.
Well they headed to the grocery store instead. Declan sits in the child seat of the shopping cart. Daddy pushes Declan away and they runs after the cart so Declan giggles and squeals all over the grocery store. Then finally after bagging the groceries and starting to leave Declan says loudly to the lady behind them "BYE"!
He's a character.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Hanging With My Buddy

Up early this morning. Declan and I were headed to the car dealership for regular oil change/ checkup. We got there for 8:30am and we ventured off for a stroll while they worked on the car. Found ourselves a Tim Horton's so we went in for some breakfast. Declan ate an entire hashbrown, 1/3rd of my breakfast sandwich and 1 whole Tim Bit. Then he polished off an entire yogurt cup. What an appetite.

When the car appointment was over we hit the road once more and drove to Daddy's work. While driving I hear Declan in the back saying "da da dada da d da". I look back and he's got his iPhone up to his head while he talks. How cute. He thinks he's calling Daddy.

At Daddy's work it was pretty quiet. Declan got to see his Daddy, then he practiced walking and finally he got down and speed crawled all over the isles.what great baby exercise!!
Next up.... We drove to Oakville Place. Visit the family washrooms then we visited a few shops. Declan was great company. 
Then...what a busy day. We had to grab some groceries before getting home for lunch.
No morning nap. This kid is getting big.
A nice long 2 hour nap after his lunch. He was set for the remainder of his day.
While we were out and about picked up a cute backpack for the kid. Tonight he was packing and unpacking clothes.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Playing with the other kids at Kelly's house, Declan can hear that Daddy has arrived and is walking to the front door. Declan drops all toys and starts speed crawling with such enthusiasm-Daddy's here.....
The door opens...
Declan freezes....
That's not Daddy.
All that excitement and then denied. Kelly says he just sat with a confused look on his face.
And then, not too much longer and Daddy arrived to one very happy little boy.
Declan babbled all the way home in the car.

Oh and it's official, they've finally made way through the gums. Our little Muffin Man has four brand new teeth through the gums with two more trying.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

My Fishy

Declan and I were in the pool for well over an hour today.
Started in his umbrella floaty. He would toss his five animals in the water, we'd toss them back at him, he'd giggle, toss them back in the water and over and over and over. I'd make splashes and waves for him and then Auntie T jumped in the deep end near him so that he'd get splashed. He lived it.
Next up: the float boat. This one I have to hang on to otherwise it's really tippy. I'd push off the side if the pool holding him so he'd get some speed. Lots of smiles. Uncle Scott came in the pool. He asked Declan to say "Scott".
I leaned in and said "say Uncle".
Declan said "Auntie"...and Teresa smiled.
Then finally no floaties just mommy and Declan. I tossed him high in the air, he stood on the side of the pool and fell in on the count of three, he held into just my hands and kicked around and he played on the steps in the shallow end.
Kid was exhausted.
So was I.
Good spirits and fun the entire time.
Poor little man. Before bed he was upset and I looked in his mouth to see one if the big molars pushed through. So many teeth still working their way. He's one tough little boy.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Grown Up

After bringing Declan to daycare an talking with Kelly for a but it was time for me to go.
Declan was already playing.
"Bye Declan"
He comes crawling over super fast. Stands up. Kisses me, gives me a hug then gets back down in all fours and crawls away.
He's so independent.
He's so grown up.
I'm both sad and proud.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Really Sounded Like "Auntie"

I couldn't get Declan out of his car seat fast enough this morning. He was so eager to walk to Kelly's that he practically jumped out of my arms. He does a quick work, then he twists and he pushes with his arms and legs to get down. There is going to come a time, very soon when he'll be stronger than me.
He did walk nicely, with My assistance right up to Kelly's door. When I finally left to head in to work Declan was sitting on the floor nicely playing with a pile of toys and three little girls playing around him. 

I got home from work at a decent time so Daddy gave Declan his dinner quickly so I could take my Muffin Man swimming with  his Auntie T. Declan was so much fun in the pool. He kept thinking he could swim. He'd get excited and start to head off away from me, then he'd remember he can't swim on his own yet. He'd turn suddenly and grip on tight to my swim suit.

There was this sweet moment where all the sudden, unsolicited, Declan turned his face to mine and have me a big kiss. Declan you already have my heart you don't have to try so hard.

And finally, Auntie T kept asking Declan to say "Auntie". Declan babbled on, sharing a story he really cared about, and then said what sounded an awful lot like "Auntie". He said it a few more time. Yay Declan!!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Doing Laps

Declan is so excited to be walking. Still with our support, he's not quite there yet on his own. This evening Declan was practically doing laps of our place. Daddy would put his hand at Declan's elbows for support and Declan would walk from the TV room all the way into his room and back again, then there her goes another round from the TV room onto his bedroom. This went on for a long time with pit stops along the way where Declan could look at himself in the mirror and laugh. 
Proud Daddy.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Fun Outings With Daddy

It was a full day with Daddy. 
As I was getting ready to leave for work this morning we could hear Declan playing with his musical crib toy. Yup, he was up nice and early (7:20am) for his Daddy-Declan day.
The boys stayed in for the morning but after lunch they headed to lakeshore in Oakville for a stroll down the main strip. Followed that up with a visit to Oakville Place Mall where Declan picked out an old country CD for the car ride home.
After dinner my Muffin Man couldn't sit still. Holding my fingers he was walking fast as he could from the TV room into his bedroom and back again...and again. No wonder he went off to sleep so easily tonight. He tired himself right out. He likes walking/standing so much now that he even stood in the bath tonight when he felt he was done. Then he grabbed onto my fingers and stepped out of the fun onto the carpet. No signs of my baby left. He's growing up too fast.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Up He Goes

Mommy and Declan day started off with morning cuddles and breakfast. Of course some Phineus and Ferb and some free range baby. Declan was well behaved and it was nice getting ready while he played on the floor near me.
Once our day bags were ready and we had on our shoes we were on our way. Declan got ahead of me and started climbing up the stairs. Two steps...then I simply climbed up right behind him and let him climbed the entire staircase. So big mister.

On the drive to Daniella's my Muffin Man crashed for about 15 minutes. He woke up while I was going through Tim Hortons drive thru for tea and coffee. Soon as those eyes opened he was pointing at a picture of a box of Tim Bits and babbling away.
So I got a ten pack for Chelsey and Declan.

When we arrived and Daniella's, Chelsey was outside showing us that she started walking just this week. Declan showed off by holding my hands and walking to meet her. Then he speed crawled off to the garage to find toys.

Inside the little ones played so well. Declan was laying on his back with monkey covering his face all while kicking him legs feverishly with excitement. Chelsey would tear off monkey from his head and both Declan and Chelsey would laugh. Back would go monkey and this would happen again...over and over...loads of giggles.

Three times Declan would climb the entire staircase at Daniella's. i think he was getting himself a bit worn out. The two rug rats went down for a midday nap  in the same room. Declan in the playpen and Chelsey in her crib. Both out easily. A good 2 hour nap for them both. They are the best.

Home about 5pm and when Declan say Daddy he almost walked to him without holding my hands for assistance. He thought to grab them last moment before speeding over to his Daddy. 
For the last 40minutes before bed Declan got to spend time with Poppa and Gramma. He got to show off his new walking skills, his new interest in resting on pillows and how much he could giggle.
Kisses goodnight to all and this happy kid was off to slumberland instantly.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Drop the Pillow

Daddy and Declan have a new game. Declan lays on a pillow and looks up at Daddy who stands over hi and then drops another pillow down onto Declan. Fun for days. Declan got the giggles and couldn't stop. Oh little man. So excited for our day together tomorrow!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Miss My Little Man

Long day at work and my little boy was fast asleep in bed when I got home. 
Can't wait until 5pm tomorrow so I can rush home to see him.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Cuddling Cousins

My poor monkey was a bit down because of all those teeth making their way through. Declan woke from his morning nap to his cousin Madison. He was a but teary and cranky but it made for some awesome cuddle time. Declan grabbed his blanket and curled up with Madison to watch Phineus and Ferb. So nice for the both of them.

Monday, 12 August 2013

He Makes Me Giggle

Walking from the car to Kelly's door this morning Declan was such a nut. He'd step with his left foot then bring his right up high out to the side and around and down, then another step with the left foot and up high out to the side and around again with the right. Really. A nut.

Then inside at Kelly's and right away he discovers the remotes are up high by the TV. He sure has no problem standing up there and reaching them. So Kelly moves them over to the high chair tray and doesn't he sneak over and reach up high on tip toes to get them. 
Boys and remotes.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Afternoon Trails

Whenever we'd given Declan a Timbit we always gave him and unfrosted old fashioned one. this morning Daddy brought home Timbits. declan was excited when he saw the box. I reached in and grabbed a honey dipped Timbit and offered it to him but he got all upset with me. So I then offered the unfrosted old fashion one which he quickly scooped out of my hand and ate. Boy knows what he wants.

Yesterday evening Daddy was clapping his hands and when Declan starting clapping his Daddy began to recite "Paddy Cake, Paddy Cake." Then Declan stopped clapping and crawled over to his books. He dug though until he found his nursery rhymes book. Then he brought it over to Daddy and opened it to the "Paddy Cake" page. Smarty pants.

This afternoon the three of us visited Rattlesnake Point. We went for an hr and a half walk along the trails. Declan was pretty chill. He leaned back in his stroller, ate some snacks and took in the views. Such a nice afternoon.

Saturday, 10 August 2013


Our Declan learned something new today. This evening while playing together Daddy laid down and put his head on a pillow. Declan was watching an learning. When Daddy got up Declan laid down and put his head on the pillow. The little man wants to be just like his Daddy.

Friday, 9 August 2013


Wanted Declan to walk from the car in to Kelly's again this morning. When I was putting him down on his feet as he got out of the car he was so eager. I think he started walking before her even officially had feet touch the ground. He walked all the way but today when we walked inside her door he lost balance and fell butt first to the floor. Didn't stop him. Declan crawled to her two entrance way steps and climbed on up into the living room. What the!?! He climbs stairs!?!? 

Ok, I guess he can climb stairs.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

So they say

When we arrived at daycare this morning I parked in the usual place, got Declan out and set him down so he was standing at my feet. Then holding on to my hands he walked the whole way to Kelly's front door...and then inside and all the way through to the living room. Yay!!! He's getting lots of practice now.

So I spent a little time there before heading off to work. While chatting with Kelly she tells me that there were two different occasions just last week alone that someone approached her the park to tell her how gorgeous he son was. Then she tells me "I didn't correct them and say he wasn't mine". Too funny. She thinks he's pretty special too...and cute, yup, he's pretty cute.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Year and a Half

Last night this Mommy was too tired to write a Daily Declan entry. Fell asleep on the couch just at 9pm and woke up after 2am and moved to the bed. 

Today I was home all day with my guy and he's a big boy now, officially a year and a half old. I'm shocked. Time is flying by. Declan is amazing. He's the best company anyone could ever be.

The best part of today was when I took Declan for a walk. He sat in his blue car and ate goldfish crackers. He loves observing his world, looking all around. Then as we neared home Declan got excited because he saw Daddy waiting in the driveway. We stopped and Declan got out. Then holding onto my hands he walked over to his Daddy. 
He's a big boy. A whole 18 months.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Got Aim?

I had to say goodbye as soon as Declan got up this morning. declan hung out with Gramma while Mommy and Daddy were at work.
I expected Declan to not reconize Daddy when he got home from work because he shaved off his beard after Declan went to bed. He proved ke wrong and he was fine but he couldnt stop touching Daddys face and giggle.
They had lots of playtime and played hind and seek with monkey.
It was a nice afternoon for Daddy and Declan.
This evening...
Declan pee'd on Daddy,
the change table, 
the wall.

(Tee hee)

Sunday, 4 August 2013

What a Full Day

Loved today.
My little boy is practicing standing and even walking. He just needs some incentive. Mommy standing was enough this morning.

Daddy was home today too. There was lots of morning playtime. Then it turned weird and Declan was playfully smothering Daddy. That is if smothering can be playful.

New discovery today; Declan has a few new teeth. How he's managed to remain happy in spite of the new teeth is rather impressive.

Since the weather was beautiful today the three of us headed to Burlington lakeshore for a picnic lunch. Declan got to play with a ladybug.  Thought a couple times that he might eat or squish the ladybug. In the end, the bug survived even though Declan was hanging on the poor bug's wing.

We then took Declan for a long walk along the lakeshore in his stroller. Stopped on the beach where he could see the waves and some guys racing around on wave runners. He loved it. He had so much to say and there were many squeals. He's going to love when he gets bigger.

When we made it back to the grass we took Declan out of the stroller and holding onto my hands he walked the rest of the way back to the sidewalk. It was quite a distance. So proud of him. He was rather pleased with himself too.

Really was a nice day.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Naked TV Viewing

The Muffin Man was simply not interested in being undressed/changed for bed this evening. He cried when I took off his shorts. Then he cried when I grabbed his shirt. He was happy when I let him roam around in his diaper. So I waited for him to come back to me to change his diaper and get pjs on.
And I waited.
He took a wipe and was using it on the outside of his diaper.
He gets that he needs it but can't do this all on his own.
Then he crawled over to the TV and stood up to watch real close. While he simply stood there I ripped off the wet diaper and there he was...all bare bottomed and watching TV.
It was pretty cute.
I finally got the new diaper on, complete with pjs and then we cuddled during his bedtime bottle and rubbing of the eyes. 

Friday, 2 August 2013

Trust Fall

An entire day off with my Declan. I had so much fun. This morning Declan and I shared a banana. I peeled the banana and sat beside him. Of course he reached for it right away but I told him no hands. I took a bite then Declan took a bite. He loved it. Each time the banana came near his lips he smiled then opened his mouth wide. Sure was a nice way to start our breakfast.
Later in the day Declan was standing at the ottoman. He was holding on with just one hand and then he looked back and saw that I was behind him. With that he let go and fell straight back into me and of course I caught him but geeeeezzz Declan. You shouldn't do that. What if I hadn't noticed you starting to fall and didn't catch you. What a nut.
The funniest part I'd the day though has to be when I left Declan in the room alone with a new package of baby wipes. He pulled almost the entire package of wipes out. He's super fast.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Again With The Late Night Play

8:45pm and Declan's been in bed since 8pm. Hasn't made a sound and then here we go again. We hear the sound of the cord pull followed by a lullaby , over and over. The little mister puts himself to sleep with his toy night after night.